




1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:zōng pài









  1. 泛称宗族内部嫡庶与大小宗支。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《仰赠从兄兴宁寘南》诗:“家世传儒雅,贞白仰餘徽。宗派已孤狭,财产又贫微。”《宣和遗事》后集:“或日,有中贵人坐庭上,与番相对坐,引帝至庭下语曰:‘北国皇帝欲立 赵氏 为后,称是 荆王 女, 吴王 孙女,未知宗派实跡,遣我来问,汝可具图上。’” 元 无名氏 《谢金吾》第一折:“那廝道朝中臣宰,则俺 杨 家也不是民间宗派。”

  2. 借称后代。

    明 柯丹邱 《荆钗记·哭鞋》:“儿,你不念我年华高迈,不念我形衰力败,不念我无人养老,不念我絶宗派。”

  3. 政治、学术、文艺、宗教等方面的不同派别。

    宋 王十朋 《读东坡诗》诗:“ 东坡 文章冠天下,日月争光薄风雅。谁分宗派故谤伤,蚍蜉撼树不自量。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·周繇》:“言诗亦然。宗派或殊,风义必合。”《西游记》第十四回:“猴王道:‘不劳师父盛意,我原有个法名,叫做 孙悟空 。’ 三藏 欢喜道:‘也正合我们的宗派。’” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷二:“ 程山 门人尚有 傅与 、 李萼林 、 邵濬明 ,亦篤学力行,不愧宗派。” 李详 《论桐城派》:“古云师法,无所谓宗派者,有之自 宋 吕居仁 《江西宗派图》始;然‘一祖三宗’之説, 山谷 、 后山 、 简斋 ,尚在人口,其下则蔑如也。”

  4. 谓以为宗;效法,学习。

    清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·高青丘诗》:“惟 高青邱 才气超迈,音节响亮,宗派 唐 人,而自出新意。”

  5. 今指为不正当目的结成的小集团。

    孙犁 《婚姻》:“为了分买拆炮楼的砖瓦,东西两头,结成宗派,尖锐地对立起来。”



  1. Such sectarian sniping, inflamed by traditional notions of women as the repository of family honour, has not been the only cause of strife.


  2. John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes.


  3. It is a setting for a range of behaviours at least as peculiar as anything that an ethnographer might uncover among the clans of Samoa.


  4. The dark forces of civil conflict and sectarian war will have to be averted, and difficult political and economic concerns addressed.


  5. "As long as the feeling of identity in Lebanon remains sectarian, it's impossible to talk about history on a patriotic basis, " he said.


  6. It feels optimistic, as if representing Mr Siti's ability to see past Iraq's recent sectarian record and into a unified future.


  7. It is possible that within a year or 18 months a non-sectarian Iraqi army will be able to do much of the work the Americans do now.


  8. I believe that if we were precipitously to withdraw from Baghdad at this point, there would be a dramatic increase in sectarian violence.


  9. Hundreds of people have been killed in religious clashes in the town since the beginning of this year.


  1. 为什么我们不是宗派?

    Why We Are Not A Denomination?

  2. 这不是搞宗派吗

    Isn't this indulging in sectarianism.

  3. 防止宗派主义的倾向

    guard against sectarian tendencies

  4. 他谴责宗教宗派主义。

    He condemned religious sectarianism.

  5. 分成各种宗派的倡议

    Advocacy of separation into religious denominations.

  6. 曾国藩及其理学宗派

    Zeng Guofan and His Confucian Sects

  7. 这就是宗派主义的倾向。

    This is indeed a sectarian tendency.

  8. 宗派的宗派的, 与宗派有关的, 或具有宗派色彩的。

    Sectarian Of, relating to, or characteristic of a sect.

  9. 紧密小宗派由于摩擦破裂了。

    The compact faction fractured because of friction.

  10. 干部应该防止宗派主义的倾向。

    Cadres should guard against sectarian tendencies.

  11. 宗教团体可能堕落为宗派俱乐部。

    Religious societies may dwindle into factious clubs

  12. 他属于一个克制享乐的宗派。

    He belongs to a small sect which abnegates pleasure.

  13. 运动中有大量的宗派之争。

    There has been a substantial amount of factionalism within the movement.

  14. 你和所有宗派主义者同样狭隘。

    You are as bad as the other sectarians.

  15. 各种宗派开始在小镇爆发出来。

    Factions began to erupt all over the town.

  16. 隋唐佛教四大宗派佛学论析

    Analysis of Four Sects of Buddhism in the Sui and Tang Dynasty

  17. 宗派主义正在使党和国家四分五裂。

    Factionalism was tearing the party and the country apart.

  18. 宗派主义暴力运动席卷了伊拉克。

    Sectarian violence rages in Iraq.

  19. 现在我来讲一讲宗派主义得问题。

    Let me now speak about the question of sectarianism.

  20. 你们希望看到内战和宗派屠杀吗?

    Would you like to see civil war, sectarian killing?

  21. 然而, 对宗派危机的担忧被夸大了。

    Yet fears of a sectarian meltdown are overblown.

  22. 关于福音派教会各宗派的合法性

    On the Legitimacy of Evangelical Churches and Denominations.

  23. 一个不能接受其它宗派观点的宗派成员。

    a member of a sect who is intolerant of the views of any other sect.

  24. 班,排,装备和宗派得协作对比赛批评。

    Coordination of squad, platoon, outfit and faction is critical to the game.

  25. 班,排,装备和宗派的协作对比赛批评。

    Coordination of squad, platoon, outfit and faction is critical to the game.

  26. 反对不正确的宗派主义的干部政策,承认正确的干部政策

    Oppose an incorrect, sectarian policy on cadres, and uphold the correct policy on cadres.

  27. 最大得宗派为浸信会, 其次是信义会。

    The Baptists form the largest denomination, followed by the Lutherans.

  28. 最大的宗派为浸信会,其次是信义会。

    The Baptists form the largest denomination, followed by the Lutherans.

  29. 阿们宗派人还定居在北美的其他地方。

    The Amish also settled in other areas of north North America.

  30. 阿们宗派人还定居在北美得其他地方。

    The Amish also settled in other areas of north North America.


  1. 问:宗派拼音怎么拼?宗派的读音是什么?宗派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宗派的读音是zōngpài,宗派翻译成英文是 faction

  2. 问:宗派的拼音怎么拼?宗派的的读音是什么?宗派的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宗派的的读音是,宗派的翻译成英文是 denominational

  3. 问:宗派主义拼音怎么拼?宗派主义的读音是什么?宗派主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宗派主义的读音是,宗派主义翻译成英文是 sectarianism


