




1. 缝 [féng]2. 缝 [fèng]缝 [féng]用针线连缀:~纫。~缀。~制。~补。~连。裁~。缝 [fèng]空隙,裂开或自然露出的窄长口子:~子。~隙。裂~。见~插针。缝合的地方:天衣无~。……



汉语拼音:hàn fèng








  1. An approach is proposed that this deviation can be obtained by using the weld pool image centroid and a Kalman filter.


  2. Where thickness characteristics AT the joint are more important than strength, a thinner welder is possible AT reduced joint strength.


  3. stoppers used for adjusting the size of the welding seam are arranged at the two sides of the rear upper press plier mounting plate.


  4. Therefore, developing a seam tracking system, which have good performance and is economical and practical is an urgent problem to be solved.


  5. Also, Make sure to allow a little bit longer on the bottom of the carving design in case it require some trimming when fitting doors.


  6. The quality and life of weld junctions can be improved through replacing the original weld structure with a tee joint.


  7. to avoid distorting of pin boss, it is suggested that the welding sequence of each welding line among lines be as shown in the figure.


  8. Visual inspection for the surface quality of equipment and weld seams. Review the manufacture's reports.


  9. The practice proves that welding robot can be able to complete site welding technology for various seam of complex workpiece.


  1. 不强固焊缝

    ak weld

  2. 平顶角焊缝

    miter weld.

  3. 电子束焊缝

    electron beam welding.

  4. 断续角焊缝

    intermittent fillet weld.

  5. 环形对接焊缝

    girth butt weld.

  6. 连续对接焊缝

    closed butt weld

  7. 船体对接焊缝

    hull butt welding seam.

  8. 辖补强焊缝

    flush weld.

  9. 管座角焊缝

    Nozzle weld.

  10. 浅填角焊缝

    light filler.

  11. 碳弧焊焊缝

    carbon arc weld.

  12. 斜交角焊缝

    oblique fillet weld.

  13. 仰焊角焊缝

    overhead fillet weld.

  14. 立焊角焊缝

    vertical fillet weld.

  15. 对接环焊缝

    Circumferential butt joint.

  16. 焊缝根部面积

    root face

  17. 焊缝根部边缘

    root edge

  18. 焊缝补强金属

    excess weld metal

  19. 单卷边角焊缝

    corner flange weld.

  20. 平顶角焊缝焊接

    flat faced fillet weld

  21. 并列断续角焊缝

    chain intermittent fillet welding

  22. 贴角焊缝焊脚

    leg of fillet

  23. 焊缝自动跟踪系统

    seam automatic tracking system

  24. 坡口焊缝焊喉

    Throat of a groove weld

  25. 焊缝涂焊药部分

    fluxing station

  26. 焊缝外边缘咬边

    external undercut

  27. 角焊缝检验卡规

    fillet welding gauge

  28. 焊缝对口错边量

    unfitness of butt weld

  29. 锯齿形断续角焊缝

    zigzag intermittent fillet weld

  30. 所有焊缝必须焊透。

    All welds to have full depth penetration.


  1. 问:焊缝拼音怎么拼?焊缝的读音是什么?焊缝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝的读音是hànfèng,焊缝翻译成英文是 soldering seam; weld line

  2. 问:焊缝厚度拼音怎么拼?焊缝厚度的读音是什么?焊缝厚度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝厚度的读音是hàn fèng hòu dù,焊缝厚度翻译成英文是 throat depth

  3. 问:焊缝接界拼音怎么拼?焊缝接界的读音是什么?焊缝接界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝接界的读音是hàn fèng jiē jiè,焊缝接界翻译成英文是 toe

  4. 问:焊缝根部拼音怎么拼?焊缝根部的读音是什么?焊缝根部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝根部的读音是hàn fèng gēn bù,焊缝根部翻译成英文是 root of weld

  5. 问:焊缝熔深拼音怎么拼?焊缝熔深的读音是什么?焊缝熔深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝熔深的读音是hàn fèng róng shēn,焊缝熔深翻译成英文是 weld penetration

  6. 问:焊缝破裂拼音怎么拼?焊缝破裂的读音是什么?焊缝破裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝破裂的读音是hàn fèng pò liè,焊缝破裂翻译成英文是 bead crack

  7. 问:焊缝缺陷拼音怎么拼?焊缝缺陷的读音是什么?焊缝缺陷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝缺陷的读音是hàn fèng quē xiàn,焊缝缺陷翻译成英文是 weld defect

  8. 问:焊缝腐烂拼音怎么拼?焊缝腐烂的读音是什么?焊缝腐烂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝腐烂的读音是hàn fèng fǔ làn,焊缝腐烂翻译成英文是 weld decay

  9. 问:焊缝补强拼音怎么拼?焊缝补强的读音是什么?焊缝补强翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝补强的读音是hàn fèng bǔ qiáng,焊缝补强翻译成英文是 weld reinforcement

  10. 问:焊缝表面拼音怎么拼?焊缝表面的读音是什么?焊缝表面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝表面的读音是hàn fèng biǎo miàn,焊缝表面翻译成英文是 face of weld

  11. 问:焊缝量规拼音怎么拼?焊缝量规的读音是什么?焊缝量规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝量规的读音是hàn fèng liáng guī,焊缝量规翻译成英文是 weld gauge

  12. 问:焊缝顶压拼音怎么拼?焊缝顶压的读音是什么?焊缝顶压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝顶压的读音是hàn fèng dǐng yā,焊缝顶压翻译成英文是 upset

  13. 问:焊缝下破裂拼音怎么拼?焊缝下破裂的读音是什么?焊缝下破裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝下破裂的读音是hàn fèng xià pò liě,焊缝下破裂翻译成英文是 under bead crack

  14. 问:焊缝未填满拼音怎么拼?焊缝未填满的读音是什么?焊缝未填满翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝未填满的读音是hàn fèng wèi tián mǎn,焊缝未填满翻译成英文是 underfilled weld

  15. 问:焊缝内部缺陷拼音怎么拼?焊缝内部缺陷的读音是什么?焊缝内部缺陷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝内部缺陷的读音是hàn fèng nèi bù quē xiàn,焊缝内部缺陷翻译成英文是 interior defects

  16. 问:焊缝坡口钝边拼音怎么拼?焊缝坡口钝边的读音是什么?焊缝坡口钝边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝坡口钝边的读音是hàn fèng pō kǒu dùn biān,焊缝坡口钝边翻译成英文是 root face

  17. 问:焊缝外部缺陷拼音怎么拼?焊缝外部缺陷的读音是什么?焊缝外部缺陷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝外部缺陷的读音是hàn fèng wài bù quē xiàn,焊缝外部缺陷翻译成英文是 external defects on the welded seam

  18. 问:焊缝开裂试验拼音怎么拼?焊缝开裂试验的读音是什么?焊缝开裂试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝开裂试验的读音是hàn fèng kāi liè shì yàn,焊缝开裂试验翻译成英文是 bead weld cracking test

  19. 问:焊缝有效厚度拼音怎么拼?焊缝有效厚度的读音是什么?焊缝有效厚度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝有效厚度的读音是hàn fèng yǒu xiào hòu dù,焊缝有效厚度翻译成英文是 effective thickness of weld

  20. 问:焊缝质量级别拼音怎么拼?焊缝质量级别的读音是什么?焊缝质量级别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焊缝质量级别的读音是hàn fèng zhì liàng jí bié,焊缝质量级别翻译成英文是 grade of weld quality


