











汉语拼音:chūn huā qiū yuè








  • 【解释】:春天的花朵,秋天的月亮。泛指春秋美景。
  • 【出自】:南唐·李煜《虞美人》词:“春花秋月何时了,往事知多少。”
  • 【示例】:冬天去了,春天又回来了。吟诵这些诗句,~,一年四季都沉醉在诗的意境里。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语;指春秋佳景


  1. Well, life is complicated as if an everlasting journey with countless beautiful sceneries, numerous lonely and sad things!


  2. Spring flowers The autumn moon An endless string of living memories.


  3. That year, chunhuaqiuyue when?


  4. As part of the picture Chunhuaqiuyue, mood Gaokuang, language Nongli Painful, near Qin Guan, Similarities.


  5. This is more or less the middle of the back, along with Chunhuaqiuyue slowly faded, people miss the incomparable.


  1. 惯看秋月春风。

    Accustomed to the autumn moon and vernal breeze.

  2. 九月秋,长廊曲折,绿荫未退,怜人止步于此不绝。

    In autumn September, corridor twists and turns, green did not retreat, pity for the people to stop this incessant.

  3. 春花秋月奈何天

    Inside Daisy Clover

  4. 春花秋月何时了?

    Month of autumn of spring flower when?

  5. 春花秋月依然美丽,生活依然如故。

    Spring flowers are still a beautiful autumn, life remains the same.

  6. 春花秋月何时了,往事知多少?

    Spring flowers The autumn moon An endless string of living memories.

  7. 却下水精帘, 玲珑望秋月。

    Lowering the crystal curtain, the lady stares at the bright autumn moon.

  8. 秋月亮在科罗拉多罗基斯落下。

    CaptionFull Moon going down on the Colorado Rockies.

  9. 四月和风笑春花

    April Zephyr Smiling at Spring Flowers

  10. 秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然的人们的宠爱。

    The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature.

  11. 秋月向来受到诗人和热爱大自然得人们得宠爱。

    The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature.

  12. 而在俱乐部, 魏秋月的主力位置更是毫无悬念。

    In the club, Wei Moons main location is no suspense.

  13. 平湖秋月,是广东音乐名家吕文成的代表作。

    The autumn Moon on the Calm Lake. This is a representative piece by the master of Guangdong music Lu Wencheng

  14. 杭州西湖的平湖秋月、雷峰夕照,苏州的狮子林

    The moon in hangzhou, suzhou, world sunsets lion forest.

  15. 包括年轻队员,像魏秋月,薛明,也一个劲儿地感谢我。

    Including young players such as Moon Wei, Xue Ming, a trial of strength and I thank.

  16. 接伸缩缝方法在秋月水库工程中取得了很好的效果。

    A good effect of connecting expansion joint method is got in Songyue reservoir.

  17. 笑是非浮沦,日云苍狗,秋月华是,唯有本真最美丽。

    Laughed nonfloating perish, Japanese cloud Cang dog, moon and China is only the really most beautiful.

  18. 仰首是春, 俯首是秋, 月圆是画, 月缺是诗。

    Crowd is spring, autumn moon, beck's paintings, moon is poetry.

  19. 第一学期秋学期始于九月,终于十二月。

    The first term is the autumn term. Lt begins in September and ends in December.

  20. 看来接下来的几个月注定是多事之秋, 而且还是多灾多难。

    Just another way in which the coming months promise to be eventful, and not in a good way.

  21. 春花嫣然, 夏花绚烂, 秋花娴静, 冬花得傲然。

    Spring flower beautiful, xia Huaxuan is sodden, qiu Huaxian is static, the winter spends loftily.

  22. 春花嫣然,夏花绚烂,秋花娴静,冬花的傲然。

    Spring flower beautiful, xia Huaxuan is sodden, qiu Huaxian is static, the winter spends loftily.

  23. 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。

    There are spring flowers and autumn months, the summer there are cool winter snow.

  24. 只知抱杵捣秋砧, 不觉高楼已无月。

    Only know how to hold pestle autumn anvil, highrise buildings no longer feel dated.

  25. 今夜月明人尽望, 不知秋思落谁家。

    Tonight Moon people look, do not know song falls whose home.

  26. 爱情是三月烂漫的鲜花, 也是霜后的秋叶。

    Love is in March brilliant flowers, but also of the Akiba cream.

  27. 未见花开春已尽, 待到秋来月又缺。

    No spring bloom had done up until the time fall short of months to come.

  28. 泰戈尔说,生如春花之灿烂,死如秋叶之静美。

    Tagore says, life like a glitter of spring flower, and death is as whisht beauty of autumn leaf.

  29. 生如春花之烂漫, 死如秋叶之静美一样的性格。

    To live like the booming spring flowers, to die as the graceful fall leaves.

  30. 紫罗兰和蒲公英是在三月初可见的娇嫩的春花。

    The violet and the dandelion are dainty spring flowers, which could be seen in early March.


  1. 问:春花秋月拼音怎么拼?春花秋月的读音是什么?春花秋月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春花秋月的读音是chūnhuāqiūyuè,春花秋月翻译成英文是 autumn moon and spring flowers; beautiful s...



“春花秋月”是个多义词,它可以指春花秋月(汉语成语), 春花秋月(1937年蒋爱民执导电影)。