







汉语拼音:shì wēi








  1. 显示威力。

    《左传·昭公十三年》:“ 叔向 曰:‘诸侯不可以不示威。’” 杜预 注:“知 晋 德薄,欲以威服之。”《北史·元澄传》:“ 郑国 寡弱,摄於强邻,人情去就,非刑莫制,故铸刑书以示威。” 萧军 《羊》二:“它已变得残暴,过度地挺起它的脖子,挥舞着长角向它的囚伴示威!”

  2. 指有所抗议或要求而进行的显示自身力量和意志的集体行动。

    周恩来 《关于武汉工作问题》:“只有少数先进分子的单独示威是失策,应准备发动广大的群众性的示威。” 邹韬奋 《经历》四九:“她又领导同学驱逐校长,罢课示威。”



  1. The Syrian regime did not react on Thursday, but anti-regime protesters welcomed the long-awaited move.


  2. But back in these days of the Flint sit-down strike, the police and the company thugs were not going to just stand by.


  3. The trouble started in an area of north London, when a peaceful protest over the shooting by police of a black suspect turned violent.


  4. When a Suffragette was sent to prison, it was assumed that she would go on hunger strike as this caused the authorities maximum discomfort.


  5. The objective was to get a nationwide demonstration of concern for the environment so large that it would shake the political arena.


  6. The deadline set by the Thai Prime Minister for the thousands of protestors to leave his official compound in Bangkok has passed.


  7. The largely peaceful protesters called for the resignation of Abhisit Vejjajiva, just five months after he took office.


  8. Neither politicians nor the military seemed ready to embrace a drastic step that many insisted was needed to end the unrest.


  9. We totally agree that at least we have to review the level of demonstration now at least about how we reduce and how much we reduce.


  1. 示威。游行

    take part in a public rally, etc, usually as a protest or to show support.

  2. 进行示威游行

    to go on a march

  3. 参加示威游行

    join a demonstration

  4. 举行游行示威

    hold a demonstration.

  5. 请愿示威游行

    petition demonstration

  6. 禁止示威游行

    enjoin a demonstration.

  7. 警察禁止示威。

    The police nixed the demonstration.

  8. 反以示威游行

    demostration against Israel.

  9. 示威突然变成暴动。

    The demonstrations erupted into violence.

  10. 工人示威要求加薪。

    The workers demonstrated for higher wages.

  11. 示威群众都义愤填膺。

    Indignation ran high among the demonstrators.

  12. 大批示威者上街

    Demonstrators were out in force.

  13. 示威者反复抗议

    the demonstrators chanted their disapproval

  14. 我出去看看抗议示威。

    I'm going outside to watch the protest.

  15. 我出去看看抗议示威。

    I'm going outside to watch the protest.

  16. 也许是什么示威游行。

    Perhaps is any demonstration.

  17. 和平守法之游行示威

    Mass demonstration and peaceful parade

  18. 示威游行变成了暴动。

    The march degenerated into a riot.

  19. 示威是暴动的导火线。

    The demonstration was the signal for the riot.

  20. 抗议示威, 游行, 运动等。

    A protest demonstration, march, movement, etc

  21. 他们游行示威要求减税。

    They demonstrated for lower taxes.

  22. 示威群众突破了警戒线。

    Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.

  23. 伦敦民众示威反对战争。

    People in London demonstrated against the war.

  24. 我母亲说过游行示威。

    My mom says, Protest march.

  25. 你参加过示威游行吗

    Have you ever marched in a demonstration

  26. 他们示威要求驱逐独裁者。

    They demonstrated for the ouster of the dictator

  27. 军队向前行进以示威。

    The troops march with an intimidating setup.

  28. 军队向前行进以示威。

    The troops march with an intimidating setup.

  29. 他们都参加了示威游行。

    They all went on the demo.

  30. 这次示威游行的录像带

    a videotape of the demonstration


  1. 问:示威拼音怎么拼?示威的读音是什么?示威翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示威的读音是shìwēi,示威翻译成英文是 demonstrate

  2. 问:示威者拼音怎么拼?示威者的读音是什么?示威者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示威者的读音是,示威者翻译成英文是 demonstrationist

  3. 问:示威停工拼音怎么拼?示威停工的读音是什么?示威停工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示威停工的读音是shì wēi tíng gōng,示威停工翻译成英文是 demonstration stoppage

  4. 问:示威游行拼音怎么拼?示威游行的读音是什么?示威游行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示威游行的读音是,示威游行翻译成英文是 demonstation

  5. 问:示威运动拼音怎么拼?示威运动的读音是什么?示威运动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示威运动的读音是,示威运动翻译成英文是 demonstratio

  6. 问:示威性惩罚拼音怎么拼?示威性惩罚的读音是什么?示威性惩罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示威性惩罚的读音是shì wēi xìng chéng fá,示威性惩罚翻译成英文是 exemplary punishment