如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 冒 [mào]2. 冒 [mò]冒 [mào]向外透或往上升:~烟(a.烟往上升;b.发怒)。~汗。~尖。不顾(恶劣的环境或危险等),顶着:~雨。~险。~死。不加小心,鲁莽,冲撞:~失。~昧。~进(不顾具体条件,急躁进行)。用假的充当……
1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……
汉语拼音:mào hào
The format is like the system's PATH environment variable: a list of directories separated with a colon in Unix or semicolon in Windows.
格式和系统的PATH环境变量类似:一组目录的列表,在UNIX下用冒号分隔,在Windows下用分号分隔。The syntax for the control fields is very simple: the name of the field, followed by a colon, and then the body or value of the field.
控制字段的语法非常简单:字段名称,后跟冒号,再后面是字段体或值。The method signature ends with a colon, which indicates that the body of the function follows on subsequent lines.
方法签名以冒号结尾,表示下面的代码行是函数体。By trying to add a colon, the fields will be adjusted, and all expected values would shift to the right.
添加冒号就会影响对字段位置的解释,所有期望值会向右移。The first part of the ID string identifies the kind of member being identified, via a single character followed by a colon .
ID字符串的第一部分通过单个字符后跟一个冒号来标识被标识成员的种类。Place an identifier , followed by a colon , at the beginning of the line of source code .
将标识符放在源代码行的行首,后面加上冒号。It can be used as a pause or a colon: very handy for spinning out a mere anecdote into a playlet that's full of parody and speculation.
词可以停顿或冒号:将一件小事渲染成充斥着滑稽模仿和揣测的短剧时,词用起来很。It resolved the squares - into a colon and a bracket. A smile. Thank you!
结果方框变成了一个冒号和一个括号,组成了一个笑脸。A URI reference that starts with a scheme and a colon is absolute; otherwise, the reference is relative.