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单纯、独一、集中在一件事上:~长(cháng )。~使。~心致志。独自掌握和占有:~利。~车。~有。~断。姓。……
斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……
汉语拼音:zhuān kān
For Vanity Fair's annual Hollywood issue a few years back, photographer Annie Leibovitz created a classic image of a film director at work.
在几年前《名利场》的年度好莱坞专刊上,摄影师安妮·莱博维茨(AnnieLeibovitz)拍摄了一张电影导演工作时的经典照片。"Peak of peaks" Magazine (Special of Rolls-Royce owners): "the calm, grace, and elegant place within the deep of the soul of Old Shanghai "
《峰之峰》杂志(劳斯莱斯汽车车主专刊):“旧上海心灵处的平和,雍容,清雅之所。”He feels like the real value in the comics industry comes from special editions purchased through these comic book shops.
他认为漫画产业的真正价值是到漫画商店里购买专刊。The paper was released online Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. , ahead of print publication Wednesday.
这篇文章的电子版星期二发表在《美国医学杂志专刊》上,提前于周三的印刷版。The team agrees the most memorable issue they had was the special edition devoted to the peace, damai.
编辑组认为,最值得纪念的报刊是他们的和平(damai)专刊。The Special Issue of Community News in Municipal Party Newspaper plays an important role in the course of supervision of public opinion.
地市级党报社会新闻专刊在发挥舆论监督作用中起着重要作用。To provide free Health Care Monograph with articles written by the authorities.
提供专家编写的《保健专刊》。Sam Tanenhaus, the editor of the New York Times Book Review, is well qualified to explain this extraordinary debacle.
山姆·塔纳豪斯作为《纽约时报》(书评专刊)的编辑,绝对够资格解释这个非比寻常的难题。Our 1997 Christmas issue carried several descriptions of what an online scientific article would look like by now.