


1. 柚 [yòu]2. 柚 [yóu]柚 [yòu]常绿乔木,果实称“柚子,皮粗而厚,色黄,肉白或粉红色,多汁,味酸甜,亦称“文旦”。柚 [yóu]〔~木〕落叶乔木,木材暗褐色,坚硬耐腐蚀,适于制造船舰、车辆等,亦供建筑用。……





汉语拼音:yóu mù






  1. 落叶乔木。叶大,卵形或椭圆形,背面密被灰黄色星状毛,花序圆锥状,秋季开花,花白色或蓝色。木材暗褐色,坚硬耐腐蚀,适于造船、车、桥梁和制作家具等。



  1. Flooring outside is light colored teak wood that reminded me of the deck of a fine yacht.


  2. Some of the old teak rice barges are still around, and a few have been converted into floating hotels.


  3. Inside, it uses reclaimed teak and redwood, and a screen that allows air to come in but blocks the sun.


  4. Then he saw the hills, once thick with teak trees, shaved bald like an old man's skull.


  5. There was nothing to do but sit back in comfortable teak chairs and watch the city go by.


  6. My room, one of six, fit two people comfortably and was charmingly decorated in teak with silk cushions and Thai art.


  7. The cost is similar to that of teak, but the maple is more durable and easier to keep clean.


  8. Its economic potential is not in doubt. It has teak, sugar and grain, as well as abundant oil.


  9. We asked our guide if we could talk more with the Master, an angry- looking fellow with a wiry build and a teak-tinged leather complexion.


  1. 新西兰柚木

    New Zealand teak.

  2. 带抽屉柚木床头柜

    Teak bedside vanity with drawer

  3. 柚木, 暴徒, 托地, 台风

    T teak, thug, toddy, typhoon

  4. 柚木苗木聚类分级。

    Classification of Nursery Stock of Tectona grandis L.

  5. 柚木地板及家私

    Refitted teak wood interior and teak wood floor

  6. 柚木实木仿古门

    Ancient Solid Teak wooden Door

  7. 松木是软木, 柚木是硬木。

    Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.

  8. 它和柚木一样结实,密集。

    It's as strong and dense as teak.

  9. 材质优良,可与柚木媲美。

    Wood is durable, strong, as good as teak.

  10. 柚木是一种坚硬的木材。

    Teak is a hard kind of wood.

  11. 我国柚木的研究与发展

    Research and Development of Teak in China.

  12. 美国求购柚木家具,家庭装饰品

    Teak furniture and home decorative items.

  13. 广东发展柚木人工林的探讨

    A Discussion on the Development of Teak Plantation In Guangdong Province

  14. 一套柚木桌椅装点着屋顶平台。

    A teak table and chairs furnish the roof terrace.

  15. 恩平力星柚木薄片有限公司。


  16. 内嵌有柚木装饰的红木衣柜

    A mahogany dresser with an inlaid teak design.

  17. 柚木地板无大片黑色水渍?

    Teak flooring without large black watermarks?

  18. 意大利求购柚木, 松木, 冷杉木和栎木

    Teak, pine, cold Chinese fir and oak trees

  19. 这是由柚木做的还是紫檀木做的?

    Is it made of teak or padauk?

  20. 生产柚木休闲家具,可终生使用!

    Canadian manufacturer of solid teak casual furniture. We enjoy a preferential relationship with a plantation in Costa Rica. Mayateak furniture for life!

  21. 西南部有贵重的尚比亚柚木林。

    There are valuable forests of Zambezi teak in the southwest.

  22. 柚木次生木质部导管分子观察研究

    Observation and Study on Vessel Elements of Secondary Xylem in Tectona grandis

  23. 放在柚木托盘上,让它们飘在泳池里

    on teak trays and float them on the pool.

  24. 门是由纯柚木制成,做工精美。

    The door is beautifully made in solid teak.

  25. 柚木或其它用于制造柜子的重质木材

    teak and other heavy cabinet wood.

  26. 另本公司大量供应柚木原材,柚木枋,柚木皮。

    In addition, we also supply raw wood, spuare wood and veneer laminates of teak.

