


1. 沃 [wò]沃 [wò]土地肥:~土。~饶(土地肥沃,物产丰富)。~腴。肥~。~野。~壤。灌溉,浇:~田。~盥。如汤~雪。光盛,丰美:~~。姓。……





汉语拼音:wò tǔ








  1. 肥美的土地。

    《国语·鲁语下》:“沃土之民不材,淫也。”《文选·张衡<西京赋>》:“处沃土则逸,处瘠土则劳。” 李善 注引 韦昭 曰:“沃,肥美也。” 唐 王建 《送于丹移家洺州》诗:“耕者求沃土,沤者求深源。” 徐迟 《理想树》:“我认为你应当是另一个乐园的沃土上的理想的树。”



  1. On top of that was the 67-mile high-speed rail link, running through south London and Kent - the Garden of England.


  2. While China slumbered in atmosphere and complacence, the European powers had come to set their eyes on this piece of fertile land.


  3. That may well tell us that London remains, as it always has been, a place where monetary entrepreneurs flourish.


  4. Nowadays, the most nurturing societies seem to be in the Far East.


  5. Montreal is one of historical hotbeds of hockey, and Canadiens games at the Bell Center are always packed with passionate crowds.


  6. Fortunately for Georgi, America was fertile ground for the kind of criminal enterprises he'd practiced in the old Soviet Union.


  7. Like the Council on Foreign Relations from which it has sprung it will tolerate wide differences of opinion.


  8. Finally, the land was gripped with a terrible drought. Streams dried up, crops withered, and fields turned to dust.


  9. On this fertile land of films, China Changchun Film Festival has gone through 16 years of exploration and development.


  1. 中东是商业教育的沃土。

    The Middle East is fertile ground for business education.

  2. 滋润着这片广饶沃土。

    Has nurtured this vast fertile land.

  3. 小麦在沃土中长势很好。

    The wheat is growing well in the fertile soil.

  4. 他在沃土上栽种这些植物。

    He bedded the plants in good soil.

  5. 现实主义理论沃土和文本荒芜

    Realism Fertile Soil of Theory and Desolation of Text

  6. 那是我们明白了什么是沃土

    And then we understand what is terroir.

  7. 但这种情况是剥削的沃土。

    It is merely what we find legally tolerable.

  8. 俄罗斯的一种肥沃的黑色沃土。

    A rich black loam of Russia.

  9. 一个多石的缺乏沃土的院子。

    A stony loamless yard.

  10. 这一带地广人稀的轻质沃土。

    The light, fertile soil of this sparsely populated land.

  11. 他们将这些秧苗栽在沃土中。

    They bedded the plants in good soil.

  12. 裂变的发现犹如种子落入沃土。

    The discovery of fission was a seed dropped on fertile ground.

  13. 不久以前, 新闻行业曾经是块沃土。

    Not so long ago, news was a highly profitable business.

  14. 有大量的沃土沉积在河的转弯处。

    The river deposits rich soil at its bends.

  15. 有大量得沃土沉积在河得转弯处。

    The river deposits rich soil at its bends.

  16. 非洲有雨水,有沃土。人们可以种植庄稼。

    It's rain. Africa is fertile. They can grow the crops.

  17. 在这片沃土上耕种是件易事。

    Farming was easy in this luxuriant soil.

  18. 一些州的沃土可能被误认为湖泊。

    Fertile lands in some states could be mistaken for lakes.

  19. 土地荒芜,只是偶尔有一两片沃土。

    The country is barren, with here and there a fertile spot.

  20. 我是来自沙漠的热风,草原上的沃土。

    I'm the hot wind from the desert, the black soil on the plains.

  21. 无平地沃土之饶, 无水泉灌溉之益。

    No fertile soil of the plains Rao, the benefits of irrigation without springs.

  22. 而风险资本则是这片沃土的肥料。

    Venture capital proved the fertiliser on this rich soil.

  23. 森林里的松软沃土上长著许多野花。

    Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold.

  24. 森林里的松软沃土上长着许多野花。

    Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold.

  25. 森林里得松软沃土上长着许多野花。

    Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold.

  26. 西雅图是适合小型企业发展的沃土。

    Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses.

  27. 一个好的班级体是学生成长的沃土。

    A good class and grade body is the fertile soil which the student grows.

  28. 电视也证明是克洛斯施展才华的沃土。

    Television has also proven to be a fertile medium for Close's talent.

  29. 电视也证明是克洛斯施展才华得沃土。

    Television has also proven to be a fertile medium for Close's talent.

  30. 缺乏安全保障,是孳生各种诱惑力的沃土。

    Lack of security is a fertile ground for all kinds of temptation.


  1. 问:沃土拼音怎么拼?沃土的读音是什么?沃土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沃土的读音是wòtǔ,沃土翻译成英文是 Fertile soils.

  2. 问:沃土广场拼音怎么拼?沃土广场的读音是什么?沃土广场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沃土广场的读音是,沃土广场翻译成英文是 Place des Terreaux


