




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:mò sè







  1. 墨的色泽。亦泛指如墨之色。

    唐 白居易 《游悟真寺》诗:“粉壁有 吴 画,笔彩依旧鲜;素屏有楮书,墨色如新乾。” 宋 晁贯之 《墨经·色》:“凡墨色紫光为上,墨光次之,青光又次之,白光为下。”《宋史·范纯仁传》:“昼夜肄业,至夜分不寝,置灯帐中,帐顶如墨色。” 明 田汝成 《西湖游览志馀·艺文赏鉴》:“﹝ 夏珪 ﹞工人物山水,醖酿墨色,丽如染传,笔法苍老,墨汁淋漓。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》十五:“一滴一滴,眼泪从她的眼眶里滚出了,掉在手里的信笺上,墨色着了湿显得光润夺目。”



  1. So I turned in the paper on the front side with painting with a color change, to be followed by careful observation of children.


  2. melting into the depth of a landscape painting, you faded out into the dark background.


  3. Screen printing labels is characterized by a strong, inks may be the icing on the strong UV ink printed film products.


  4. Sunlight filters through Saturn's rings in sepia tones in this artful view of the dark side of the rings taken from the Cassini spacecraft.


  5. The only difference is that she was wearing a red hat De France, and he wears a black glasses.


  6. Too complex? Drive the Mulholland Drive Street of L. A. on your own and put on some real dark glasses for viewing all the film stars. . .


  7. do not need dusting, there is no accumulation of ink, ink almost non-existent.


  8. The higher the whiteness of the paper, printing inks, the more vibrant colours, Visual effects, the better.


  9. To ensure that the business card printing and membership card making, form he, ink handwriting; clear.


  1. 这个条幅墨色很润。

    This scroll is written in dark fullbodied ink.

  2. 墨色整体变浅之我见

    Why the Color of Inks Turned Light

  3. 从黑色到白色到乌贼墨色

    from black and white to a sepia tone

  4. 所以鉴定墨玉要看墨色的分布。

    So should see the black distribution to appraise the black jade.

  5. 提到了乌贼墨色而全体被炒。

    the words sepia tonesat a party.

  6. 铜表面着油墨色及古铜色的研究

    On Tinting the Surface of Copper into Printing Ink and Bronze

  7. 有些部分填了墨色, 也有些染色的痕迹。

    Some parts are filled with ink washes, some painted with colors.

  8. 有些部分填了墨色, 也有些染色得痕迹。

    Some parts are filled with ink washes, some painted with colors.

  9. 俄倾风定云墨色,秋天漠漠向昏黑。

    Russian tilt gradation, autumn wind set cloud MoMo to darkness.

  10. 轻点红尘, 一溪墨色的凄凉跃然心间。

    Click the Red, a stream of bleak vividly ink heart.

  11. 油墨色不弱越不小, 越挨近各个角, 越挨近洋性色。

    The larger the ink color intensity closer to stay away from corners, the more neutral colors.

  12. 他画牡丹, 施用浓艳的洋红, 与墨色对比

    In painting the peony, he liked to use a bright red color with the ink in order to form a strong contrast.

  13. 在泼墨山水画里, 你从墨色深处被隐去。

    Hills and water, your receding figure blended well with the picture.

  14. 剑首为圆环形,首端镶嵌一块墨色玉石。

    The sword head is wreath form, the head carries to inset piece of and black jade.

  15. 不需要喷粉,不存在油墨堆积,几乎不存在墨色波动。

    do not need dusting, there is no accumulation of ink, ink almost nonexistent.

  16. 对着墨色,却无词可填。断了相思,却无话可说。

    To ink, but no word can fill. Broken love, no words to say.

  17. 枕河人家如墨色般倒影在黑白斑驳的光影中。

    Reflection of old housing as black and white ink paintings.

  18. 飘浮于于拥挤的面具上的魂灵花瓣零落在潮湿的墨色枝桠

    The phantoms of those faces in the crowd petals on a wet black bough

  19. 墨色的变化、韵律,线条的穿插组合,都显得极具匠心。

    We can find the ingenuity with an inventive mind alone from the variety, rhythm of color, interlude and combination of lines of his works.

  20. 枕河人家如墨色般倒影在黑白斑驳得光影中。

    Reflection of old housing as black and white ink paintings.

  21. 吸墨性强的纸,印品墨色色相容易发淡,墨层也缺乏光泽度。

    Ink absorption of paper, printing inks, easy hair color ink layer also lack luster.


  1. 问:墨色拼音怎么拼?墨色的读音是什么?墨色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨色的读音是mò sè,墨色翻译成英文是 mass color

  2. 问:墨色毒蛾拼音怎么拼?墨色毒蛾的读音是什么?墨色毒蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨色毒蛾的读音是mòsèdú'é,墨色毒蛾翻译成英文是 Aroa scytodes

  3. 问:墨色浓度拼音怎么拼?墨色浓度的读音是什么?墨色浓度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨色浓度的读音是mò sè nóng dù,墨色浓度翻译成英文是 print density

  4. 问:墨色带打印拼音怎么拼?墨色带打印的读音是什么?墨色带打印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨色带打印的读音是mò sè dài dǎ yìn,墨色带打印翻译成英文是 ink ribbon printing