




1. 亡 [wáng]2. 亡 [wú]亡 [wáng]逃:逃~。流~。失去:~佚。~羊补牢。死:伤~。死~。灭:灭~。~国奴。救~。兴~。亡 [wú]古同“无”,没有。……



汉语拼音:cún wáng







  1. 存在或灭亡;生存或死亡。

    《易·乾》:“知进退存亡而不失其正者,其唯圣人乎。”《史记·袁盎晁错列传》:“夫一旦有急叩门,不以亲为解,不以存亡为辞,天下所望者,独 季心 、 剧孟 耳。” 三国 蜀 诸葛亮 《前出师表》:“今天下三分, 益州 疲敝,此诚危急存亡之秋也。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·祝盟》:“夫盟之大体,必序危机,奬忠孝,共存亡,戮心力,祈幽灵以取鉴,指九天以为正。”《新唐书·东夷传·高丽》:“ 大德 入其国,厚餉官守,悉得其纤曲。见华人流客者,为道亲戚存亡,人人垂涕,故所至士女夹道观。” 宋 陈亮 《又乙巳春书之一》:“自棘寺归,闭门不与人交往。以妻弟之故,一出数日,便为兇徒聚数十人而欲杀之。一命存亡,仅丝髮许,而告之州县,漠然不应。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·报<奇哉所谓……>》:“因为国的存亡是在政权,不在语言文字的。 美国 用英文,并非 英国 的隶属; 瑞士 用德法文,也不被两国所瓜分。”

  2. 指生者和死者。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·行品》:“居寂寞之无为,蹈修直而执平者,道人也;尽烝尝於存亡,保髮肤以扬名者,孝人也。”《北齐书·文宣帝纪》:“故 殷州 刺史 刘丰 、故 济州 刺史 蔡儁 等并左右先帝,经赞皇基,或不幸早徂,或殞身王事,可遣使者就墓致祭,并抚问妻子,慰逮存亡。” 宋 苏轼 《与孙叔静书》之六:“旅殯无人照管,或毁坏暴露,愿公愍其不幸,因巡检至其所,特为一言於彼守令,得稍修治其殯,常戒主者保护之,以须其子之至,则恩及存亡耳。”

  3. 指衰亡;灭亡。

    《国语·郑语》:“凡 周 存亡,不三稔矣!君若欲避其难,其速规所矣,时至而求用,恐无及也。” 明 顾起纶 《国雅品·士品二》:“当时或谓公曰:‘城旦夕且破,何空自苦乎?’公曰:‘吾誓与此贼存亡,不使诸君独死。’”

  4. 引申指丧失、陷落。

    唐 独孤及 《故御史中丞卢弈谥议》:“或曰:‘ 洛阳 之存亡,操兵者实任其咎,非执法吏所能抗,师败将犇去之可也。’”

  5. 使濒临灭亡或已亡者得以继续存在或延续。

    《左传·昭公十三年》:“诸侯脩盟,存小国也;贡献无极,亡可待也。存亡之制将在今矣。” 汉 王充 《论衡·恢国》:“世有死而復生之人,人必谓之神。 汉 统絶而復属, 光武 存亡,可谓优矣。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·公荐》:“继絶存亡,贤者之事也。 管夷吾 用,所以能继絶世存亡国焉耳。”



  1. No doubt understanding that his regime and his own survival are under constant threat, Kim has been quite unwilling to disarm.


  2. A "bet the company" case, in which price is no object, will probably still be billed by the hour.


  3. "Staying with the brand" is one of her guiding principles.


  4. It's an understatement to say that maintaining good guanxi, or relationships, with the government is of vital importance to developers.


  5. In fact, the electronic medium indeed urged the literature to have the great change in every aspect, but it is completely different with.


  6. One of the lessons learned by the ruling officials at that time was that ethnic disunity is fatal to the survival of the party.


  7. if I don't act, I'll be accused of having failed to do something in the hour of disaster.


  8. In a message broadcast on Tuesday, Col Gaddafi vowed to remain in the country "dead or alive" , and said Libyans would defeat their enemies.


