







汉语拼音:jù zhào






  1. 戏剧、电影中某个场面或镜头的照片。

    姜德明 《北开之忆》:“一座布帐篷搭的小电影院,门前总是挂着 卓别林 的剧照。”



  1. A still photo has been released lately to give audiences a glimpse of him in the new film, "The Sorcerer and the White Snake" .


  2. David Beckham and his wife Victoria unveiled their latest ad campaign for Emporio Armani Underwear in London Friday.


  3. Unfortunately, no shoot stills. Back to the design of the martial arts action clips I copy over to share with you.


  4. Stills from the point of view, Ni Dahong appearance and performance of the very weighty , and look forward to it.


  5. RUNAWAY RUMOR | The "tell-tale" photo (seen here) that made rounds last week and convinced (some) fans that Blair will bail on her big day?


  6. Partial Storyboard already completed and a substantial amount of video clips and stills have been selected.


  7. Day-to-Day Calendar : The most thrilling images from all four films have been chosen for the daily pages of this retrospective calendar.


  8. The Popular Cinema magazine published a photo of a kissing scene from a British movie The Slippers and the Rose on its back cover.


  9. Across the road, there's a three-storey temporary grand stand built for television news crews and stills photographers.


  1. 新影片的剧照。

    Stills from a new film, eg as used for advertising.

  2. 越狱高清晰壁纸剧照海报

    PrisonBreak Stage photo playbill WallPaper

  3. 单位摄影师其实即是剧照摄影师。

    The unit photographer is the stills photographer.

  4. 靓次伯演出坐车舞台剧照

    Stage Performance of Riding the Cart by Lang Chi Pak

  5. 乔伊, 推广需要用你的剧照。

    Joey, publicity needs you for a cast photo.

  6. 剧照图片版权归迪士尼企业所有。

    All the pictures here copyright Disney enterprises, Inc.

  7. 我们曾有一些涉及侵犯版权得剧照。

    We had a slew of cast photos pinged with copyright infringement violations.

  8. 我们曾有一些涉及侵犯版权的剧照。

    We had a slew of cast photos pinged with copyright infringement violations.

  9. 现在我们看到得是威虎山城剧照馆。

    Now we are seeing is the stills Wei Hushan City Hall.

  10. 现在我们看到的是威虎山城剧照馆。

    Now we are seeing is the stills Wei Hushan City Hall.

  11. 请帮我把这部新影片的剧照贴上。

    Please help me to stick the stills from a new film.

  12. 大卫要求宝拉提交一些剧照以便他审阅。

    David asked Paula to submit a number of stills for him to look at.

  13. 大卫要求宝拉提交一些剧照以便他审阅。

    David asked Paula to submit a number of stills for him to look at.

  14. 经验主义和信心比较是议题剧照对表演的核心吗?

    Is the empiricism vs. faith issue still core to the show?

  15. 近来看了我贴的这些剧照,你是不是有点疑惑。

    You may be confused to see the stills on my blog.

  16. 近来看了我贴得这些剧照,你是不是有点疑惑。

    You may be confused to see the stills on my blog.

  17. 什么时候会登出一幅她正在演的那出歌剧的剧照呢?

    When would a scene from her opera appear?

  18. 一位德国摄影师被请来为这电影拍摄电影剧照。

    A German photographer has been asked to take the stills for the movie.

  19. 从剧照上看,倪大红的扮相和表演都十分老到,令人期待。

    Stills from the point of view, Ni Dahong appearance andperformance of the very weighty, and look forward to it.

  20. 她只有勇气看看墙上那些争芳斗艳的剧照, 就退了出来。

    She could find heart only to look at the pictures which were showy and then walk out.

  21. 从这些最新的剧照来看, 克劳斯在返校节上备受关注。

    Judging from these new photos, Klaus is quite the attentiongrabber at homecoming.


  1. 问:剧照拼音怎么拼?剧照的读音是什么?剧照翻译成英文是什么?

    答:剧照的读音是jùzhào,剧照翻译成英文是 photograph taken from a scene of a movie...



剧照电影宣传品的一种。用以概括表现影片主要情节和人物形象的一套照片。 新版《红楼梦》剧照多在电影院或公共场所张贴,并刊登于电影刊物,达到向观众宣传的目的。剧照也属电影资料,随同影片其他档案资料,交由国家电影资料馆保存。摄制剧照列为摄制组工作内容之一,一般在影片拍摄中,由摄影助理(或设专人)会同副导演负责拍摄,经制片厂宣传部门选定后,交由照相部门成批制作。现在也有的影片为达宣传目的将剧照做礼品免费送与群众,或将其做为赠品送与观众。电影卧虎藏龙剧照