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1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……
汉语拼音:chēng dào
《韩非子·说疑》:“称道往古,使良事沮,善禪其主,以集精微。” 唐 韩愈 《元和圣德诗》序:“诚宜率先作歌诗,以称道盛德。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·连城》:“女得诗喜,对父称赏,父贫之,女逢人輒称道。”
If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.
如果说Huber太太有什么令人称道的优点,那就是她往往能看见事情令人高兴的一面。To its credit, the high-end Adamo does include 4 GB of built-in RAM, double that of the Air.
值得称道的,高端阿达莫不包括4GB的内置内存,增加了一倍的空气。The economy is not the only reason people are drawn to McDonald's. The company's management also deserves credit for its success.
经济问题并不是把人们吸引到麦当劳的唯一原因,公司的管理也值得称道。Among the women writers of the 19th century, Jane Austen is applauded for her indirections of narration.
在19世纪的女作家中,奥斯丁以其间接叙述手法为文论家所称道。To leave any sort of legacy, he needs to build a credible system of economic governance for the euro.
为了留下之得称道的业绩,巴罗佐必须为欧元建立一个可靠的经济管理体系。Everything you might expect of a celebrity hero, but none of what Paul himself believes merits the honor of that title.
总之,凡是一个声名雀起的英雄能得到的一切他都得到了,但保罗认为这一头衔值得称道的东西远不在此。If the two of you handle the energies of this position well, it is a good indication that together you can achieve something of note.
如果你们两个人对这个相位的能量处理得当,它便是个好兆头,预示着你们能够做成值得称道的事情。Probably constructing a railway on the bottom of the sea isn't such a great idea after all, but we do have amphibious vehicles.
也许在海底修建铁轨并不是什么值得称道的主意,但是现如今我们也有水陆两用卡车。The remarkable human capacity for cooperation thus seems to have evolved mainly for interactions within the group.