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《北齐书·元文遥传》:“ 暉业 尝大会宾客,有人将《何逊集》初入 洛 ,诸贤皆赞赏之。” 清 金志章 《因树亭观唐明皇磨厓碑》:“手摹口诵极賛赏,忽忆往事心神忡。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部十六:“‘真是个好地方呀!’ 巧珠奶奶 赞赏地说。”
Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for the kind words. And thank you to our hosts for inviting me to speak with you.
谢谢您的赞赏,大使先生。也谢谢我们的东道主邀请我来与你们交谈。Rhett: I meant it as a compliment and I hope to see more of you when you are free of the spell of this elegant Mr.
瑞德:我只是想赞赏你,如果你能摆脱对那高贵的阿希礼先生的迷恋,我希望能多了解你一些。Lewis Booth, Ford's chief financial officer, is said to have taken a shine to Mr Li, seeing in him a real passion for the car business.
福特首席财政官刘易斯布思非常赞赏李先生,在他身上看到对汽车产业真正的激情。At this point, return to the fantasy and let the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude rise up again.
这时,你就可以再次回到幻想当中,并且让赞赏或感恩的感受状态再次升起。He is able to cook, to make dumplings, to roll noodles, which bring him a lot of praise from friends, to me, sort of shame unspoken.
他会做菜,包饺子,擀面,朋友们都对他赞赏有加,对于我,则有点羞于启齿。We are going to Sing it out loud and that's when you know how much we appreciate all of you. . . haha!
我们要唱出来,这是当你知道,我们非常赞赏你们所有人…嘿!As Walt finished and looked to his wife for approval, a man came into view around the turn of the trail.
当沃尔特朗诵结束并向妻子寻求赞赏之时,一个人的身影从路的拐角处映入了他们的眼帘。Chile appreciates China's pursuit of scientific development and is ready to exchange experience with China in this regard.
智利赞赏中国坚持科学发展,愿意就此同中方交流经验。His spokesman said the president had commend ed the Dalai Lama's commitment to non-violence and his pursuit of dialogue with China.