







汉语拼音:shōu nà







  1. 收留,容纳。

    宋 曾巩 《太祖皇帝总叙》:“收纳学士大夫用之,不求其备。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷六:“廷议诸臣,恐以收纳逃亡启边衅。” 鲁迅 《坟·未有天才之前》:“做土要扩大了精神,就是收纳新潮,脱离旧套。”

  2. 收集。

    鲁迅 《<三闲集>序言》:“现在我将那时所做的文字的错的和至今还有可取之处的,都收纳在这一本里。”



  1. stable and did not abuse substances, but they were considered to be cognitively disabled and chronically ill.


  2. As an earthly father, Joseph the carpenter modeled obedience for his adopted son, Jesus--and for you and me.


  3. This year, I decided to kick off fall camping with a custom set of skewers and a carrying case for my family.


  4. On the first leg of her journey, she brought along just a few boxes of type; some of the cabinetry is still being completed.


  5. Quite the opposite, ATE has long been used by administrations as something of a trash bin for bad loans.


  6. For some high-density and fine-fiber clothing, these fabrics are more dominant in touch feel and easy to be incorporated.


  7. In the indoor design the relationship between objects and space, there was the relationship between the two : display and storage.


  8. If the box is all torn, use empty wet wipe boxes (these actually take up less space and are extremely durable).


  9. Take words with you, And return to Jehovah; Say to Him, Forgive all iniquity, And take us graciously; Thus we will render our lips as bulls.


  1. 他收纳礼物, 衷心致谢。

    He accepted the present with hearty thanks.

  2. 海洋是二氧化碳的收纳器。

    The ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide.

  3. 海洋是二氧化碳得收纳器。

    The ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide.

  4. 带可收纳兜帽的保温夹克

    FISSION AR JACKET insulated jacket with stow hood

  5. 可以将你的办公杂物统统收纳。

    It can collect all of your sundries together.

  6. 带有可收纳兜帽的多功能夹克

    SIDEWINDER AR JACKET all around jacket with stow hood

  7. 旁边的不锈钢制桶收纳垃圾。

    Side stainless steeliness barrel info clerk trash.

  8. 这张便携椅可以折叠,便于收纳。

    This portable seat folds flat for easy storage.

  9. 带可收纳兜帽的短腰设计夹克

    BETA SL JACKET waist length jacket with stow hood

  10. 耶和华听了我的恳求。耶和华必收纳我的祷告。

    The Lord has given ear to my request; the Lord has let my prayer come before him.

  11. 你若以我为同伴,就收纳他,如同收纳我一样。

    If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself.

  12. 如果盒子全都被撕坏, 用空的压缩收纳盒。

    If the box is all torn, use empty wet wipe boxes.

  13. 在打印机9中,输送机构输送放置在纸张收纳部中的纸张。

    In the printer9, the conveying mechanism conveys a sheet set in the sheet storing unit.

  14. 背扣装置及精美收纳袋, 方便携带与收藏。

    Back buckle device and nice looking stowage bag, easy carry and storage.

  15. 这样, 能够从显示画面上删除不需要的收纳目的地。

    Therefore, the unnecessary storage destinations can be deleted from the display screen.

  16. 小克莱尔非常爱整洁,她把杂物按照字母顺序收纳。

    And little Claire is a neatnik who puts away the groceries in alphabetical order.

  17. 只是神必救赎我的灵魂, 脱离阴间的权柄, 因他必收纳我。

    But God will redeem my life from the grave he will surely take me to himself.

  18. 毛巾架、置物板配置齐全,悬挂、搁置收纳效果极好。

    Towel rack, stowage plate with complete, suspension, shelve receive effect extremely good.

  19. 衣服真的太多了,真希望有更多的收纳箱跟抽屉。

    I have way too many clothes. I wish I had more storage space and more drawers.

  20. 别去美术馆,去那些收纳有趣和古怪随身品的博物馆吧。

    Skip the art museum, and head to the halls filled with quirky and fun paraphernalia.

  21. 生日的时候, 我要了一个鞋子收纳袋做生日礼物。

    For my birthday I asked for a pocket shoe organizer.

  22. 因此, 用户不用长时间等待, 能够继续查找目标收纳目的地。

    Therefore, the user can continue to look for the target storage destination without waiting for a long time.

  23. 个人嗜好,珍藏别以为只有杂物要收纳,好东西也需要收纳。

    Individual hobby, collect carefully does not think to have only sundry want to receive, good thing also needs to receive.

  24. 墙边厨柜可以收纳碗碟, 这样业主布置餐桌时更方便。

    Walls were kitchen cabinet can accommodate dishes, such owners more convenient layout table.

  25. 假如能拿来作为收纳杂物的储藏空间, 会让空间更好利用。

    If can be taken, serve as receive sundry storage space, can make a space better use.

  26. 容纳床的结构里有几个宽敞的储物柜,收纳床单和衣物。

    In the structure encasing the bed there are several spacious lockers for stowing linen or clothing.

  27. 用双面胶在橱门里面安装一块白板和一个塑料收纳箱。

    Mount a dryerase board and a plastic bin on the inside of a cabinet door with doublesided foam mounting tape.

  28. 除非监督或医生另有指示,否则每名囚犯均须在收纳时洗澡。

    Every prisoner shall take a bath on reception, unless the Superintendent or Medical Officer otherwise directs.

  29. 今年, 我决定带上定做的烧烤叉和收纳袋去参加家庭露营。

    This year, I decided to kick off fall camping with a custom set of skewers and a carrying case for my family.


  1. 问:收纳拼音怎么拼?收纳的读音是什么?收纳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:收纳的读音是shōunà,收纳翻译成英文是 receive; take in; accept



释意 收纳 shōunà [take in] 收进,留下 悉数收纳 收纳现金 1.收留,容纳。 宋 曾巩 《太祖皇帝总叙》:“收纳学士大夫用之,不求其备。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷六:“廷议诸臣,恐以收纳逃亡启边衅。” 鲁迅 《坟·未有天才之前》:“做土要扩大了精神,就是收纳新潮,脱离旧套。” 2.收集。 鲁迅 《序言》:“现在我将那时所做的文字的错的和至今还有可取之处的,都收纳在这一本里。”