


相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:lián zhe







  1. 谓依附。




  1. Mature appearance of bright red strawberries, a few green leaves attached to the top, as if wearing a green fat baby hat.


  2. On top of that was the 67-mile high-speed rail link, running through south London and Kent - the Garden of England.


  3. Rushing a few more ideas through his head then realizing he had nothing left to do, he turned around to plead once more.


  4. You insert one of the balls in your vagina, and it has a string attached to it with a little hook at the very end.


  5. The dry season, no one expected that he would be so wet under the rain did not look even a few days of sun, a rainy season completely.


  6. I will probably wear socks with sandals at least once. If it bothers you, I'll make sure not to tell people I'm your roommate.


  7. hooked up to a dialysis machine powered by a creaking generator. That was a popular image, given the fact that no one could find him.


  8. "He had been a little bit odd for several months, but I couldn't really put my finger on it, " Laura says.


  9. But a few hours later, a road-clearing team found antipersonnel mines connected to a much larger bomb buried just up the road.


  1. 电线连着话筒。

    The wire leads toa speaker.

  2. 连着丝点易位

    aneucentric translocation

  3. 当然,连着剑鞘。

    With the scabbard, of course.

  4. 屋子旁边连着车库。

    A garage flanked the house.

  5. 这一个连着的。

    This one's still connected.

  6. 安全连着你我他。

    Safety affects us all.

  7. 他连着四届当选。

    He was reelected for four consecutive terms.

  8. 他连着四任当选。

    He was reelected for four consecutive terms.

  9. 因为导尿管还连着

    Due to the catheter and the epidural.

  10. 我已经连着出局了。

    I had a few bad outings in a row.

  11. 连着发动机的钢链,

    The steel chain connected with the engine

  12. 连着发动机得钢链,

    The steel chain connected with the engine.

  13. 整一排连着三枪。

    Three times in a row.

  14. 你连着工作了三天

    You've been working for three days straight.

  15. 教师连着讲了两遍。

    The teacher explained twice in succession.

  16. 萼裂片不明显花瓣连着。

    Calyx lobes inconspicuous.Petals coherent.

  17. 你不能连着上两班。

    You are unable to work double shifts.

  18. 一座桥连着两个岛屿。

    A bridge connected the two islands.

  19. 连着教堂中心部位的大厅。

    a vestibule leading to the nave of a church.

  20. 我发誓,她俩还是连着的。

    I swear they would still be attached.

  21. 但是已经连着四个晚上了。

    But it's been four nights in a row now.

  22. 祖国的山山水水连着我的心

    Every acre of the territory of my homeland is tied up with my heart

  23. 有的, 它连着一间专用浴室。

    Yes, it has a private bathroom adjoining.

  24. 有得, 它连着一间专用浴室。

    Yes, it has a private bathroom adjoining.

  25. 这绳子是陷阱!它连着柱子!

    This rope is boobytrapped! Its tied to a pillar!

  26. 它们一只连着一只直到井里。

    And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.

  27. 可他一直连着那些监测仪器

    But he was hooked up to all those machines.

  28. 我们刚刚连着干了三次呢!

    We had just fucked three times!

  29. 它连着这个,我的电子监控器。

    It transmits to this, my electronic monitoring device.

  30. 它连着这个,我的电子监控器。

    It transmits to this, my electronic monitoring device.


  1. 问:连着拼音怎么拼?连着的读音是什么?连着翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连着的读音是liánzhe,连着翻译成英文是 cohesion

  2. 问:连着丝粒易位拼音怎么拼?连着丝粒易位的读音是什么?连着丝粒易位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:连着丝粒易位的读音是lián zhuó sī lì yì wèi,连着丝粒易位翻译成英文是 aneucentric translocation