




1. 缝 [féng]2. 缝 [fèng]缝 [féng]用针线连缀:~纫。~缀。~制。~补。~连。裁~。缝 [fèng]空隙,裂开或自然露出的窄长口子:~子。~隙。裂~。见~插针。缝合的地方:天衣无~。……



汉语拼音:xiá fèng









  1. Pluto II also permits wide rolls to be slit down in preparation for flexographic printing, laminating or other converting processes.

  2. It is pronounced by turning up the tongue tip close to the hard palate to make a narrow passage through which the air escapes with friction.

  3. When I walked up to the ATM at my bank, I noticed someone had left his card in the slot.

  4. The ever-changing motion of the sun creates a warm touch on the skin as the dramatic light penetrates through the slits.

  5. These expressions help to understand the flow behavior of the plastics melt in a rectangular slit duct.

  6. Slit width in order to be able to distinguish between the two yellow lines close to prevail.

  7. "I was watching TV, and I heard, " Nassar says, her green eyes twinkling through the slit in her black veil.

  8. However, if it's observed after it's left the plane but before it hits its target, it won't have gone through both slits.

  9. Rising domestic confidence is not the only route to growth amid austerity.


  1. 电子抑止狭缝

    electron suppressor slit

  2. 狭缝准直器

    slit collimator.

  3. 狭缝聚像法

    slit focusing method.

  4. 共焦狭缝光阑

    confocal slit aperture.

  5. 对狭缝的滤波分析

    The Analysis of the Slit Filter

  6. 固定出口和入口狭缝。

    Fixed entrance and exit slit.

  7. 狭缝聚焦型准直器

    focused slit collimator

  8. 利用狭缝的共焦测量系统

    The Confocal System with a Slit Panel

  9. 考察了光谱狭缝宽度得影响。

    The influence of spectral slit width was studied.

  10. 考察了光谱狭缝宽度的影响。

    The influence of spectral slit width was studied.

  11. 彩虹全息综合狭缝的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of synthetic slit in rainbow holography.

  12. 她的脚卡在那狭缝里了。

    Her foot wedged in the narrow crack.

  13. 狭缝的演变与彩虹全息术的发展

    Change of slit and the development of rainbow holography.

  14. 正多边形和狭缝的等效菲涅耳数

    Equivalent Fresnel Numbers for Regular Polygon Aperture and Slit

  15. 上海光源插入件光束线白光狭缝设计

    The design of white beam slits for inset device beamlines of SSRF.

  16. 随狭缝宽度增大,纤维直径增大,卷曲度下降

    Also with the increase of air gap width, the diameter of fiber increased and crimp degree decreased.

  17. 就拿一块油管与油管的狭缝管夹具上。

    Take a piece of tubing and place it on the tubing fixture with the tubings slit up.

  18. 硬壁狭缝中流体密度分布的密度泛函理论

    Density Functional Theory for Density Profile of Fluid Confined in Slit

  19. 我在许多汽车之间的狭缝中缓慢地前行。

    I inched my way through the narrow space between the cars.

  20. 耐克弹力柱鞋在鞋垫下方有一个狭缝。

    The Nike shox has a slot beneath the cushion that lines the shoe.

  21. 弦月形狭缝通道中液氮沸腾传热实验研究

    Experimental study on the boiling heat transfer of nitrogen in lunate narrow channel.

  22. 钢质狭缝宽度测量结果则与钢丝情况相反。

    The experimental results of steel slit width are contrary to that of steel wires.

  23. 记住, 正是因为狭缝很窄而造成这种扩展的。

    Keep in mind that it's the small dimension of the slit which does the spreading out.

  24. 记住,正是因为狭缝很窄而造成这种扩展得。

    Keep in mind that it's the small dimension of the slit which does the spreading out.

  25. 狭缝孔内甲烷蒸汽重整化学平衡的分子模拟

    Molecular Simulation for the Chemical Equilibrium of Methane Steam Reforming in Slit Pores

  26. 介绍了在狭缝超光谱成像仪中的重要作用。

    The slit of Hyper Spectral Imager is introduced,which plays a key role in the instrument.

  27. 顶端年底, 手机是占领得电源按钮和扬声器得狭缝。

    The top end of the handset is occupied by the power button and loudspeaker slit.

  28. 顶端年底,手机是占领的电源按钮和扬声器的狭缝。

    The top end of the handset is occupied by the power button and loudspeaker slit.

  29. 有限厚度金属狭缝对太赫兹脉冲的整形和滤波

    Spatiotemporal shaping and filtering of terahertz pulses through metal slits with finite thickness

  30. 这些离子通过可变宽度的狭缝进入磁场分析器。

    These ions pass through a slit of variable aperture and then enter the magnetic field analyzer.


  1. 问:狭缝拼音怎么拼?狭缝的读音是什么?狭缝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝的读音是xiá fèng,狭缝翻译成英文是 slit

  2. 问:狭缝射门拼音怎么拼?狭缝射门的读音是什么?狭缝射门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝射门的读音是xiá fèng shè mén,狭缝射门翻译成英文是 slot

  3. 问:狭缝擦音拼音怎么拼?狭缝擦音的读音是什么?狭缝擦音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝擦音的读音是xiá fèng cā yīn,狭缝擦音翻译成英文是 slit fricative

  4. 问:狭缝黏度计拼音怎么拼?狭缝黏度计的读音是什么?狭缝黏度计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝黏度计的读音是xiá fèng nián dù jì,狭缝黏度计翻译成英文是 slit viscometer

  5. 问:狭缝过滤岐管拼音怎么拼?狭缝过滤岐管的读音是什么?狭缝过滤岐管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝过滤岐管的读音是xiá fèng guò lǜ qí guǎn,狭缝过滤岐管翻译成英文是 slot filtration manifold

  6. 问:狭缝形孔隙模型拼音怎么拼?狭缝形孔隙模型的读音是什么?狭缝形孔隙模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝形孔隙模型的读音是xiá fèng xíng kǒng xì mó xíng,狭缝形孔隙模型翻译成英文是 model of slit-like pore

  7. 问:狭缝扫描细胞荧光光度术拼音怎么拼?狭缝扫描细胞荧光光度术的读音是什么?狭缝扫描细胞荧光光度术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狭缝扫描细胞荧光光度术的读音是xiá fèng sǎo miáo xì bāo yíng guāng guāng dù shù,狭缝扫描细胞荧光光度术翻译成英文是 slit-scan cytofluorometry



slit 光谱仪的主要部件之一。狭缝是一条宽度可调、狭窄细长的缝孔。有固定狭缝,单边可调的非对称式狭缝和双边可调的对称狭缝。光辐射经光谱仪色散分光后的每条谱线,都是入射狭缝的像。进入单色器或从单色器出射的辐射能量,均由狭缝宽度调节。现代光谱仪中狭缝与光栅的转动耦合在一起,可自动调节。狭缝宽度的单位为μm,最大宽度为2mm。摄谱仪仅有入射狭缝,单色仪有入射、出射两个狭缝,多色仪有数个出射狭缝。