







汉语拼音:wèi yè






  1. 胃腺分泌的无色透明液体,呈酸性,主要含有胃蛋白酶、盐酸和黏液,有消化食物和杀灭细菌的作用。胃液的分泌常因食物的性质不同而有差异。



  1. will stimulate gastric secretion, gastric acid too easy to feel bloating, reduce appetite, reduce diet feeding.


  2. At the moment, there is no reliable means to confirm reflux of gastric juice in patients with suspected reflux laryngitis.


  3. eat fatty foods at least when the secretion of gastric juice was the slowest, digestion is also weak.


  4. For the most part, any germs it contained would be digestible or would otherwise die in your gut, but this is not always the case.


  5. Capsaicin has a role in sterilization and disinfection, saliva or be able to promote the secretion of gastric juice, and promote digestion.


  6. A raptor's digestive system, with its specialized gastric juices, is designed to deal with its exclusive diet of meat.


  7. I evaluate all this and start sending out impulses to step up production of gastric juices and saliva.


  8. Lying down with a full stomach encourages acids and gastric juices to flow up into the esophagus, causing heartburn that disturbs sleep.


  9. to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice to help digestion, increase appetite, eliminate bad breath.


  1. 无管胃液分析

    ductless gastric fluid analysis.

  2. 胃壁分泌胃液。

    The wall of the stomach secretes gastric juice.

  3. 胃液能帮助消化。

    Gastric juices help us digest our food.

  4. 大大促胃液素

    Big big gastrin.

  5. 造成胃液流入肺部

    Fills the lungs with secretions.

  6. 无管胃液分析和测量

    Tubeless gastric analysis and measurement

  7. 胃液分泌反应头侧相

    Cephalic phase of gastric secretory response

  8. 人体胃液的流变性能研究

    Study on the Viscosity Property of Gastric Juice

  9. 胃腺分泌胃液帮助消化食物。

    Glands in the stomach secrete juices that help in digesting food.

  10. 胃中胃液分泌过多会导致胃溃疡。

    The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.

  11. 胃液分泌量及所含酶均减少。

    Gastric juice secretes quantity and place to contain enzymatic all decrease.

  12. 大量丢失胃液的病例,血氯值降低。

    Blood chlorine was lower in the cases of losing more gastric juice.

  13. 胃液中的一种酶,能使乳类凝结。

    An agent that causes a liquid or sol to coagulate.

  14. 胃液, 胰液, 胆汁和小肠液分泌的调节。

    The secretion regulation of gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile and small intestine fluid.

  15. 胃液中得一种酶, 能使乳类凝结。

    An agent that causes a liquid or sol to coagulate.

  16. 并可使唾液、胃液、肠液分泌迅速增加。

    And enhance rapidly secretion of the saliva, the gastric juice, the intestinal juices.

  17. 我已经采到像胃液一样的消化液了。

    I have aspirated juice which looks like gastric juice.

  18. 目的评价胃液潜血阳性的临床应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate clinical value of positive occult blood in gastric juice.

  19. 能降低胃液的总酸度,降低胃蛋白酶活性。

    It can decrease the total acidity of gastric juice, the activity of pepsin.

  20. 胃液内含有盐酸给胃蛋白酶提供酸溶液。

    Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid to provide an acidic solution for pepsin.

  21. 研究促胃液素的生物化学时代开始了。

    The biochemical era in the study of gastrin was initiated.

  22. 以促进胃液分泌, 帮助消化, 增进食欲, 消除口臭。

    to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice to help digestion, increase appetite, eliminate bad breath.

  23. 促胃液素对结肠癌细胞侵袭力的影响

    Effect of gastrin on invasiveness of human colon cancer cells.

  24. 胃里可分泌出盐酸, 而盐酸是胃液的组成部分。

    Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach and forms part of the gastric juice.

  25. 胃里可分泌出盐酸, 而盐酸是胃液得组成部分。

    Hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach and forms part of the gastric juice.

  26. 胃液亚硝酸盐含量与胃癌发病关系的研究

    A study on the relationship between the content of nitrite in gastric juice and gastric cancer

  27. 他们说胃液可能会泄漏如果胃壁没有完全闭合。

    They say stomach floozy fluids could leak if the stomach wall is not closed completely.

