






1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:dǐng zú ér sān







  • 【解释】:比喻三方面对立的局势。也泛指三个方面。
  • 【出自】:《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“臣愿披腹心,输肝胆,效愚计,恐足下不能用也。诚能听臣之计,莫若两利而俱存之,三分天下,鼎足而居,其势莫敢先动。”
  • 【示例】:老头儿在席上,看着安老夫妻的这个佳儿,这双佳妇,~,未免因羡生感,因感生叹。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;指三分天下


  1. na.
  2. divided into three parts;a situation dominated by three powerful rivals

  1. 而三个数的总和都是十八。

    And the sums are all eighteen.

  2. 而三年前, 这个比例是五分之一。

    Three years ago, it was one in five.

  3. 在东部他们和波士顿鼎足而立,恩布里。

    It's them and Boston in the East, said Embry.

  4. 拷红是典型的文戏, 而三岔口属于武戏。

    Interrogating Hong Niang is a typical civil play, while this Crossroads belongs to military play.

  5. 拷红是典型得文戏,而三岔口属于武戏。

    Interrogating Hong Niang is a typical civil play, while this Crossroads belongs to military play.

  6. 而三聚氰胺在奶粉制造过程中, 要加入就容易多了。

    Melamine and powder in the manufacturing process, to join more easily.

  7. 而三恶道都是仰仗地藏菩萨来救度他们的!

    And living beings in the three evil paths all depend on Earth Store Bodhisattva to save them!

  8. 而三季度递减的吸纳量却很难支撑该项假设。

    But the third quarter decreases progressively the buyingquantity is very actually difficult to support this supposition.

  9. 而三季度递减得吸纳量却很难支撑该项假设。

    But the third quarter decreases progressively the buyingquantity is very actually difficult to support this supposition.

  10. 而三年前,我学会做的一件事就是 变成隐形人。

    And three years ago, one of the things I learned how to do was to become invisible.

  11. 而三聚氰胺食用超过一定的量,可以导致肾结石甚至肾衰竭。

    When ingested in large amounts, melamine can cause kidney stones and kidney failure.

  12. 而三天前, 该城也出现了首例谋杀案, 有人被利斧杀死。

    Three days before that, the town had its first murder when a man was bludgeoned with an ax.

  13. 没有人知道为何是三而不是四。

    Why there's not four of them, Heaven only knows.

  14. 而剩下三分之二的同学

    Of the remaining twothirds.

  15. 而这三天的假期,我就是这么做的。

    For these three days, that's what I did.

  16. 而现在三大趋势正在改变这一状况。

    Now three trends are changing this.

  17. 大夫三庙,一昭一穆,与太祖之庙而三。

    Doctor three temples, one a Muslim Zhao, and Dynasty the Temple of the three.

  18. 而这三个主要部分和黄金圆环匹配得非常好。

    that correlate perfectly with the golden circle.

  19. 而这三个指标正是消费者对笔记本长期得诉求点。

    And these 3 index are consumer seek a site to jotter appeals to for a long time.

  20. 而这三个指标正是消费者对笔记本长期的诉求点。

    And these 3 index are consumer seek a site to jotter appeals to for a long time.

  21. 而这三人中, 又以门格尔最为看重主观评价的作用。

    This trio so, on subjective assessment of Mengers most valued role.

  22. 小而狭长的三出叶

    small and narrow trifoliolate

  23. 所以我需要四个而不是三个

    That's why I need all four of them, not three.

  24. 他管理组织自上而下的三个分层。

    He managed three layers down the organisation.

  25. 这孩子因成绩优异而越级升入三年级。

    The child has skipped to the third grade as he did exceedingly well in his studies.

  26. 她因获得三项奖而出名。

    She distinguished herself by winning three prizes.

  27. 他因其宗教信仰而忍受系狱三年之苦。

    He endured three years in prison for his religious beliefs.

  28. 而之后他们三人都受到了英足协得调查。

    All three ended up in trouble with the FA.

  29. 而之后他们三人都受到了英足协的调查。

    All three ended up in trouble with the FA.

  30. 他应邀而至。三花备了点酒,还下了点面条款待他。

    When he arrived, Third Blossom prepared some noodles and a little wine.

