


1. 辗 [zhǎn]2. 辗 [niǎn]辗 [zhǎn]〔~转(zhuǎn)〕a.身体翻来覆去地,如“~~反侧”;b.间接,经过曲折,如“~~传说”。均亦作“展转”。辗 [niǎn]古同“碾”,轧。……


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……



汉语拼音:zhǎn zhuǎn










  1. 翻来覆去的样子。

    《诗·陈风·泽陂》:“寤寐无为,辗转伏枕。” 朱熹 集传:“辗转伏枕,卧而不寐,思之深且久也。” 宋 王安石 《夜梦与和甫别如赴北京时和甫作诗觉而有作因寄纯甫》:“中夜遂不眠,辗转涕流离。” 魏巍 《东方》第一部第十章:“ 郭祥 辗转不能成寐。第二天一大早,就到大妈家辞行,告知她明天回部队去。”

  2. 反复不定。

    《后汉书·来历传》:“ 歷 怫然,廷詰 皓 曰:‘属通諫何言,而今復背之?大臣乘朝车,处国事,固得辗转若此乎!’” 李贤 注:“辗转,不定也。”《明史·沉束传》:“辗转思维,进退无策。”

  3. 转移;经过许多地方。

    《文选·古乐府<饮马长城窟行>》:“佗乡各异县,辗转不可见。” 李善 注:“字书曰:辗,亦展字也。《説文》曰:展,转也。 郑玄 《毛诗笺》曰:转,移也。” 清 陈维崧 《早发望亭》诗:“棹歌写风波,羣动互辗转。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“若其生活两间,居天然之掌握,辗转而未得脱者,则使之闻之,固声之最雄桀伟美者矣。”

  4. 经过许多人的手;非直接地。

    巴金 《寒夜》二四:“他上次考了个备取,他母亲费了大力辗转托人讲情,他才能够进去。”



  1. A criminal delinquent in his youth, Billy spent most of his formative years in and out of foster homes.


  2. So while I'm turning in my sheets, and once again, I cannot sleep. Walk out the door and up the street.


  3. Then in seeking battle we milled around between the enemy's main forces and his block houses and were reduced to complete passivity.


  4. I was squirming all over the place before I started the video, after a bit of getting use to them though its not to hard.


  5. And Draco has an endless night to turn that over in his head , as the shadows never fade and the morning never comes .


  6. That explain why I got to work late everyday, unless I really unable to fall asleep again and finally wake up reluctantly at 7am plus.


  7. This undoubtedly is very selfish of me because I have learned that this rechecking of each day gives me a good night's sleep.


  8. All night I have been tossing and turning, racking my brains to think of what could have possessed that poor young man to kill himself.


  9. As the door turneth upon its hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed.


  1. 心辗转反侧

    The heart tosses and turns.

  2. 悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。

    He tosses all night long, So deep in love, so deep!

  3. 我整夜辗转反侧

    I tossed and turned all night.

  4. 在床上辗转反侧

    tumBle restlessly in Bed

  5. 辗转来到陕北

    come all the way to northern Shanxi through many places

  6. 我辗转于床上。

    I turn over in bed.

  7. 他睡觉时辗转反侧。

    He tossed about in his sleep.

  8. 她在床上辗转反侧。

    She tossed about in her bed.

  9. 辗转到生命的尽头。

    With the growth ring of time.

  10. 我在睡眠中辗转反侧

    Tossing and turning in my sleep

  11. 那天晚上我辗转反侧。

    That night I tossed and turned.

  12. 我辗转反侧睡不着。

    I couldn't fall asleep, but kept tossing and turning.

  13. 夜阑人静, 我辗转反侧,

    Late at night i toss and turn and dream

  14. 多项式辗转相除法

    division algorithm for polynomial

  15. 在无声的电流中辗转。

    Flounder in silent about the current.

  16. 我彻夜辗转反侧, 无法入睡。

    I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep.

  17. 病童在床上辗转反侧。

    The sick boy was tossing and turning in his bed.

  18. 犹如大地在冬眠中辗转,

    As Earth stires in her winter sleep

  19. 那病人在床上辗转反侧。

    The sick man and tumbled in his bed.

  20. 欧几里得辗转相除法

    Euclidean algorithm

  21. 他在床上辗转难眠。

    He was tossing and turning in bed.

  22. 我也曾因为这个辗转反侧。

    I suffered from it once, too.

  23. 时光停留。辗转不知有福佑?

    Time has stopped. What bliss is there in flowing?

  24. 乔治戈宾辗转反侧, 难以成眠。

    George Gobbin drifted in and not of light.

  25. 一个令我辗转反侧的赛季。

    I am back again in a season.

  26. 他痛苦地在床上辗转反侧。

    He tossed on the bed in pain.

  27. 病人整天在睡眠当中辗转反侧。

    The patient tossed about in his sleep all day.

  28. 我丈夫彻夜辗转不能入睡。

    My husband was tossing about all night.

  29. 内脏辗转蠕动像滑溜的鳗鱼

    My organs move like a squirm of eels

  30. 那天夜里他在地上辗转反侧。

    He tossed on the ground that night.


  1. 问:辗转拼音怎么拼?辗转的读音是什么?辗转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辗转的读音是zhǎnzhuǎn,辗转翻译成英文是 toss and turn; pass through many different han...

  2. 问:辗转反侧拼音怎么拼?辗转反侧的读音是什么?辗转反侧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辗转反侧的读音是zhǎnzhuǎnfǎncè,辗转反侧翻译成英文是 It is recorded in Shi Jing : "悠哉悠哉, 辗转反侧....

  3. 问:辗转相除法拼音怎么拼?辗转相除法的读音是什么?辗转相除法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辗转相除法的读音是,辗转相除法翻译成英文是 Euclidean algorithm



【拼音】zhǎn zhuǎn

【释义】1、翻来覆去的样子(多指睡不着)。2、反复不定。3、转移;经过许多地方。《诗·陈风·泽陂》:“寤寐无为,辗转伏枕。”《诗经·关雎》:“窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。求之不得,寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。”朱熹 集传:“辗转伏枕,卧而不寐,思之深且久也。”宋 王安石《夜梦与和甫别如赴北京时和甫作诗觉而有作因寄纯甫》:“中夜遂不眠,辗转涕流离。”魏巍《东方》第一部第十章:“郭祥辗转不能成寐。第二天一大早,就到大妈家辞行,告知她明天回部队去。”