


1. 倡 [chàng]2. 倡 [chāng]倡 [chàng]发动,首先提出:~言,~始。~议。~导。提~。首~(首先提倡)。古同“唱”,唱和(hè)。倡 [chāng]古代称唱戏的人:~优。古同“娼”,妓女。……





汉语拼音:chàng dǎo








  1. 亦作“ 倡道 ”。带头提倡。

    《汉书·王莽传中》:“ 甄丰 、 刘歆 、 王舜 为 莽 腹心,倡导在位,褒扬功德。” 汉 应劭 《风俗通义·愆礼》:“﹝ 羊翩祖 ﹞雅有令称,义当纲纪人伦,为之节文,而首倡导犯礼违制,使 东岳 一郡朦朦焉,岂不愍哉!” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十:“村落大小不齐,人户贫富不等,必须官为倡道。” 梁启超 《再驳某报之土地国有论》三:“吾以为如 欧 美 学者所倡道之社会主义,举生产机关悉为国有者,最足以达此目的。” 沙汀 《困兽记》十一:“现在,那个开明有趣的老绅士虽然搬到 成都 住家去了,但是他所倡导的风气,却被一直保存下来。”



  1. Expressing opinions or proposing changes is often seen [in Asia] as disrespectful.


  2. "Wei-Jin said, " The reason to have such a situation, it is still natural and Mr. Yue's research and advocacy are inseparable.


  3. All this goes much farther than Britain's policy of "neighbourhood policing" , ramped up in recent years.


  4. Abstract: The western concept of the sublime overflows with masculinist bias and its major theorists, Burke and Kant suffer from misogyny.


  5. has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational.


  6. She was an early leader in Taiwan's feminist movement and she headed the campaign for Taiwan to get its own seat in the United Nations.


  7. I used to advocate going through a sort of consumerist catechism before making any consumer purchasing decision. Who made this product?


  8. Shakira is the honorary chairman of a week of events to publicize the cause of an advocacy group called the Global Campaign for Education.


  9. I got here how much revenue you do, I am a professional manager or real is to become a professional co-advocates.


  1. 倡导和强化

    advocating and intensifying.

  2. 倡导性别平等。

    A social environment that advocates gender equality.

  3. 称其倡导活体解剖

    celebrates the idea of vivisection.

  4. 倡导共产党员佩戴党徽

    Initiates the communist party member to wear party emblem

  5. 倡导和平共处五项原则

    initiate the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  6. 倡导, 核查和遵守工作组

    Working Group on Advocacy, Verification and Compliance

  7. 然后我们建立倡导组织。

    The next thing we did was build advocacy organizations.

  8. 另一些则倡导与世无争。

    Others advocated uncompetitiveness in the earthly world.

  9. 林木委员会倡导植树造林。

    The Tree Council promotes tree planting.

  10. 所以我们现在倡导有机食品。

    So now we clamor for organic food.

  11. 我不倡导任何暴力革命。

    I don't advocate any violent revolution.

  12. 领导层开发和宣传倡导。

    Leadership and advocacy for effective action on the epidemic.

  13. 他们倡导自然主义的概念

    They were moving towards a naturalistic concept.

  14. 他们继续倡导自立的信条。

    They continue to preach their gospel of selfreliance.

  15. 倡导管理道德与惩治腐败

    On Advocating Administrative Ethics and Punishing Corruption

  16. 她倡导了妇女的短发型。

    She pioneered the short haircut for women.

  17. 新古典主义的倡导者。

    an advocate of neoclassicism.

  18. 抢占思想阵地倡导网络文明

    Occupy Ideological Front and Advocate Network Civilization

  19. 我不倡导任何暴力的革命。

    I don't advocate any violent revolution.

  20. 我们倡导做最优秀的产品。

    We advocate the best priduction all the time.

  21. 他的倡导遭到了激烈的反对。

    His proposal met with vehement opposition.

  22. 我会是个倡导者吗?

    Would I be an advocate?

  23. 批判封建遗毒、倡导现代文明。

    Fourth, criticize the harmful feudal tradition and advocate the modern civilization.

  24. 为主倡导的激光制卡技术。

    As the main advocate of laser business card printing technology.

  25. 他是摄影术的倡导者。

    He was the pioneer of photography.

  26. 改革得倡导者是罗伊。

    The pioneer of reform was Ram Mohun Roy.

  27. 改革的倡导者是罗伊。

    The pioneer of reform was Ram Mohun Roy.

  28. 他们是自由贸易的倡导者。

    They are advocates of free trade.

  29. 他通过小说来倡导他的观点。

    He uses the novel as a vehicle for the advocacy of his views.

  30. 西方人倡导个人主义,独立性很强。

    Occidental advocate individualism and independence is strong.


  1. 问:倡导拼音怎么拼?倡导的读音是什么?倡导翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倡导的读音是chàngdǎo,倡导翻译成英文是 initiate

  2. 问:倡导团体拼音怎么拼?倡导团体的读音是什么?倡导团体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倡导团体的读音是,倡导团体翻译成英文是 Advocacy group

  3. 问:倡导性活动拼音怎么拼?倡导性活动的读音是什么?倡导性活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倡导性活动的读音是chàng dǎo xìng huó dòng,倡导性活动翻译成英文是 promotional activity



倡导 chàngdǎo 1.[initiate;advocate] 率先提议;首倡。倡导和平共处五项原则 2.倡言和引导。《古道歇棚记》:“里贤王尚钱倡导古道保护,里庶响应。”(摘自《载敬堂集》)