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汉语拼音:fàn yùn
He said topics to be discussed range from piracy and terrorism to counternarcotics cooperation and weapons proliferation.
他说,北约-俄罗斯理事会会议将包括广泛的议题,从海盗和恐怖主义问题到合作打击毒品贩运和武器扩散问题。It has long been an area where traffickers fly in cocaine from South America, before trucking it up to the U.
一直以来,在一个领域,从南美洲贩运可卡因的飞行,它在卡车到美国边境。"Prosecutions can be a blunt tool, but they do matter" in deterring traffickers, he said.
他说,“起诉工作可能是一把钝器,但它确能”遏制贩运活动。Victims of human trafficking can sometimes be granted a special visa that allows them to stay in the U. S. for up to four years.
人口贩运的受害者有时会获得特别签证,使他们能够在美国逗留长达4年。It also criticised the Macao government for not recognising it had a significant trafficking problem.
美国国务院还批评澳门政府,没有意识到自身存在严重的贩运问题。He said India has hundreds of thousands of sex trafficking victims and millions of bonded laborers .
他说,印度有上百的性人口贩运受害者以及数百万的契约劳工。Mr. Bento, who joined the class after his brother died, said he had considered going into drug trafficking to gain access to guns.
Bento先生在他兄弟死后加入了空手道班,他说他以前考虑参加毒品贩运这样才能有枪。That was the finding of a study by the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center, established by Congress.
这是由国会设立的反人口偷渡和贩运中心的一项研究结果。Those trafficked into and within the United States come from at least 65 countries.