


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……


1. 颤 [chàn]2. 颤 [zhàn]颤 [chàn]物体振动:~动。~抖。~音。颤 [zhàn]同“战”。……



汉语拼音:dǎ zhàn







  1. 打战,发抖。

    明 无名氏 《贫富兴衰》第一折:“我这里寒打颤,怎支持?”《红楼梦》第九七回:“﹝ 黛玉 ﹞扎挣着伸出那隻手来,狠命的撕那绢子,却是只有打颤的分儿,那里撕得动?” 闻捷 《海燕》:“我对俘虏上尉说:‘你的两腿别打颤,说话也别哆嗦。’”



  1. Maugre all the selfishness that chills east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether.


  2. During the speech, my body was shaking and my voice was trembling, and I stammered and paused as though I hadn't memorized my speech at all.


  3. The cruel coldness trembles our teeth, wrinkles our skin and curl our bodies as if to entice us into the arms of flame at the sight of fire.


  4. May the general person all all over shiver in the quite a few hour in after the event.


  5. It's a drive I have made more times than I can count, but this night I arrived shaken, disturbed and yet strangely comforted.


  6. She hung about the stove, suffered a chattering chill, and went to bed sick. The next morning she was thoroughly feverish.


  7. I arrived home with my teeth chattering uncontrollably and was told to go right straight to bed.


  8. 4And for fear of him, the guards were struck with terror, and became as dead men.


  9. he had a blanket around his head , and his head was nearly in the fire.


  1. 牙齿打颤的咯咯声

    the chatter of teeth

  2. 我的牙齿在打颤呢。

    My teeth are chattering.

  3. 他冷得直打颤。

    His straight cold quivering.

  4. 她笑得浑身打颤。

    She was shaking with laugher.

  5. 我们得牙齿冷得打颤。

    Our teeth chattered from the cold.

  6. 我吓得腿直打颤。

    I was so terrified my legs were wobbling.

  7. 我牙关在打颤, 嘴唇发紫。

    My teeth were chattering, my lips blue.

  8. 寒冷使他的牙齿打颤。

    Cold made his teeth chatter.

  9. 我两腿打颤,没有了知觉

    And my legs were just trembling. I couldn't feel my legs.

  10. 我们的牙齿冷得打颤。

    Our teeth chattered from the cold.

  11. 北风吹得他们浑身打颤。

    The north wind set them shivering.

  12. 又热又冷,我都打颤了

    Hot and cold. I have the chills.

  13. 他的牙齿冷得直打颤。

    His teeth chattered uncontrollably because of the cold.

  14. 她冷得牙齿打颤浑身发抖。

    She was so cold her teeth were chattering and her whole body was trembling.

  15. 她冷得牙齿打颤浑身发抖。

    She was so cold her teeth were chattering and her whole body was trembling.

  16. 他的嗓音因这害怕而打颤。

    There was a quiver of fear in his voice.

  17. 那受惊得人吓得双手直打颤。

    The frightened man fluttered his hands.

  18. 他那轮廓分明的鼻孔在打颤。

    His finely chiselled nostrils quivered.

  19. 雨水飘雪将使我们冷的打颤。

    Rain and snow will shiver us.

  20. 那受惊的人吓得双手直打颤。

    The frightened man fluttered his hands.

  21. 六月的风吹来, 冷的我的心底直打颤?

    June blowing in the wind, cold shot to the bottom of my heart ?

  22. 听到这里,克莱德的牙齿直打颤。

    At this, Clyde's teeth fairly chattered.

  23. 为什么他的声音让我双腿打颤

    Why do my legs tremble when I hear his voice

  24. 她吓得浑身打颤,腿也不抵用了。

    She was trembling all over with fear and could hardly stand up.

  25. 附近响了一枪,吓得他直打颤。

    A shot which sounded nearby made him shudder.

  26. 夜雨凄凄,冻得我不住地打颤。

    The chilly night rain makes me tremble with cold.

  27. 夜雨凄凄,冻得我不住地打颤。

    The chilly night rain makes me tremble with cold.

  28. 冷冽的寒风吹得路上的行人浑身打颤。

    The chilly wind makes passers-by shiver all over.

  29. 恐惧或寒冷有时令人的牙齿直打颤。

    Fear or cold sometimes makes a person's teeth chatter.

  30. 他觉得很冷,禁不住打寒战,牙齿格格打颤。

    He felt very cold, he was shaking uncontrollably, his teeth were chattering.


  1. 问:打颤拼音怎么拼?打颤的读音是什么?打颤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打颤的读音是dǎzhàn,打颤翻译成英文是 shiver; quiver; tremble



【字音】dǎ zhàn


【出自】1.《贫富兴衰》第一折:”我这里寒打颤,怎支持?” 2.《红楼梦》第九七回:“(黛玉)扎挣着伸出那只手来,狠命的撕那绢子,却是只有打颤的分儿,那里撕得动?” 3. 闻捷 《海燕》:“我对俘虏上尉说:‘你的两腿别打颤,说话也别哆嗦。’” 4.《笑倾三国》:她趴在阿婆的腿边,笑得直打颤。