


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……


1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……



汉语拼音:pài bié







  1. 水分道而流。

    晋 左思 《吴都赋》:“百川派别,归海而会。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·漾水》:“虽津流派别,枝渠势县,原始要终,潜流或一。” 宋 邵博 《闻见后录》卷三:“ 会稽 、 丹阳 容有此三江,然皆是东南枝流小水,自相派别而入海者。”

  2. 水的支流。

    唐 韩愈 《病中赠张十八》诗:“半涂喜开凿,派别失 大江 。” 宋 曾巩 《山水屏》诗:“歷远始紆徐,派别输众谷。”

  3. 事物的分支。多用以指学术、宗教、政党等内部因主张不同而形成的分支或小团体。

    宋 陆游 《上执政书》:“原委如是,派别如是,机杼如是,边幅如是,自《六经》《左氏》《离骚》以来,歷歷分明,皆可指数。” 清 徐用锡 《得何义门太史凶信》诗:“君学谨派别,原本切讲究。” 周恩来 《关于一九二四至二六年党对国民党的关系》:“在当时形势下,国民党在组织上自然而然地形成各种派别,对三民主义也自然而然地作各种解释。”

  4. 区分,区别。

    《宋书·志序》:“《刑法》《食货》,前説已该,随流派别,附之纪传。” 唐 冯贽 《<云仙杂记>序》:“ 天祐 元年,退归故里,筑选书室以居,取九世所蓄典籍经史子集二十万八千一百二十卷,六千九百餘帙,撮其膏髓,别为一书,其门目未暇派别也。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·经籍会通一》:“《番阳通考》以四部分门,实因旧史,而支流派别,条理井然。”



  1. not to follow me, not to make out of me a cage which will become a religion, a sect.


  2. But his reputation, like that of the junta, was left tattered by the fiascos over currency controls and foreign business-ownership.


  3. He wasn't an extreme man. He didn't like politics. But he was ready to do something. We didn't know it would be that.


  4. He said that this was anti-government factions hold a dialogue with representatives of the Qaddafi regime prerequisite.


  5. The Islamist leadership seems to have little control over the wilder jihadist groups, and is itself hardening on human rights.


  6. Also, despite all the blather about juche (self-reliance), it would be odd if rival factions did not court outside help.


  7. Mr. Maliki said he had plenty of evidence implicating other political leaders and factions, which he didn't name, in acts of violence.


  8. Only a very few of the courts seem to have terrorist leanings.


  9. What about the wars that took place in Europe between the different Christian sects, including the Catholics and the Protestants?


  1. 心理学派别

    schools of psychology.

  2. 制止派别活动

    put an end to factional activities

  3. 基督教异端派别

    Heretical Sects of Christianity

  4. 我属于那个派别?

    To what faction do I belong?

  5. 政府中的对立派别

    rival factions within the administration

  6. 党内的对立派别

    Rival factions within the party

  7. 党内对立的派别

    rival factions within the party

  8. 分裂出来的小派别

    splinter party

  9. 我不属于任何派别。

    I belong to no party.

  10. 那个派别最适合进攻?

    Which faction is best for offense?

  11. 这使得各派别进退两难。

    This puts the junta in a quandary.

  12. 该政党分成多个派别

    The party splited into factions.

  13. 派别间的冲突, 纷争等

    communal strife, disturbances, etc

  14. 完全献身于某一派别。

    excessively devoted to one faction.

  15. 不举行洗礼的宗教派别

    a sect that does not baptize

  16. 他们不属任何宗教派别。

    They have no religious denomination.

  17. 隶属于某个政党或者派别。

    affiliated with one party or faction.

  18. 穆斯林世界有两大派别。

    Now there are two groups that exist within the Muslim world.

  19. 第二,不准搞派别活动。

    Second, factional activities are banned.

  20. 而道教是一个宗教派别。

    And Taoism is a religious sect.

  21. 同一国家里派别间的战争。

    a war between factions in the same country.

  22. 不愿意接受新观念的派别。

    a faction that is unwilling to accept new ideas.

  23. 不限于特定宗教派别的。

    not restricted to a particular religious denomination.

  24. 来自不同政治派别的党派

    parties from across the political spectrum

  25. 来自不同政治派别的党派

    parties from across the political spectrum

  26. 该党已分裂成几个派别。

    The party has broken up into several splinter groups.

  27. 他的派别既是他的力量也是他的诅咒。

    His faction is both his strength and his curse.

  28. 西班牙没有官方的宗教派别。

    Spain has no official religion.

  29. 该党内部有各种不同得派别。

    There are various factions within the party.

  30. 该党内部有各种不同的派别。

    There are various factions within the party.


  1. 问:派别拼音怎么拼?派别的读音是什么?派别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:派别的读音是pàibié,派别翻译成英文是 school of thought


派别,读音pài bié,汉语词语,宗教、政党或学术团体内因不同主张而形成的各种分支或门派。