







汉语拼音:zǎo nián









  1. 年轻的时候。

    《晋书·陆机陆云传论》:“挺珪璋於秀实,驰英华於早年。” 唐 皎然 《早春书怀寄李少府仲宣》诗:“早年初问法,因悟目中花。”

  2. 多年以前。




  1. Hildebrand is also a realist who spent the early years of his career working for a US hedge fund.


  2. Jingzhou to join the history of the early years of his Ding, Ren main thin, Ding that he particularly close.


  3. He had an interesting life in the early years of America and was remembered to an explorer and a pioneer.


  4. The original "Basic Instinct" was no great film and is still something of a "smut classic" but it was entertaining.


  5. The early years of my life in an out-of-the-way mountain village were full and enjoyable, isolated but lonely.


  6. Walk The Line explores the early years of the music legend, an artist who transcended musical boundaries to touch people around the globe.


  7. "I dropped out of school at an early age, " he said, as he approached his fishing boat on a cold November morning.


  8. He remains, by virtue of his earlier work, easily the best memoirist of any American secretary of state or president in the modern era.


  9. In the early days, says Dr Seymour, people wrongly thought that it would be easy to introduce genetic material into diseased cells.


  1. 早年白发综合征

    premature canities syndrome

  2. 他的早年生活

    his early life

  3. 他早年当过兵。

    In his youth he was a soldier.

  4. 他早年当过兵。

    In his youth he was a soldier.

  5. 给您拜个早年。

    Let me wish you an early Happy New Year.

  6. 早年行高志杰

    good behaviour and big ambition in early years

  7. 早年性老年聋

    presenile presbyacousis

  8. 她早年住在巴黎。

    The early part of her life was spent in Paris.

  9. 就像早年清教徒那样。

    Just like the Pilgrims.

  10. 他期望在早年致富。

    He bargained on making a fortune early in life.

  11. 他早年热衷於打篮球。

    In his early year, he is a keen basketball player.

  12. 春来拜早年, 您好!

    Early spring to worship, hello!

  13. 他早年弃医从文。

    In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature.

  14. 他早年就取得了成就。

    Success came to him early in life.

  15. 我早年曾在法国学习。

    I used to study in France in the year one.

  16. 他早年热衷于打篮球。

    In his early years, he was a keen basketball player.

  17. 他早年就学会了弹钢琴。

    He learnt to play the piano at an early age.

  18. 他早年就读于师范学校。

    He attended a normal school in his early years.

  19. 他早年就戒烟酒了。

    He quit smoking and drinking early in his life.

  20. 他早年到外国去闯天下。

    In early youth he went to seek his fortune in a foreign country.

  21. 鲁迅早年弃医从文。

    Lu Xun abandoned medicine for literature in his early days.

  22. 伯承早年从军, 戎马一生。

    Bocheng joined the army when he was very young and served in it his whole life.

  23. 那是早年得偏见,你知道。

    The prejudice of early youth, you know.

  24. 那是早年的偏见,你知道。

    The prejudice of early youth, you know.

  25. 老人对自己早年生活只字不提。

    The old man was silent about his early life.

  26. 他早年曾当过小学教员。

    He was once a primary school teacher in his early years.

  27. 早年就进入了广播新闻界

    Broke into broadcast journalism at an early age.

  28. 鲁迅先生早年弃医学文。

    In the early days, Mr. LuXun abandoned medicine forliterature.

  29. 他早年经历过贫穷和不幸。

    He knew poverty and sorrow in his early life.

  30. 他早年就参加了和平运动。

    He early identified himself with the movement for peace.


  1. 问:早年拼音怎么拼?早年的读音是什么?早年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年的读音是zǎonián,早年翻译成英文是 youth

  2. 问:早年创伤拼音怎么拼?早年创伤的读音是什么?早年创伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年创伤的读音是zǎo nián chuàng shāng,早年创伤翻译成英文是 early trauma

  3. 问:早年虐待拼音怎么拼?早年虐待的读音是什么?早年虐待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年虐待的读音是zǎo nián nüè dài,早年虐待翻译成英文是 early maltreatment

  4. 问:早年性活动拼音怎么拼?早年性活动的读音是什么?早年性活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年性活动的读音是zǎo nián xìng huó dòng,早年性活动翻译成英文是 early sexual activity

  5. 问:早年性虐待拼音怎么拼?早年性虐待的读音是什么?早年性虐待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年性虐待的读音是zǎo nián xìng nüè dài,早年性虐待翻译成英文是 early sexual abuse

  6. 问:早年家庭关系拼音怎么拼?早年家庭关系的读音是什么?早年家庭关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年家庭关系的读音是zǎo nián jiā tíng guān xì,早年家庭关系翻译成英文是 early family relationship

  7. 问:早年家庭环境拼音怎么拼?早年家庭环境的读音是什么?早年家庭环境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早年家庭环境的读音是zǎo nián jiā tíng huán jìng,早年家庭环境翻译成英文是 early family environment




拼音:zǎonián 基本解释 [one’s early years] 多年以前,指人年轻的时候 早年丧偶 详细解释 1. 年轻的时候。 《晋书·陆机陆云传论》:“挺珪璋於秀实,驰英华於早年。” 唐 皎然 《早春书怀寄李少府仲宣》诗:“早年初问法,因悟目中花。” 2. 多年以前。 《儿女英雄传》第一回:“大哥早年去逝。”