







汉语拼音:nù fàng








  1. 盛开。

    清 百一居士 《壶天录》卷上:“大丈夫不因人热,何须怒放心花。” 徐迟 《庆功宴·长江桥头》:“桃李蓓蕾都在枝头出现,一见阳光就怒放。”



  1. What's more, the hair on her tail curls to her back which looks like a bouquet of flowers in full bloom.


  2. As you dream with floral, quietly coming to your line of sight, for your four seasons in full bloom the fragrance inside.


  3. No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos.


  4. Packard had even found a blazing star flower a few years before.


  5. May your life be brighter as each birthday comes and goes, with new happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose.


  6. Being able to look up at the once sky passingly if delight waiting for a flower to come untied .


  7. Just like towering on the top of rainbow, And traveling through the bright starry sky, With the power of transcending mediocrity.


  8. On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden when all sorts of flowers were booming.


  9. Pulling out all the annuals which nature has allowed to erupt in overpowering purple, orange and pink, a final cry of joy.


  1. 鲜花怒放。

    The flowers are open.

  2. 山花怒放。

    The mountain flowers are in full bloom.

  3. 玫瑰在怒放。

    The roses are in full bloom.

  4. 杜鹃花正怒放

    The azaleas were in full flower.

  5. 百花怒放。

    Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion.

  6. 在种植之处怒放。

    Bloom where you are planted.

  7. 那里玫瑰和百合怒放。

    Where roses and white lilies grow.

  8. 会因此复活, 重新怒放。

    Would come to life and bloom again.

  9. 今夜,此花怒放。

    Chandler Tonight, on a very special Blossom.

  10. 花朵怒放在石楠山涧。

    Flowers blossom out beautifly in Heather Valley.

  11. 春光明媚, 百花怒放。

    The sights of spring are bright and enchanting, and flowers compete in splendor.

  12. 春光明媚,百花怒放。

    The sights of spring are bright and enchanting, and flowers compete in splendor.

  13. 我会枯萎还是向天怒放?

    Will I wither and fade or bloom to the sky?

  14. 秋天的爱在怒放的花朵上。

    Fall in love the flowers in full bloom.

  15. 橙色郁金香怒放,就在今夜!

    Tulips are in full bloom, orange in the night!

  16. 只有阳台上的梅依然怒放。

    Only then in the balcony plum is still in full bloom.

  17. 鲜花在怒放,我们的生命也在怒放。

    Flowers are in full bloom, our life are in full bloom, too.

  18. 是否发芽生长?今年能否含苞怒放?

    Has it begun to sprout ? Will it bloom this year ?

  19. 准备好让你的心怒放了吗?

    Ready to have your minds blown?

  20. 将怒放在我的丛林繁花中。

    Will break forth in flowers in all my forest groves.

  21. 不出几天这些花蕾就会怒放。

    The buds will open out in a few days.

  22. 星夜下,艳丽的花朵燃烧般的怒放。

    Starry, starry night, flaming flowers that brightly blaze.

  23. 山楂花正白四月里鲜花怒放。

    It's April, and blossom time, and white is the may.

  24. 她的歌是怒放的鲜花,散发诱人的芳香。

    Her songs is the the gorgeous flowers full blooming, that emits inviting balminess!

  25. 淡紫色的丁香花的确在灿烂地怒放着!

    The lavenderlilacs were indeed in glorious bloom!

  26. 用一颗动的心脏, 为春怒放, 为梦歌唱!

    With a move for the heart, for the spring in full bloom, dream sing!

  27. 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,他们怒放了。

    In a sunny day, they are in full bloom in.

  28. 我的脸变成了一朵怒放的花儿,很是自豪。

    My face has become one of the flowers in full bloom, it is proud.

  29. 随着春天送暖,大地复苏,各种花儿开始盛开怒放。

    As spring warms the good earth, all flowers come out.

  30. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。

    She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring.


  1. 问:怒放拼音怎么拼?怒放的读音是什么?怒放翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怒放的读音是nùfàng,怒放翻译成英文是 in full bloom



“怒放”是个多义词,它可以指怒放(辛巨擘执导2010年上映的电影), 怒放(水木年华主唱卢庚戌长篇小说), 怒放(电视剧), 怒放(词语), 怒放(郑钧1999年的专辑)。