  9. The main question is if bargain prices at the malls will be enough to rescue retailers from a bleak holiday shopping season.


  1. 危急存亡之秋

    at the moment of crisis

  2. 存亡绝续的关头

    at a most critical moment

  3. 在危急存亡的关头

    upon a die

  4. 他们处于危急存亡之际。

    They were in the midst of a crisis.

  5. 将直接决定我们这个物种的存亡。

    the species survives.

  6. 音乐版税之战攸关新兴行业存亡。

    A battle over music royalties threatens a nascent industry.

  7. 渤海的存亡都寄托在他身上了。

    Balhae's fate depends on him.

  8. 危急存亡之际才能产生天才的领袖。

    Great crises often call forth gifted leaders.

  9. 这是一个真正的存亡的两难命题。

    This is a genuine existential dilemma.

  10. 《淮南子·要略》:“敷陈存亡之机。”

    According to Huai Nan-zi, a summary,"to elaborate the chances of life or death.

  11. 这个公司的存亡可能全靠它了。

    Because the future of this company could depend on it.

  12. 创新是一个民族兴衰存亡的关键。

    Innovation is very important for thriving of a nation.

  13. 这是事关人类兴衰存亡的大事。

    It deals with the important matter of the rise and fall, life or death of mankind.

  14. 危急存亡之际常能产生天才的领袖。

    Great crises often call forth gifted leaders.

  15. 当此危急存亡之秋,他们孤注一掷之举。

    In this crisis they used desperate means.

  16. 国家存亡, 危在旦夕。可是, 谁也不敢去劝诫国王。

    The state was at the point of being destroyed, but one dared to advise the king.

  17. 这位可怕暴君的存亡悬于震慑力的有无。

    The awful despots chances of survival lie with his deterrent power.

  18. 我国的未来或存亡,有赖大会的决定性行动。

    Our future or perhaps, our absence of future depends on the decisive actions of this Assembly.

  19. 每日新闻越来越接近决定其存亡的关键时刻。

    The Daily News is getting closer and closer to the moment of truth to determine for the paper to be or not to be.

  20. 这工厂得存亡很大程度上取决于它得钢产量。

    Whether this factory will survive depend to a great extent on its production of steel.

  21. 这工厂的存亡很大程度上取决于它的钢产量。

    Whether this factory will survive depend to a great extent on its production of steel.

  22. 现在到了存亡绝续得时候, 你更应该保持镇静。

    At this critical moment, it is more important than ever that you remain calm.

  23. 现在到了存亡绝续的时候,你更应该保持镇静。

    At this critical moment, it is more important than ever that you remain calm.

  24. 现在到了存亡绝续的时候,你更应该保持镇静。

    At this critical moment, it is more important than ever that you remain calm.

  25. 国际社会的存在和承诺是关系到阿富汗存亡的问题。

    The presence and commitment of the international community is an existential issue for Afghanistan.

  26. 这个加利利人得性命, 与国家得存亡相比, 算得什么呢

    What is the life of this Galilean worth in comparison with the life of the nation

  27. 我一直认为花园的灵魂是与其创造者共存亡的。

    I have always believed that a garden dies with its creator.

  28. 显然,这些问题同我国的存亡和繁荣有直接联系。

    Clearly, these matters are directly linked to the survival and prosperity of our country.

  29. 在这个国家, 我们作为同一个民族, 同生死共存亡。

    In this country, we rise or fall as one nation mdash as one people.

  30. 这个加利利人的性命, 与国家的存亡相比, 算得什么呢

    What is the life of this Galilean worth in comparison with the life of the nation


  1. 问:存亡拼音怎么拼?存亡的读音是什么?存亡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存亡的读音是cúnwáng,存亡翻译成英文是 to live or die; to exist or perish

  2. 问:存亡绝续拼音怎么拼?存亡绝续的读音是什么?存亡绝续翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存亡绝续的读音是cúnwángjuéxù,存亡绝续翻译成英文是 To live or to die, to break up or continue...



存亡,汉语词语,读作cún wáng,解释存在或灭亡;生者和死者等意思。