


1. 依 [yī]依 [yī]靠,仗赖:~靠。~傍(a.依靠;b.摹仿,多指艺术、学问)。~恋。~偎。~存。~附。归~。按照:~照。~旧。~据。~次。顺从,答应:~从。~顺。~允。亲密的样子:“有~其士”。……






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……



汉语拼音:yī wéi liǎng kě








  • 【解释】:依:赞成;违:反对;两可:二者都可以。指对问题态度犹豫,没有确定的意见。
  • 【示例】:究竟是赞成还是反对,应当态度鲜明,不要依违两可。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. have no definite conviction of one'

  3. s own;be equivocal in one'

  4. s attitude;be undecided;betwixt and between;cut both way;pro(

  5. s) and con(

  6. s);shilly-shally;the possibility of following or disobeying

  7. >

  1. 在模拟两可之间, 拒绝猜测的诱惑。

    In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

  2. 哲学家对于梦的解释态度模稜两可。

    Philosophers had an ambivalent attitude toward the interpretation of dreams.

  3. 关于群中两可交换元素乘积的阶

    A Note on the Order of a Product of Communitive Elements in a Group

  4. 同时表现出神经反应和生理反应特征的两可状态

    a borderline state showing the characteristics of both neurotic and psychotic reactions.

  5. 两狗可杀一雄狮。

    Two dog will kill a lion.

  6. 这里有两英镑可供使用。

    Here's two pounds to be going on with.

  7. 吉姆和玛丽虽然常争吵,可两人看起来很相配。

    Jim and Mary seem suited to each other, in spite of their quarrels.

  8. 你们两个可让大家担心坏了。

    You two had a lot of people worried.

  9. 我和他约会有两年了, 可两人之间就是没感觉。

    I went out with him for two years, but the chemistry just wasnt there.

  10. 你确定吗,头两回可没拦住你

    You sure? That didn't stop you the first two times.

  11. 两类可公度式的研究及应用

    Investigation and Application of Two Types of Commensurable Formulae

  12. 二元的含有两个可取代的氢原子的

    Containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms.

  13. 这两种菌可混合培养制成混合菌剂。

    The two kinds of bacteria could be as mixed bacterial feed.

  14. 这作文限时两小时可不是好玩的事。

    The fact that this composition is due in two hours is no laughing matter.

  15. 有限群中两个可换元乘积的阶

    Order of a Product of Group Two Elements

  16. 每个分子含有两个可置换的氢原子的酸。

    An acid containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms per molecule.

  17. 如果风速加快, 这两人可跳回到船上。

    If the wind picks up, the two hop back aboard.

  18. 她想走开, 可两脚不听使唤, 身不由己地来到了同学们一边。

    She tried to go away, but her feet were treacherous, and carried her to the group instead.

  19. 这种机器有两种可调的速度快速和慢速。

    This machine has two settings fast and slow.

  20. 庞得贝和斯巴塞太太这两个可说无独有偶。

    Bounderby and Mrs.Sparsit were a curious pair.

  21. 两个可归纳元素不能同时具有归纳和嵌套关系。

    Two generalizable elements cannot have a generalization and a nesting relationship at the same time.

  22. 苏格拉底式的问答并不是两个人可玩的游戏。

    The Socratic manner is not a game at which two can play.

  23. 苏格拉底式得问答并不是两个人可玩得游戏。

    The Socratic manner is not a game at which two can play.

  24. 液体接界是两个可混溶液的电解质溶液之间的界面。

    A liquid junction is the interface between two miscible electrolyte solutions.

  25. 两个可变电阻的中心控制电机转速和触发电平。

    The two variable resistors in the center are for controlling motor speed and trigger level.

  26. 该装置设计了开环和闭环两种可切换的工作方式。

    It can work on open mode or the circular mode.

  27. 所有推车都配有两个可移动的和固定运输两个轮子。

    All dollies are equipped with two movable and two stationary transport wheels.

  28. 元素以及两个可从目录添加到页中的服务器控件。

    Element with the two enclosed server controls that you will be able to add to your page from the catalog.

  29. 具有两个可调斜角分支的线条。合并若干线条可形成树。

    Line that splits into two adjustable sloped branches. Put several together to form a tree.

  30. 复合式小梁切除术中两种可调节缝线的方法及其比较

    Comparison of two ways for adjustable suture in complex trabeculectomy




依违两可( yī wéi liǎng kě):指对问题态度犹豫,没有确定的意见。出自 《明史·方从哲传》。