


1. 宁 [níng]2. 宁 [nìng]3. 宁 [zhù]宁 [níng]平安,安定:~静。~谧。息事~人。已嫁的女子或在外子女回家省视父母:~亲。归~。守父母之丧,丧假:“前博士弟子父母死,予~三年”。中国江苏省南京市的别称。中国宁……





汉语拼音:níng xīn






  1. 安心;耐心;静心。

    元 乔吉 《扬州梦》第三折:“你题情休写香罗帕,我寄恨须传鼓子花。且寧心,度岁华,恐年过,生计乏。” 元 无名氏 《气英布》第二折:“喒这屯营扎寨寧心等,瞋目攒眉侧耳听。” 元 无名氏 《醉写赤壁赋》第三折:“将品竹纔拈定,寧心听,似簫韶九成。”



  1. Conclusion The method is reproducible and feasible, and provides basis for the qualitative quality standard of Ninxin Capsules.


  2. Objective To establish the qualitative identification methods of Ninxin Capsules.


  3. IV group were 16 cases with Deficiency of Yin with blood stasis, were treated by Geng Nian Xin Fang added Hong Hua and Wu Ling Zhi.


  4. Objective To establish a method for the quality control of Ningxinbushen bolus (prepared Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Dangshen, etc. ).


  5. Discussions on Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure by Calm the Heart and Nerves


  6. Pharmacological investigation for an herbal formula menoprogen in rats: endocrinic effects and mechanism


  7. Study on improvement of dissolution rate of Yufengningxin Tablets by technique of super fine crushing


  8. Effects of Bu-shen-ning-xin Recipe on the Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Expression of Aorta in Ovariectomized Rabbits of Hyperlipemia


  9. 30 Cases of Premature Beat of Coronary Heart Disease Ventricular Treated with Calming Heart Capsule


  1. 愈风宁心片

    Ilexonin A.

  2. 宁心补肾丸

    Ningxinbushen Bolus.

  3. 愈风宁心分散片

    Yufeng Ningxin dispesible tablet

  4. 宁心颗粒剂的薄层检识

    Determination on Ningxin Granule by TLC

  5. 宁心安神胶囊薄层色谱鉴别法

    Experiment Study of Ningxin Anshen Capsule on the Identification Method by TLC

  6. 愈风宁心滴丸的质量标准研究

    Studies on quality standards for YUFENG NINGXIN DIWAN

  7. 目的建立宁心补肾丸的质量标准。

    Objective To establish a method for the quality control of Ningxinbushen bolus.

  8. 治疗注重调气养血,宁心柔肝。

    And that its treatment concentrated on dispersing stagnated liver qi and enriching blood to tranquilize the mind.

  9. 摘要目的建立宁心补肾丸的质量标准。

    Objective To establish a method for the quality control of Ningxinbushen bolus.

  10. 黄芪针剂配合宁心汤治疗病毒性心肌炎62例

    Viral myocarditis treated by huangqi injection plus ningxin decoction

  11. 柏枣宁心颗粒治疗顽固性失眠症疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Baizao Ningxin Granule in Treating Stubborn Insomnia

  12. 愈风宁心分散片溶出度测定方法研究

    Study on Determination of Dissolution of Yufeng Ningxin Dispersible Tablets

  13. 愈风宁心冲剂治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床观察

    A Clinical Observation of Yufeng Ningxin Granule for Angina Pectoris

  14. 愈风宁心滴丸治疗神经性头痛的临床研究

    Clinical Trial of Yufeng Ningxin Drop Pills for Nervous Headache

  15. 宁心颗粒治疗病毒性心肌炎的实验和临床研究

    Clinical and Experimental Study on Treating Viral Myocarditis with Ningxin Granule

  16. 降糖宁心饮治疗糖尿病合并冠心病58例临床总结

    A Clinical Report of Treatment on Cases of Diabetes Complicated with Coronary Heart Disease with Jiangtang Ningxin Yin

  17. 茯苓有健脾补中,利水渗湿,宁心安神作用。

    Tuckahoe has be good at lienal in filling, benefit waterlogging is wet, action of ning xinan god.

  18. 益气宁心温肾法治疗心律失常54例疗效观察

    Observation of the Efficacy of the Method for Replenishing Qi, Tranquilizing Mind and Warming Kidney in the Treatment of 54 Arrhythmia Patients

  19. 超微粉碎技术提高愈风宁心片溶出度的研究

    Study on improvement of dissolution rate of Yufengningxin Tablets by technique of super fine crushing

  20. 上海按摩安神宁心,舒肝利胆,通利三焦,防病健体。

    Sedative Ning heart, Shugan gallbladder, Tom Lee triple burner, disease prevention fitness.

  21. 愈风宁心滴丸抗异丙肾上腺素致心肌缺血的研究

    Study on the Effect of Yufeng Ningxin Diwan on Resisting Ischemic Hearts Induced by Isoprenaline

  22. 愈风宁心胶囊在兔体内的药动学和生物利用度研究

    Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of Yufeng Ningxin Jiaonang in rabbits