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1. 倡 [chàng]2. 倡 [chāng]倡 [chàng]发动,首先提出:~言,~始。~议。~导。提~。首~(首先提倡)。古同“唱”,唱和(hè)。倡 [chāng]古代称唱戏的人:~优。古同“娼”,妓女。……
汉语拼音:shǒu chàng
宋 岳飞 《奏李道归顺状》:“ 李道 将带五百餘人,首倡归顺,已到 邓州 。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·元》:“ 赵承旨 首倡 元 音,《松雪集》诸诗何寥寥,卑近淡弱也。” 清 陈田 《明诗纪事己韱·李攀龙》:“然尊 北地 ,排 长沙 ,续前七子之燄者, 攀龙 实首倡也。”
同“ 首唱 ”。
明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·连理回文诗》:“其春诗是 世庙 首倡,御製盖是宫体,而夏秋冬则 严 、 夏 、 李 三相以次应制者也。” 清 周亮工 《书影》卷十:“ 汉武 《柏梁》诗,首倡云:‘日月星辰和四时。’”
He was the advocator of immigration literature, country literature, hermit literature and folk literature. Koxinga treated him with honor.
就题材而言,他是移民文学、乡愁文学、遗民文学、隐逸文学、乡土文学、民俗文学的首倡者。The summit meeting is an outgrowth of the Global Tiger Initiative, introduced two years ago by the World Bank president, Robert B. Zoellick.
此届峰会是全球老虎倡议的结果,两年前由世界银行行长罗伯特B.佐利克首倡。But until now, most of the views concerning the initiator of Taiwan independence prove wrong, which incorrectly relay erroneous messages.
但迄今为止有关“台民自主”首倡者的说法讹误甚多,以至以讹传讹。Tang initially advocated "insurance lawyers" in law and insurance field and actively promote new legal service in insurance field.
唐博士在律师界和保险界首倡“保险律师”新概念,积极开拓保险法律业务新领域。Even the ex-Fed chief himself is a little concerned about the growing complexity of the thing.
就连该规则的首倡者、前美联储主席沃尔克本人也有些担忧起来,觉得其复杂性与日俱增。It was Williams (not Jefferson) who first articulated the "hedge" between church and state.
所以,应该是威廉姆斯,而非托马斯•杰弗逊(ThomasJefferson)首倡在教会与国家之间建立“隔墙”(Hedge)的理念。The mean theory was initiated by Confucius, and then inherited and developed by Confucian philosophers of past dynasties.
中庸思想为孔子首倡,并为历代儒学思想家所继承和充实。It is the initiator William. James, a biological theory of evolution by Darwin, the impact of psychologists.
它的首倡者是威廉。詹姆斯,一位深受达尔文生物进化论影响的心理学家。Beijing's strategy is illustrated by Deng Xiaoping, who said that China must "hide our capabilities and bide our time. "
return the lead
The governor took the initiative in closing the amusement park to cars.
Brief Analysis of the Reasons for Literary Revolution Advocated by Hushi
Thus, the decisionshen ting assembling a crowd to shun confrontation, initiated the establishment of Missionkang shui.
In A265 it is online home page the initiator of this industry, forerunner.
At present, the academia in China disagree on the issue who is the initiator of indoctrination theory.
普利策首倡在大学里成立新闻学院, 专门训练新闻从业人员。
Pulitzer thefor the training of journalists at the university level in a school of journalism.
The principple firstly advocated by Beccaria is not the principle of presumption of innocence, but the denial of the presumption of guilt.
The extravaganza has been wrought by promoter Michael Ecker's Opera on Original Site(OOS), a Vienna-based organization whose first project brought Verdi's Aida to the pyramids at Luxor in 1987.
答:首倡的读音是shǒuchàng,首倡翻译成英文是 to initiate; to start
答:首倡者的读音是,首倡者翻译成英文是 pioneer