


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 矩 [jǔ]矩 [jǔ]画直角或方形的工具:~尺(曲尺)。~形(长方形)。力~(物理学上指使物体转动的力乘以到转轴的距离)。规~。法则,规则:循规蹈~。……



汉语拼音:bù guī ju







不规矩 [bù guī ju]
  1. 简介不规矩,不端行为;不正派举止;粗鲁表现;品行不良。



  1. The latest intellectual property laws impose unprecedented restrictions on the sort of poking around that leads to new ideas.


  2. She was ashamed of her children's bad behaviour.


  3. The shape of snake lance can be considered as special, but it doesn't stand for its not fine manufacture technique(so-called irregular).


  4. Sometimes this occurred as punishment for offenses, although there were reports that social engineering was also involved.


  5. Now they were saying, We'll stop misbehaving if you give us the White House back.


  6. And like a horse whisperer who can "break" troublesome equines, Mr Nichols has the ability to bond with the worst behaved birds.


  7. "If the parties don't behave themselves, in six months a royalist resurgence is a real possibility, " Ms. Neelakantan said.


  8. The children didn't behave any too well.


  9. It's not polite to be late for classes, meetings, or appointments.


  1. 这老头儿不规矩。

    This old man has loose morals.

  2. 他的行为很不规矩。

    His behaviour is highly irregular.

  3. 虽然学生有点不规矩。

    Although the kids sometimes get a little unruly.

  4. 孩子们表现得相当不规矩。

    The children didn't behave any too well.

  5. 不规矩是打趣话的精髓。

    Impropriety is the soul of wit.

  6. 如果他行为不规矩, 我就揍他。

    If he doesn't behave himself, I'll pin his ear back.

  7. 放心, 我没有那不规矩的玩意儿。

    Trust me, I don't have the tools not to behave.

  8. 你们若不规矩,我会打你们耳光的!

    If you don't behave yourselves I'll box your ears!

  9. 要是你不规矩,我就和你断绝关系。

    I'll disown you if you misbehave.

  10. 我走后,这个调皮姑娘规矩不规矩呀?

    How's the bad girl been behaving herself since I left ?

  11. 罗伯特, 我的老婆就很不规矩。

    My wife is a bitch, Robert.

  12. 要是你们不规矩, 我会打你们耳光的。

    If you dont behave yourselves Ill box your ears.

  13. 她因为她的孩子不规矩而感到羞愧。

    She was ashamed of her children's behaviour.

  14. 高税收会驱使人们做生意不规矩吗?

    Does high taxation put a premium on business dishonesty?

  15. 你要是不规矩,我就拧断你的脖子。

    I'll wring your neck if you don't behave!

  16. 你如果不规矩点,我就拧断你的脖子。

    I will wring your neck if you do not behave.

  17. 你可以放心, 对不规矩的行为是不会不追究的。

    Rest assured that misbehavour will not go unpunished.

  18. 在电影院里, 他开始对她不规矩, 所以她打了他耳光。

    He started getting fresh in the cinema, so she slapped his face.

  19. 我们理当居心记着这些不规矩静词得三种情势。

    We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.

  20. 我们理当居心记着这些不规矩静词的三种情势。

    We should remember the three principe parts of these irregular verbs by heart.

  21. 迈克认为他的妻子现在也好, 婚前也好, 都是不规矩的。

    Mike believed that his wife was not now, and hadn't been before her marriage, any better than she should be.

  22. 不好意思, 如果你再不规矩点儿, 我要叫警察来把你赶出去。

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have you put out by the police if you don't act a little more proper.

  23. 如果你再不规矩, 再作出出格的事情, 我们就把你直接领回家。

    If you put another toe out of the line, we'll bring you straight home.

  24. 规矩不是我定的

    I don't make the rules.

  25. 你明知规矩不是这样的。

    That's not the rule and you know it.

  26. 抱歉,斯加沃太太,无规矩不成方圆。

    Sorry, Mrs. Scavo. Rules are rules.

  27. 国有国法, 家有家规, 没有规矩不成方圆。

    As a country has its state laws, a family also needs family rules.

  28. 不守规矩的行为

    unruly behaviour

  29. 不守规矩, 不懂礼貌

    bad manners

  30. 他一向不很规矩。

    He has always been a bit of a reprobate.


  1. 问:不规矩拼音怎么拼?不规矩的读音是什么?不规矩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不规矩的读音是,不规矩翻译成英文是 misconduct



bù guī zé ㄅㄨˋ ㄍㄨㄟ ㄗㄜˊ 不规则 谓没有规律可循。 朱自清 《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》:“白云下便是黑黑的一带轮廓;是一条随意画的不规则的曲线。”