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斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……
汉语拼音:bào kān
First, the need to keep secrets and not go leaking to the newspapers, for soldiers died when secrets came into the enemy's possession.
首先,要保守秘密,不消息泄露给报刊,对军人而言,至死也不能让秘密落到敌人手里。I visited newspapers across the country public opinion and media information and found that there is much that sort of thing.
笔者巡视全国各地的报刊舆论和媒体信息,发现诸如此类的事情还有很多很多。A number of newspaper editors say the component of A. P. service that would be hardest to replace is still photography.
几位报刊编辑说,美联社最难替代的业务仍然是图片新闻这块。The tragedy may have dominated headlines, but Pakistan is not the only country to have experienced floods.
这场灾难占据了各大报刊的头条,但巴基斯坦并不是唯一一个遭遇洪水袭击的国家。As we know, a newspaper consists of different sections. Now it's time for you to present the result of your work. Let's share.
我们知道一份报刊是由各个版面组成的。现在让我们来分享一下同学们的成果吧。he was no longer an amusing, talented hack writer, just one of a crowd of London journalists.
他不再是一个让人觉得好笑的,有才能的胡乱删改的作家,而是一名伦敦报刊撰稿人。that the influence of a popular micro blog can be compared with a national newspaper if it has more than 1 million fans.
内部人士半开玩笑称,如果一个微博账号拥有一百多万的粉丝,其影响力就相当于一个全国性报刊;In January a Chinese newspaper said the tax-simulation exercise would be extended nationwide this year.
今年1月一份中文报刊说,物业税年内将在全国范围内模拟征收。National newspapers covered it in detail, including dramatic confrontations between Darrow and Bryan both in and out of the courtroom.