


1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……




1. 票 [piào]2. 票 [piāo]票 [piào]纸币,通货:钞~。~子。~额。印的或写的凭证:~据。~证。股~。车~。选~。非职业演戏:~戏。~友。量词,相当于“批”:一~货物。被匪绑架做抵押的人:绑~儿。撕~儿。票 [piāo……



汉语拼音:kōng tóu zhī piào









  • 【解释】:空头:有名无实的。指不能兑现,即取不到钱的支票。比喻不准备实现的诺言。
  • 【出自】:茹志娟《在果树园里》:“我知道会上根本没研究她的什么事,心里有些怪黎凤乱开空头支票。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作主语、宾语;含贬义


  1. It's pie-in-the-sky for him to cry out for more dedicated teachers.


  2. The boss promised me a salary increase, but I think he's just dangling a carrot in front of me.


  3. Much of the financial sector is in deep trouble, with previously blue-chip companies wobbling along on legs as rubbery as a bad check.


  4. My boss promised me a raise but I know he is just dangling a carrot in front of me.


  5. Across Iraq the rule of law is usually a distant aspiration rather than a solid achievement.


  6. If you yearn for easy answers and quick solutions, you'll fall prey to people who offer nothing but promises.


  7. That the promises of freedom and unity were "empty promises" and the ideal of the American Dream was a complete hoax.


  8. But is our penchant for political pining expansive enough to encompass someone as seemingly irredeemable as, say, George W. Bush?


  9. The so-called Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is nothing more than an empty promise.


  1. 开空头支票者

    check bouncer

  2. 骗鬼得空头支票。

    What a fine lot Adam has!

  3. 不要乱开空头支票。

    Don't make a lot of promises.

  4. 他开了许多空头支票。

    He kited many checks.

  5. 空头支票, 不兑现的支票

    a dishonor, ed check

  6. 空头支票,不兑现得支票

    a dishonor, ed check

  7. 使用空头支票获得钱或信贷

    To get money or credit with a kite.

  8. 他曾用空头支票骗过钱。

    He used to kite checks.

  9. 空头票据。空头支票。融通票据。欠单

    accommodation note

  10. 乔治叔叔因开空头支票被捕。

    Uncle George was arrested for writing rubber checks.

  11. 她又开了一张空头支票。

    She wrote another bad check.

  12. 靠开空头支票什么事也办不成。

    Nothing can be done with empty promises.

  13. 我不会再接受你的空头支票了。

    I'm not going to accept your rubber check again.

  14. 寄希望于善开空头支票的诱骗者。

    Best believe somebodys payin the pied piper.

  15. 当我用空头支票付账惹上了麻烦。

    I got into trouble when I paid my bills with a rubber check.

  16. 这个商人用空头支票骗了数百万美元。

    The businessman kited millions of dollars.

  17. 他给我们开空头支票,这是头一次。

    This's the first time he bounced a cheque on us.

  18. 她在费城到处开空头支票时被抓住。

    She got caught kite flying in Philadelphia.

  19. 但这些承诺到头来只是一张空头支票。

    But the promise turned out to be an empty one.

  20. 戴维因空头支票付账而惹上了麻烦。

    David got into trouble when he paid his bills with rubber checks.

  21. 通过的决议不过是张空头支票而已。

    The resolution that was passed was a wish list that nobody could deliver.

  22. 他因为偷窃与滥开空头支票而正在坐牢。

    He was serving time for theft and passing bum checks.

  23. 美国再也不能拿着空头支票搞外交了。

    We can no longer conduct foreign policy on a blank check.

  24. 我们很需要她的帮助, 但她用空头支票忽悠了我们。

    We needed her help but were fobbed off by promises.

  25. 他老是对埃里克开空头支票,然后再收回许诺。

    He always promises Eric the earth, and then retracted his promises.

  26. 几乎所有开空头支票的骗子都落到了锒铛入狱的下场。

    Almost all checks crooks wind up in jail.

  27. 签发空头支票或者与其预留印鉴不符的支票, 骗取财物的

    signing a dud check or a check with signature different from the specimen one

  28. 他在让人愉悦的接受空头支票方面有惊人的天赋。

    He had a Prodigious talent for selling empty promises to those happy enough to believe them.

  29. 老板许诺要给我加薪,可我知道他是在开空头支票。

    My boss promised me a raise but I know he is just dangling a carrot in front of me.

  30. 控制这一主意听起来是不错 可它是一张空头支票

    Now as seductive as the idea of control sounds, it's a false premise.


  1. 问:空头支票拼音怎么拼?空头支票的读音是什么?空头支票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空头支票的读音是kōngtóuzhīpiào,空头支票翻译成英文是 check dishonoured

  2. 问:空头支票法拼音怎么拼?空头支票法的读音是什么?空头支票法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空头支票法的读音是kōng tóu zhī piào fǎ,空头支票法翻译成英文是 law on bails for bad cheques

  3. 问:空头支票罪拼音怎么拼?空头支票罪的读音是什么?空头支票罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:空头支票罪的读音是kōngtóuzhīpiàozuì,空头支票罪翻译成英文是 crime concerning bad check