


1. 矫 [jiǎo]2. 矫 [jiáo]矫 [jiǎo]纠正,把弯曲的弄直:~正。~形。~治。~世(矫正世俗)。~情(故意违反常态,表示与众不同)。~枉过正。假托:~命。~诏。~虔(官吏假托上命掠夺百姓的财物)。强壮,勇武:~健。~捷。……





汉语拼音:jiǎo jiàn








  1. 指诗文等风骨雄健。

    宋 陈善 《扪虱新话·文章贵错综》:“《楚辞》以日吉对良辰,以蕙殽蒸对奠桂酒。 沉存中 云此是古人欲错综其语以为矫健故耳。” 明 李东阳 《<白洲诗集>序》:“先生少有能诗名,其为辞峭拔矫健,不犯尘俗,不蹈袭前人陈迹。”

  2. 强健有力。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·青娥》:“叟便曳坐路隅,敲石取火,以纸裹药末,熏生两足讫。试使行,不惟痛止,兼益矫健。” 碧野 《天山景物记》:“马走在花海中,显得格外矫健。” 徐迟 《三峡记》:“他们灵敏,快速,身手矫健。”



  1. A striking silhouette shows off the lithe form of a cheetah approaching a tree for a late afternoon slumber.


  2. by exertion of a very unusual degree of activity and courage, an entrance into the window, from the rod, might have been effected.


  3. See the TV film , the excellent physical condition of the water - skiing stars performances had not echocardiography ?


  4. Allie was impressed by his agility, knowing that what he had done so quickly and easily was harder than it looked.


  5. But the compelling pace of international wealth creation in London has helped override this reserve.


  6. Tashi was brave and strong like an eagle, and Drolma was beautiful and sweet like the Moon.


  7. Vigorous shooters, when enemy come to grips with the trend of the eyepiece shots out, was to give the role add cent many.


  8. They figure in the bright and the sun extraordinarily brisk, the pace of their fresh the morning show was especially strong.


  9. We got into my car, not realizing that just getting into a car would never quite be the same for me again.


  1. 矫健的小伙子

    a dapper little fellow.

  2. 八十岁仍很矫健。

    still spry at eighty

  3. 它们从小就身手矫健。

    They are prodigiously nimble from their infancy.

  4. 迈著矫健的步子出发。

    What a lovely little house!

  5. 迈著矫健得步子出发。

    What a lovely little house!

  6. 迈着矫健的步子走向。

    Set off at a smart pace to the playground.

  7. 运动员迈着矫健得步伐。

    The athletes go with vigorous strides.

  8. 运动员迈着矫健的步伐。

    The athletes go with vigorous strides.

  9. 将矫健, 匀称的骏马描摹,

    In limning out a wellproportiond steed,

  10. 矫健娴熟地挥剑的行为。

    the act using a sword vigorously and skillfully.

  11. 矫健娴熟地挥剑得行为。

    the act using a sword vigorously and skillfully.

  12. 他迈着矫健的步子进入大厅。

    He walked smartly into the hall.

  13. 刘翔飞身跨栏的动作利落矫健。

    Liu Xiang leaps swiftly over the hurdles.

  14. 刘翔飞身跨栏的动作利落矫健。

    Liu Xiang leaps swiftly over the hurdles.

  15. 你那矫健的步伐哪里去了呀?

    Where's that pep in your step?

  16. 我们想保举我们新的家庭矫健监测器。

    Wead like to recommend our new home heingternativeh monitor.

  17. 他迈着矫健的步伐跨了出来。

    He was stepping with vigorous strides out of the airport door.

  18. 它象一个高大的士兵,矫健有力。

    It bore its strength lightly as a tall soldier.

  19. 他走起路来虎步临风,矫健稳重。

    He walked in powerful and vigorous steps, looking brisk and sober.

  20. 他迈着矫健的步伐登上领奖台。

    He got on the stand in vigorous strides to receive the prize.

  21. 也有悠扬动听的情歌和矫健明快的舞蹈。

    The region is renowned for its heritage of beautiful love songs and lively dancing.

  22. 这个农庄中养了许多步伐矫健的黄骠马。

    The farm has raised a number of strong, and vigorous white-spotted- yellow horses.

  23. 她是一名游泳健将, 泳姿优雅而动作矫健。

    She is an agile swimmer, full of grace and speed.

  24. 他的腿长,走得又快,所以他的步伐矫健有力。

    His legs are so long and he moves so quickly that he has a bouncing walk.

  25. 尽管上了年纪,他走起路来步履仍然很矫健。

    He moves about friskily despite his age.

  26. 女排队员们英姿飒爽, 正迈着矫健的步伐通过主席台。

    Being bright and brave, the members of the women's volleyball team are passing by the rostrum, walking in vigorous strides.

  27. 雄关漫道, 普定正迈着矫健得步履匆匆向前。

    Impregnable pass is overflowed, pu Dingzheng is striding strong and vigorous walking hasty and forward.

  28. 雄关漫道,普定正迈着矫健的步履匆匆向前。

    Impregnable pass is overflowed, pu Dingzheng is striding strong and vigorous walking hasty and forward.

  29. 舞蹈形象洒脱,矫健,尚保存着骑射民族的勇武古风。

    The dance is free and brisk, imitating the valor of a tribe excelling in horsemanship and marksmanship.

  30. 乌达姆的嗓音变得更浑厚有力, 他的步伐也更强劲矫健。

    Udam's voice grows more powerful, his steps more vigorous.


  1. 问:矫健拼音怎么拼?矫健的读音是什么?矫健翻译成英文是什么?

    答:矫健的读音是jiǎojiàn,矫健翻译成英文是 vigorous

  2. 问:矫健活泼地拼音怎么拼?矫健活泼地的读音是什么?矫健活泼地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:矫健活泼地的读音是,矫健活泼地翻译成英文是 dapperly



“矫健”是个多义词,它可以指矫健(汉语词语), 矫健(山东省烟台市作家), 矫健(山东省乳山市作家)。