







汉语拼音:zuò guān








做官 [zuò guān]
  1. 担任官职。


做官 [zuò guān]
  1. 担任官职。




  1. it is not easy to be an official outside the capita. You must be careful.


  2. The emperor asked what you want to Magnolia, magnolias do not want an official, just want to ride a Maxima, to send back home magnolia.


  3. In the Han Dynasty, there was an official called Yang Yun who was both capable and honest.


  4. When you are permitted to rig a system for your own benefit it is not surprising that people find clever and corrupt ways to do it.


  5. Lu Jin Dynasty, when an official in Luoyang has a dog raised the name "Yellow-eared" and can send letters to and from.


  6. During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), an official named Cai Lun improved the technique after years of experimentation.


  7. He was an official for decades; he remained uncorrupted .


  8. Determined to make Qin a powerful state he set about looking for men of talent to help him do so.


  9. A body healthy personhood , serves as an official spotlessly , works meticulously.


  1. 做官当老爷

    act as lords and masters.

  2. 朝中有人好做官

    having a friend at court helps an official

  3. 人家的丈夫做官又做府。

    Other people's husbands are government officials are loaded.

  4. 论元曲家的做官与作曲

    On the Social Status and Artistic Work of Dramatists in the Yuan Dynasty

  5. 他想不到做官, 发财, 置买产业

    He did not aspire to become an official, get rich or go into business.

  6. 做官几十年,他依然是两袖清风。

    He was an official for decades; he remained uncorrupted.

  7. 做官没有意思,我回信去坚辞的。

    I'm not interested in being an official. I'm replying with a flat refusal.

  8. 他为人和做官都不拘小节,讲求实效。

    He did not bother about amall matters in personal behaviour and in being an official.

  9. 他不问政治是假的,不想做官也是假的。

    He lies when he says he takes no interest in politics and seeks no office.

  10. 庶族即使做官以后, 依然受到士族的歧视。

    Even if after the commoners serve as an official, still receives the hereditary scholar class the discrimination.

  11. 朝上有人好做官。近官得力,近厨得食。

    A friend in court makes the process short.

  12. 子张向孔子学习做官和取得俸禄的办法。

    Zi Zhang asked for a view to high rank and good pay.

  13. 我没有做官, 犯不着挨骂, 因此我也不想。

    I have never been a bureaucrat official and therefore deserve no such ridicule and hence have no intention to indulge in meat.

  14. 所以老师去做了官, 做官后老师做了不少的好事。

    So the teacher served as an official, and has done a lot of good things.

  15. 这是他做官后回绵山谢神时目睹得。

    After this is he serves as an official returns to Mt. mianshan Xie Shenshi witnesses.

  16. 这是他做官后回绵山谢神时目睹的。

    After this is he serves as an official returns to Mt. mianshan Xie Shenshi witnesses.

  17. 孩子大了向娘呢,他爹在做官呢看也不看他孩子。

    Children prefer their mother to their father that being government official.

  18. 不要她想做官太太,逼得我非做官、非做贪官不可。

    I don't want her to be an official's wife and insist that I become one of those corrupt officials.

  19. 现在有少数人就是做官当老爷,有些事情实在不像话!

    We have a few people now who act like overlords, and some of their behaviour is truly shocking.

  20. 缓做官赚钱资助家人,做父亲的是应该心存感激之心。

    His farther should thank Huan for his efforts in financing family members.

  21. 鲍德温先生当然不是出于想继续做官这个卑劣得动机。

    Mr. Baldwin was, of course, not moved by any ignoble wish to remain in office.

  22. 乡试每三年举办一次,通过乡试的人就可以做官了。

    The provincial imperial examination is held once every three years and those who pass it will be appointed as officials.

  23. 我们进了城,执了政,是做官呢,还是当人民的勤务员呢?

    Now that we have entered the cities and come to power,should we act as bureaucrats or work as servants of the people?

  24. 陶渊明无心做官,最终选择退隐山林,享受田园生活的乐趣。

    Tao Yuanming was not interested in becoming an official, and finally chose to be a hermit in a forest enjoying the fun of rural life.

  25. 对于张戒其人主要结合历史史料考察了其为人做官之情况。

    For Zhang Jie, we mainly investigate his moral quality and official quality combining with historical materials.

  26. 第三部分介绍汪由敦参加科举考试,后考中进士留京做官。

    The third part introduces he to participate in the imperial examinations, comprehensive examinations Scholars stay in Beijing official.


  1. 问:做官拼音怎么拼?做官的读音是什么?做官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:做官的读音是zuòguān,做官翻译成英文是 to be an official; to take an official post...



做官 zuòguān (1) [secure an official position]∶获得官员的职位 (2) [be an officials]∶拥有或带有职位的人 (3) 做官官清、官清清官、公正廉洁、明洁奉公、为民请命、为民造福。