






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:qì zhī kě xī








  • 【解释】:扔掉它未免可惜。
  • 【出自】:《三国志·魏志·武帝纪》裴松之注引《九州春秋》:“夫鸡肋,弃之如可惜,食之无所得,以比汉中,知王欲还也。”


  1. bought pork farms, how much a little fat fat, tasteless but wasteful to discard.


  2. "Tasteless but wasteful to discard" is now playing advisor of the true feelings of players.


  3. That has led some councillors to dub them "chicken ribs" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away.


  4. Accumulated time of love, is tasteless, but wasteful to discard . . .


  5. But for this "fat meat" , the banks also feel that would be wasteful.


  6. cobolli gigli said this week : " without juventus , the serie a championship this season has been modest and boring . "


  7. Workplace Purgatory: Hating the Job But Reluctant to Quit


  1. 食之无味,弃之可惜

    unappetizing and yet not bad enough to throw away

  2. 时间积累起来的爱,食之无味,弃之可惜

    Accumulated time of love, is tasteless, but wasteful to discard.

  3. 但是, 现在的美元是烫手的山芋, 食之无味, 弃之可惜。

    However, the dollar is a hot potato, tasteless but wasteful to discard.

  4. 菜场买来的猪肉, 多少带点肥膘, 食之无味, 弃之可惜。

    bought pork farms, how much a little fat fat, tasteless but wasteful to discard.

  5. 得之不费力, 弃之不可惜。

    What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret.

  6. 弃之阴霾之境

    Throw them down to the land of haze.

  7. 取其精华,弃之不适。

    Take the essence, abandon the discomfort.

  8. 你又弃之如敝履。

    To throw away like garbage.

  9. 整天的尔虞我诈,钩心斗角早已将谦让弃之门外。

    Day of the cheat one another, humility already left outside.

  10. 可是,现在百花齐放不提了,实际上,就是弃之不用了。

    However,the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom is no longer mentioned and has,in fact,been abandoned.

  11. 许多当地的磨坊只不过是名义上存在, 已弃之不用了。

    Many of these local mills remain in name alone, having fallen into disuse.

  12. 显然,我们不会也不应该把这些语词和概念完全弃之不用。

    Obviously, we are not going to throw out all of these terms, nor should we.

  13. 我一点儿信任查尔斯。他一旦用不着你, 就把你弃之如敝屣。

    I wouldn't trust charles an inch. He'll cast you aside like an old shoe when he has no further use of you.

  14. 当挖完一处的石矿后, 他们只是用一些碎石填埋或弃之不管。

    When they exhausted a quarry, they stuffed it with rubble or simply abandoned it.

  15. 弃团结之义, 肇分裂之端。

    The principle of unity has been discarded and the thin end of the wedge of disruption driven in.

  16. 弃恶乃向善之初步。

    The first step to virtue be to abstain from vice.

  17. 未死遭遗弃,抑或不曾弃?谁人将之弃?可曾戴冠衣?

    Was the body dead when abandoned? Was the body abandoned? By whom had it been abandoned? Was the dead body naked or dressed for a journey?

  18. 得来容易弃之快

    what one gets easily one parts with easily

  19. 若蒙不弃,愿效犬马之劳。

    Should I be fortunate enough not to be rejected, I would render such humble services as I could.

  20. 清除现场, 将散漏物弃之。

    Clear the area and run to waste.

  21. 太太弃他而去之後, 他就精神崩溃了。

    He went off the deep end after his wife left him.

  22. 她真地弃之不顾他的建议吗

    Did she really turn her back on his proposal.

  23. 我们登上了月球,然后就将她弃之不顾。

    We got to the moon and then punted.

  24. 这些制度制定出来不是让人弃之不顾的。

    These rules are not made to be flung aside lightly.

  25. 我把他们弃之一旁, 请求你能结束我的痛苦。

    I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.

  26. 歹徒抓住了比尔,而汤姆却把他弃之不顾。

    The bandit caught bill, and Tom left him in the lurch.

  27. 把一滴水水弃之脚下, 它会渗入土壤滋润大地

    to abandon the foot of the water drop, it will seep into the soil moist earth

  28. 我要支持他们, 我不能因为他们做了蠢事就弃之不顾。

    I will stand by them, and I won't walk out just because they do kookie things.

  29. 社会党人1982年上台执政后,就把其政治信条弃之不顾。

    The Socialists junked dogma when they came to office in 1982.

  30. 无法控制大小便的妇女经常被丈夫和家庭弃之不顾。

    Women unable to control their bladder and bowel movements are often abandoned or neglected by husbands and family.