  28. 胃液得成分包括盐酸, 胃蛋白酶, 粘液和内因子。

    Gastric juice contains HCl, pepsins, mucus and intrinsic factor.

  29. 胃液的成分包括盐酸、胃蛋白酶、粘液和内因子。

    Gastric juice contains HCl, pepsins, mucus and intrinsic factor.

  30. 胃液固有荧光光谱对胃癌诊断价值的初步研究

    The value of autofluorescence spectrum analysis of gastric juice in diagnosing gastric carcinoma a preliminary result


  1. 问:胃液拼音怎么拼?胃液的读音是什么?胃液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液的读音是wèiyè,胃液翻译成英文是 gastric juice; gastric fluid; succus gastricu...

  2. 问:胃液溢拼音怎么拼?胃液溢的读音是什么?胃液溢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液溢的读音是,胃液溢翻译成英文是 gastrorrhea

  3. 问:胃液检查拼音怎么拼?胃液检查的读音是什么?胃液检查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液检查的读音是wèi yè jiǎn chá,胃液检查翻译成英文是 gastric juice test

  4. 问:胃液素腺拼音怎么拼?胃液素腺的读音是什么?胃液素腺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液素腺的读音是wèi yè sù xiàn,胃液素腺翻译成英文是 peptic gland's

  5. 问:胃液缺乏拼音怎么拼?胃液缺乏的读音是什么?胃液缺乏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液缺乏的读音是wèi yè quē fá,胃液缺乏翻译成英文是 achylia gastrica

  6. 问:胃液酸度拼音怎么拼?胃液酸度的读音是什么?胃液酸度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液酸度的读音是wèi yè suān dù,胃液酸度翻译成英文是 gastric acidity

  7. 问:胃液糖蛋白拼音怎么拼?胃液糖蛋白的读音是什么?胃液糖蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液糖蛋白的读音是wèi yè táng dàn bái,胃液糖蛋白翻译成英文是 gastric glycoprotein

  8. 问:胃液铁蛋白拼音怎么拼?胃液铁蛋白的读音是什么?胃液铁蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液铁蛋白的读音是wèi yè tiě dàn bái,胃液铁蛋白翻译成英文是 gastroferrin

  9. 问:胃液分泌过多拼音怎么拼?胃液分泌过多的读音是什么?胃液分泌过多翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液分泌过多的读音是wèi yè fēn mì guò duō,胃液分泌过多翻译成英文是 gastrorrhoea

  10. 问:胃液抗贫血素拼音怎么拼?胃液抗贫血素的读音是什么?胃液抗贫血素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液抗贫血素的读音是wèi yè kàng pín xiě sù,胃液抗贫血素翻译成英文是 addisin

  11. 问:胃液染色时间拼音怎么拼?胃液染色时间的读音是什么?胃液染色时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液染色时间的读音是wèi yè rǎn sè shí jiān,胃液染色时间翻译成英文是 chromoscopy time

  12. 问:胃液盐酸正常拼音怎么拼?胃液盐酸正常的读音是什么?胃液盐酸正常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液盐酸正常的读音是wèi yè yán suān zhèng cháng,胃液盐酸正常翻译成英文是 euchlorhydria

  13. 问:胃液黏糖蛋白拼音怎么拼?胃液黏糖蛋白的读音是什么?胃液黏糖蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胃液黏糖蛋白的读音是wèi yè nián táng dàn bái,胃液黏糖蛋白翻译成英文是 gastric mucous glycoprotein



(gastric juice)胃内分泌物的总称。包括水、电解质、脂类、蛋白质和多肽激素。纯净胃液为无色透明液体,pH0.9~1.5,比重为1.006~1.009,每日分泌量为1.5~2.5升,含固体物约0.3~0.5%,无机物主要为Na+、K+、H+和Cl-。离子浓度随胃液分泌率而异,分泌率增加时,Na+浓度下降,H+迅速上升,最高可达150毫克当量/升,Cl-也稍有升高,而K+基本稳定。H+和Cl-结合成盐酸。有机物有胃蛋白酶原、粘液蛋白和“内因子”。这些成分由胃粘膜层各种不同上皮细胞分泌,壁细胞分泌HCl和内因子,主细胞分泌胃蛋白酶原。