







汉语拼音:wěi xiè









  1. 下流;淫秽。

    宋 苏舜钦 《上执政启》:“岂意谤諠臺中,章彻宸极,因猜嫌而生隙,谓猥褻以当惩。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·画壁》:“四顾无人,渐入猥褻。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二一回:“外面粗鄙之言,不传到里头去;里面猥褻之言,不传出外头来。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·伤逝》:“我觉得在路上时时遇到探索,讥笑,猥亵和轻蔑的眼光。”

  2. 谓亲近者。

    《文献通考·经籍七》:“ 周公 承 文 武 之德,相 成王 为太师,乃广置宫闈猥褻、衣服饮食技艺之官以为属,必不然矣!”



  1. It is prohibited to organize, force, induce, shelter or introduce a woman to engage in prostitution or to act indecently against women.


  2. He said he only urged participants to undertake the challenge in an area where they would not get arrested for indecency.


  3. The wild thought came to me that he was proposing some form of gross indecency with a corpse.


  4. She ate the cake in a lascivious manner and ordered me to make out with her.


  5. The logo at first looks like an eagle but as you look you see one man is performing a lewd act on another.


  6. They did not identify him when fans from the opposing team at a soccer match on Saturday made up lewd Giggs-related chants.


  7. Prosecutors had been investigating him for years, and soon after, he faced new charges that he molested a 13-year old cancer survivor.


  8. The content was considered to be a potentially illegal indecent image of a child under the age of 18, but hosted outside the UK.


  9. Police and paparazzi mobbed the convicted child molester on his arrival in London.


  1. 下流的, 猥亵的

    Obscene or indecent

  2. 猥亵儿童罪

    Crime of indecent act towards children

  3. 猥亵的小曲

    bawdy songs

  4. 猥亵的词猥亵的画。

    Risqu coarse, or obscene language.

  5. 不猥亵的。不下流的

    not obscene or indecent

  6. 一个猥亵的故事

    a nasty story

  7. 你说啥?猥亵儿童?

    A child molester, you say

  8. 不要读猥亵刊物。

    Don't read the obscene publication.

  9. 他目光猥亵, 十分讨厌。

    He has a most unpleasant leer.

  10. 淫秽下流,猥亵的语言

    Risqu?coarse, or obscene language.

  11. 有意激起猥亵或者肉欲。

    designed to incite to indecency or lust.

  12. 淫秽或者猥亵的话或者文字。

    Lewd or obscene talk or writing.

  13. 令人憎恶的猥亵行为

    a disgusting obscenity

  14. 粗野的态度和猥亵的想法

    Rugged manners and ribald wit

  15. 取缔猥亵出版物流通协定

    Agreement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications

  16. 猥亵淫乱的品质或状态

    The quality or condition of being lubricious.

  17. 舞蹈经常变得极其猥亵。

    The dance often becomes flagrantly obscene.

  18. 使用淫秽或者猥亵的语言。

    Using foul or obscene language.

  19. 这个剧里有些情节相当猥亵。

    Some scenes in the play are rather near the bone.

  20. 你跟对你讲的猥亵的话吗

    Have you talked to Mr. Lambert about Ians obscene speech towards you

  21. 惊讶或者愤怒的污秽或者猥亵的表达。

    Profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger.

  22. 有关淫秽, 猥亵和暴力的法津。

    Laws concerning obscenity, indecency, and violence.

  23. 猥亵的小曲黄色笑话下流的语言。

    bawdy songs offcolor jokes ribald language.

  24. 那位先生一向忌讳粗俗和猥亵。

    That gentleman disliked coarseness and profanity.

  25. 我觉得这很粗鲁,并且可能很猥亵。

    I suspect this is rude, and possibly obscene.

  26. 暴露狂喜欢暴露猥亵部位的人裸露狂

    One who engages in indecent exposure an exhibitionist.

  27. 猥亵的思想将导致渎神之举。

    Impure thoughts lead to profane actions.

  28. 这部戏充斥着猥亵粗俗的语言。

    The play was full of filthy foul language.

  29. 强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪不是倾向犯。

    The coercive indecency and insulting offence against female are not crime of tendency.

  30. 无礼的猥亵的冒犯公共道德价值观的下流的。

    Offensive to public moral values immodest.


  1. 问:猥亵拼音怎么拼?猥亵的读音是什么?猥亵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵的读音是wěixiè,猥亵翻译成英文是 obscene; act indecently towards

  2. 问:猥亵地拼音怎么拼?猥亵地的读音是什么?猥亵地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵地的读音是,猥亵地翻译成英文是 indecently

  3. 问:猥亵的拼音怎么拼?猥亵的的读音是什么?猥亵的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵的的读音是,猥亵的翻译成英文是 obscene

  4. 问:猥亵罪拼音怎么拼?猥亵罪的读音是什么?猥亵罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵罪的读音是wěixièzuì,猥亵罪翻译成英文是 crime of misdemeanour

  5. 问:猥亵儿童拼音怎么拼?猥亵儿童的读音是什么?猥亵儿童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵儿童的读音是wěixièértóng,猥亵儿童翻译成英文是 indecency with children

  6. 问:猥亵字画拼音怎么拼?猥亵字画的读音是什么?猥亵字画翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵字画的读音是wěixièzìhuà,猥亵字画翻译成英文是 indecent literature and pictures

  7. 问:猥亵幼女拼音怎么拼?猥亵幼女的读音是什么?猥亵幼女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵幼女的读音是wěi xiè yòu nǚ,猥亵幼女翻译成英文是 abuse of female child

  8. 问:猥亵犯罪拼音怎么拼?猥亵犯罪的读音是什么?猥亵犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵犯罪的读音是wěi xiè fàn zuì,猥亵犯罪翻译成英文是 indecent assault

  9. 问:猥亵行为拼音怎么拼?猥亵行为的读音是什么?猥亵行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵行为的读音是wěixièxíngwéi,猥亵行为翻译成英文是 indecent conduct

  10. 问:猥亵性侵害拼音怎么拼?猥亵性侵害的读音是什么?猥亵性侵害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵性侵害的读音是wěi xiè xìng qīn hài,猥亵性侵害翻译成英文是 indecent assault

  11. 问:猥亵性暴露拼音怎么拼?猥亵性暴露的读音是什么?猥亵性暴露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵性暴露的读音是wěi xiè xìng bào lòu,猥亵性暴露翻译成英文是 indecent exposure

  12. 问:猥亵性言语拼音怎么拼?猥亵性言语的读音是什么?猥亵性言语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵性言语的读音是wěi xiè xìng yán yǔ,猥亵性言语翻译成英文是 verbal proposition

  13. 问:猥亵性交往障碍拼音怎么拼?猥亵性交往障碍的读音是什么?猥亵性交往障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猥亵性交往障碍的读音是wěi xiè xìng jiāo wǎng zhàng ài,猥亵性交往障碍翻译成英文是 obscene communication disorder



猥亵指以刺激或满足性欲为目的, 用性交以外的方法实施的淫秽行为。如强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪。对未成熟少年的性骚扰,即使在对象不明了意图和没有违抗乃至顺从的情况下,也可视为猥亵。猥亵行为的判断同社会习俗关系很大。性行为的道德标准与可以暴露的程度,由不同社会的性文化主流决定。