  27. 这是除柚木以外最好的造船木材。

    With the exception of teak, this is the finest wood for boat construction.

  28. 赤霉素对柚木种实发芽率的影响

    Effect of Gibberellin on Germination of Teak

  29. 柚木经日晒, 风吹, 雨打颜色发灰了。

    Teak weathers to a greyish colour.

  30. 柚木种实预处理及催芽技术的研究

    Studies on Pretreatments and Techniques for Quick Germination of Teak Fruit


  1. 问:柚木拼音怎么拼?柚木的读音是什么?柚木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木的读音是yóumù,柚木翻译成英文是 Tectona grandis

  2. 问:柚木园拼音怎么拼?柚木园的读音是什么?柚木园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木园的读音是Yóumùyuán,柚木园翻译成英文是 Yukisono; Yunokisono

  3. 问:柚木属拼音怎么拼?柚木属的读音是什么?柚木属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木属的读音是yóumù shǔ,柚木属翻译成英文是 Tectona

  4. 问:柚木崎拼音怎么拼?柚木崎的读音是什么?柚木崎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木崎的读音是Yóumùqí,柚木崎翻译成英文是 Yuzukizaki

  5. 问:柚木族拼音怎么拼?柚木族的读音是什么?柚木族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木族的读音是yóumù zú,柚木族翻译成英文是 Tectoneae

  6. 问:柚木板拼音怎么拼?柚木板的读音是什么?柚木板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木板的读音是yòu mù bǎn,柚木板翻译成英文是 teak plank

  7. 问:柚木油拼音怎么拼?柚木油的读音是什么?柚木油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木油的读音是yóumùyóu,柚木油翻译成英文是 teak oil

  8. 问:柚木谷拼音怎么拼?柚木谷的读音是什么?柚木谷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木谷的读音是Yóumùgǔ,柚木谷翻译成英文是 Yukidani; Yukiya; Yunokidani

  9. 问:柚木尾孢拼音怎么拼?柚木尾孢的读音是什么?柚木尾孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木尾孢的读音是yóumùwěibāo,柚木尾孢翻译成英文是 Cercospora tectoniae

  10. 问:柚木装修拼音怎么拼?柚木装修的读音是什么?柚木装修翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木装修的读音是yòu mù zhuāng xiū,柚木装修翻译成英文是 teak trimming

  11. 问:柚木生枝孢拼音怎么拼?柚木生枝孢的读音是什么?柚木生枝孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木生枝孢的读音是yóumùshēngzhībāo,柚木生枝孢翻译成英文是 Cladosporium tectonicola

  12. 问:柚木芸香碱拼音怎么拼?柚木芸香碱的读音是什么?柚木芸香碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木芸香碱的读音是yòu mù yún xiāng jiǎn,柚木芸香碱翻译成英文是 tecleine

  13. 问:柚木醌二酚拼音怎么拼?柚木醌二酚的读音是什么?柚木醌二酚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柚木醌二酚的读音是yòu mù kūn èr fēn,柚木醌二酚翻译成英文是 soranjidiol



柚木(拉丁学名:Tectona grandis L.F.),又称胭脂树、紫柚木、血树等, 是一种落叶或半落叶大乔木,树高达40-50米,胸径2-2.5 米,干通直。树皮褐色或灰色,枝四棱形,被星状毛。叶对生,极大,卵形或椭圆形,背面密被灰黄色星状毛。圆锥花序阔大,秋季开花,花白色,芳香。柚木是热带树种,要求较高的温度,垂直分布多见于海拔高700-800 米以下的低山丘陵和平原。柚木在日晒雨淋干湿变化较大的情况下不翘不裂;耐水、耐火性强;能抗白蚁和不同海域的海虫蛀食,极耐腐。干燥性能良好,胶粘、油漆、上蜡性能好,原产缅甸、泰国、印度和印度尼西亚、老挝等,是东南亚的主要造林树种,也是世界上贵重的用材之一。主要用于豪华舰艇和高端家具制作,泰坦尼克号甲板就是柚木制作。