


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……







汉语拼音:dì xià jīng






  1. 指植物的茎生长在地面以下的部分。有根茎、块茎、鳞茎等。是地上茎由于环境条件的影响而引起的变态,其功能主要是贮藏养料。



  1. A comparative anatomical investigation and systematic classification studies on rhizomes of Chinese monopodial bamboos.


  2. The thickened underground storage organ of the group of perennials which includes daffodils and tulips .


  3. their fructification rate is high, and the underground stem will not become into lotus root, so its view value is higher than common lotus.


  4. Bulb: a short, modified, underground stem surrounded by usually fleshy modified leaves that contain stored food for the shoot within.


  5. A potato consists mainly of starch stored by the potato plant in its underground stem.


  6. As the potato plant grows, its compound leaves manufacture starch that is transferred to the ends of its underground stems (or stolons).


  7. Short, thickened, mostly underground stem that constitutes the resting stage of certain seed plants.


  8. type genus of Cyperaceae; grasslike rhizomatous herbs; cosmopolitan except very cold regions.


  9. False. Potatoes are underground stems called tubers .


  1. 地下茎的结构和茎的结构相似。

    The structure of underground stem was similar to that in stem.

  2. 一个禾草状地下茎草本属。

    rhizomatous perennial grasslike herbs.

  3. 幼虫的寄主植物为珠芽蓼的地下茎。

    Larvae host plants Polygonum viviparum underground stem.

  4. 地下茎呈匍匐状水平斜向伸长。

    Subterranean bine shows procumbent record level inclined to stretchy.

  5. 刚竹属植物地下茎的比较解剖学研究

    Studies on comparative anatomy of rhizome of Phyllostachys bamboos

  6. 贮藏温度对鱼腥草地下茎保鲜效果的研究

    Studies on the Storing Effects of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb at Different Temperatures

  7. 重金属主要富集在植物根部和地下茎。

    The heavy metal are mainly concentrate in the roots and haulms of plants.

  8. 这些叶都由地下茎产生, 地下茎也有根。

    These leaves arise from an underground stem rhizome from which also extend the roots.

  9. 多年生草本植物的一个属, 具块茎或地下茎。

    A similar underground stem or root, such as a corm, rhizome, or tuber.

  10. 短小、实心、直立生长的地下茎,具薄纸质的叶。

    A short, solid, vertical underground stem with thin papery leaves.

  11. 不同施肥配比对鱼腥草地下茎黄酮含量的影响

    Effect of Different Fertilizer and Application Rate on Flavonoids Content in the Subterranean Stem of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

  12. 美国南部和东南部一个多年生地下茎草本属。

    Genus of perennial rhizomatous herb of southern and southeastern United States.

  13. 热带美洲的一个兰花属, 附生或石生, 地下茎。

    Genus of tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic rhizomatous orchids.

  14. 鱼腥草主要数量性状对地下茎产量的通径分析

    Path Analysis on Main Quantitative Traits to Subterranean Stem Weight of Houttuynia cordata

  15. 不同肥料及配比对鱼腥草地下茎产量的效应研究

    Effect of different fertilizers and application rates on subterranean stem weight of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

  16. 藜蒿地上茎和地下茎均具分泌囊, 并分布在皮层。

    The aerial stem and the underground stem of A. selengensis all had secretory cavity which was distributed on the cortex.

  17. 桃儿七地下茎的显微结构及内生真菌分布

    Microstructure of the Underground Stems of Sinopodophyllum Hexandrum and the Distribution of Endophytic Fungi

  18. 某些种子植物休眠期一种短而粗的肉质地下茎。

    Short, thickened, mostly underground stem that constitutes the resting stage of certain seed plants.

  19. 通过地下茎等营养器官进行无性繁殖是其主要繁殖方式。

    Asexual reproduction by vegetative organs, such as rhizome, is its main reproductive way.

  20. 中间满布通气孔道的地下茎,横生于水底淤泥中,称藕。

    Horizontal and airpocketed rhizomes grow in mud under water.

  21. 国产散生竹地下茎的比较解剖观察及分类学的初步研究。

    A comparative anatomical investigation and systematic classification studies on rhizomes of Chinese monopodial bamboos.

  22. 越冬时在膨大得地下根或茎中储藏大量得营养。

    The food is stored during the winter in a swollen underground toot or stem.

  23. 越冬时在膨大的地下根或茎中储藏大量的营养。

    The food is stored during the winter in a swollen underground toot or stem.

  24. 错。土豆属于地下茎类又称作块茎类蔬菜。

    False. Potatoes are underground stems called tubers.

  25. 山金车属的生地下茎的通常是多年生植物的任何一种。

    Any of various rhizomatous usually perennial plants of the genus Arnica.

  26. 开黄花,其茎向土壤内生长,果实在地下长成熟。

    showy yellow flowers on stalks that bend over to the soil so that seed pods ripen underground.

  27. 它的根呈须状, 地下鳞茎是圆形, 很像大蒜。

    It was to be the rootlike underground bulb is round, like garlic.



在地下水平生长的粗壮的茎,在其上又长出新的根和芽。 地下茎生在地下,也有节和芽,但在形态、结构上有很大变化,属变态茎。 植物生长在地下的变态茎的总称。有节和节间之分,节上常有退化的鳞叶,鳞叶的叶腋内有腋芽,以此与根相区别。常见有4种类型:根状茎、如莲、竹的根状茎;块茎,如马铃薯、菊芋的块茎;球茎,如荸荠、慈菇的球茎;鳞茎,如洋葱、水仙的鳞茎。