







汉语拼音:sǐ shēng










  1. 死亡和生存。

    《易·繫辞上》:“原始反终,故知死生之説。”《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:“今死生荣辱,贵贱尊卑,此时不再至,愿公详计而无与俗同。” 宋 苏轼 《题文与可墨竹》诗:“谁云死生隔,相见如 龚 隗 。”

  2. 犹言盈亏、消长。


  3. 杀生。

    《国语·越语下》:“死生因天地之刑。” 韦昭 注:“死,杀也。”

  4. 偏义复词。指生命。

    唐 杜甫 《房兵曹胡马》诗:“所向无空阔,真堪託死生。”

  5. 偏义复词。指死亡。

    唐 高适 《燕歌行》:“战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞。” 宋 苏轼 《侄安节远来夜坐》诗之二:“畏人默坐成痴钝,问旧惊呼半死生。”



  1. Death and birth are of importance to a man. However, the men of perfect practice regard death as a start of another birth.


  2. "Dragon : " The outcome of both gambling, Daredevil health, you need not start range.


  3. In addition to horizontal contact study, we can in student and teacher exist and die, to see their true affection and the personality.


  4. Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open .


  5. In other words, when you understand Tao, you immediately solve the problem on birth and death.


  6. Death and birth shift in phase as four seasons alternated. To them which are unworthy be happy or sad for.


  7. Death is the servant of the righteous.


  8. Death and existence in country Smell in the earth--Analyzing the death image of Tai Jingmong's local novel


  9. If the most remote distance in the world is not between life and death surely,


  1. 死生一事付鸿毛,

    To give my life is as light as a feather

  2. 死生一事付鸿毛,。

    To give my life is as light as a feather.

  3. 苟利社稷, 死生以之。

    Life or death, I will do whatever I can for the benefits of the country.

  4. 苟利社稷,死生以之。

    Life or death , I will do whatever I can for the benefits of the country .

  5. 爱情里也有死有生。

    In Love there is Life and Death.

  6. 死与生并非遥遥相对。

    Death was not the opposite of life.

  7. 当我们知道生是死的连续,死是生的开始。

    When we know that life and death is successive by each other; death is the start of life.

  8. 只有一个方法来弄清楚谁死谁生。

    There's only one way to find out who's finished and who's not.

  9. 向死而生,但为金银,好比以钱偿命。

    Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die.

  10. 不动才是静,不死才是生,不恶才是善,不假才是真。

    Not moving is quiet, not dying is living, not evilness is good, not artificial is true.

  11. 我决定谁生谁死!

    I decide who lives or dies!

  12. 我不裁决谁生谁死。

    I don't judge the living or the dead.

  13. 你决定谁生谁死吗?

    And you decide who lives and who dies?

  14. 我歌颂生、死和爱情。

    And love, and death, and birth.

  15. 人们想用石头砸死那名生下私生子的妇女。

    People wanted to stone the woman who had a child out of wedlock.

  16. 她不知道他是生是死。

    She does not know if he is alive or dead.

  17. 夜与日之间,生和死之间。

    Night and daytime, life and death.

  18. 看破关于生与死的谎言。

    To see what lies between life and death.

  19. 没人理会我的生与死

    No one ever cared if I should live or die

  20. 是生是死, 端看当时的心情。

    Living or dead, whichever are to mind.

  21. 几个月就能决定生或死。

    A few months can mean life or dea th.

  22. 第三个转型。第一个转型,生到死。

    Third transformation. First transformation, alive to dead.

  23. 生与死,对于人类是何等轻易。

    Livinging with dead are how and easily to the mankind.

  24. 为了生与死,身体与不朽的灵魂。

    For life and death, for the Body and for the eternal Soul.

  25. 当他成了生与死的事时。

    When it comes to matters of life and death.

  26. 他们是生是死,迄今还是一个谜。

    Whether they were alive or not, this was a riddle hitherto unknown.

  27. 上一次我谈论了关于生与死。

    Last time I talked about death and dying.

  28. 这对我和他都意味着生与死。

    It would mean death for him as well as me.

  29. 不同的社会对生与死持有不同的看法。

    Different societies have different attitudes to life and death.

  30. 不存在选择, 而是生与死的问题。

    There is no choice, it's a matter of life and death.