


1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……





汉语拼音:qīn péng







  1. 亲戚朋友。

    《晋书·谢安传》:“ 安 遂命驾出山墅,亲朋毕集,方与 玄 围棊赌别墅。” 唐 杜甫 《登岳阳楼》诗:“亲朋无一字,老病有孤舟。” 陈毅 《六国之行》诗:“风雷驱大地,是处有亲朋。”



  1. There is a high demand of time for this job. So I'm always traveling, so there is less time for myself or to see my family and friends.


  2. He said he found the same result with people being asked to name one of four people sending them an e-mail before it had landed.


  3. Challenge bias when it comes from friends and family members. Do not let the moment pass.


  4. In her autobiography, she writes of turning to a "validation squad" of friends and relatives who helped her to face the truth.


  5. Someone - a friend, a colleague, a relative - may have emailed it to you, or called you up to tell you about it.


  6. Take your hosts out to a lovely dinner with wine, which costs far less than a hotel room in a major city.


  7. Yes, by all means bring your in laws with you to the party tonight-the more the merrier .


  8. but prayers were said by lamas , a group of relatives and good friends were planning the funeral for her, no more worries.


  9. So do not let myself think of the others on the friends and relatives, social usefulness, and will not be any demand.


  1. 与亲朋好友道别。

    Fasten with close friends path.

  2. 受恩深处胜亲朋。

    One deeply grateful is better than kinsmen or firends.

  3. 让我们感谢亲朋好友吧。

    Let us give thanks for wonderful friends and family.

  4. 让我们感谢亲朋好友吧。

    Let us give thanks for wonderful friends and family.

  5. 药物, 心理治疗, 亲朋的支持。

    Medication and therapy plus family and friends support.

  6. 婚礼上,亲朋好友都来称贺。

    At weddings, relatives and friends come to offer their congratulations.

  7. 婚礼上,亲朋好友都来称贺。

    At weddings, relatives and friends come to offer their congratulations.

  8. 承认我们需要亲朋邻里的帮助。

    admitting that we might need help from friends and neighbors.

  9. 亲朋好友纷纷向新娘新郎祝福。

    Relatives and friends showered good wishes on the bride and bridegroom.

  10. 亲朋好友共聚一堂,祝贺他的成功。

    His relatives and close friends gathered together to congratulate him on his success.

  11. 亲朋好友共聚一堂,祝贺他的成功。

    His relatives and close friends gathered together to congratulate him on his success.

  12. 磨坊主邀请了他所有的亲朋好友。

    The miller had invited all his relatives and acquaintances.

  13. 磨坊主邀请了他所有得亲朋好友。

    The miller had invited all his relatives and acquaintances.

  14. 去世了, 爸爸向亲朋好友发了哀启。

    When Grandfather died, Father sent the obituary to friends and family.

  15. 她结婚时, 亲朋好友纷纷为她添箱。

    When she got married, her relatives and friends all gave her gifts of money or presents.

  16. 她结婚时,亲朋好友纷纷为她添箱。

    When she got married, her relatives and friends all gave her gifts of money or presents.

  17. 人们拜候亲朋好友并互相祝愿好运。

    People visit relatives and friends with the words Have all your wishes.

  18. 你会提醒父母, 亲朋遵守公共秩序吗?

    Do you remind your parents, relatives and friends to keep public order?

  19. 在庆祝满月期间,亲朋好友也会回礼。

    During the celebration, relatives and friends of the family will also return some presents.

  20. 新婚之日,亲朋好友都来向我道喜。

    Relatives and friends all came to congratulate me on my wedding day.

  21. 新婚之日,亲朋好友都来向我道喜。

    Relatives and friends all came to congratulate me on my wedding day.

  22. 家人和亲朋给他们最大的激励和安慰。

    Family and Friends should have the greatest encouragement.

  23. 爷爷去世了,爸爸向亲朋好友发了哀启。

    When grandfather died, father sent the obituary to friends and family.

  24. 爷爷去世了,爸爸向亲朋好友发了哀启。

    When Grandfather died, Father sent the obituary to friends and family.

  25. 亲朋朋友欢笑鼓掌,抛撒彩纸,庆贺美满婚姻。

    The guests laugh, applaud, and confetti.

  26. 亲朋好友欢笑鼓掌, 抛撒彩纸, 庆贺美满婚姻。

    The guests laugh, applaud, and throw confetti.

  27. 作画主题栋材于自己身边的家庭和亲朋。

    Painting themes mostly drew from his immediate family relatives and friends.

  28. 主人老早便让自家的孩子去请邻里亲朋。

    Master long ago let their own children to invite neighborhood friends and family.

  29. 我得亲朋好友都在场我以后 拿什么脸见人?

    My and family are out there! How can I face them?

  30. 我的亲朋好友都在场我以后 拿什么脸见人?

    My and family are out there! How can I face them ?


  1. 问:亲朋拼音怎么拼?亲朋的读音是什么?亲朋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亲朋的读音是qīnpéng,亲朋翻译成英文是 relatives and friends; kith and kin; family m...




拼音:qīn péng英文:[relatives and friends]