







汉语拼音:miàn pí








  1. 脸上的皮肤。也指脸。

    《太平御览》卷三七五引 晋 裴启 《语林》:“ 贾充 问 孙晧 :‘何以剥人面皮?’ 晧 曰:‘憎其颜之厚也。’” 元 尚仲贤 《柳毅传书》第一折:“则我这头上风沙脸上土,洗面皮惟泪雨。”《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“你前夫 陈大郎 名字,可叫做 陈商 ?可是白净面皮,没有鬚,左手长指甲的么?”《儒林外史》第四八回:“只见外面走进一个秀才来……面皮深黑,花白鬍鬚。”《红楼梦》第七四回:“ 凤姐 听説,又急又愧,登时紫胀了面皮,便挨着炕沿双膝跪下。”

  2. 脸色。指脸上的表情。

    元 孟汉卿 《魔合罗》第四折:“枉塑你似 观音 像仪,怎无那半点儿慈悲面皮!”《西游补》第十回:“ 赤心鬼 自饮 秦檜 血浆酒,登时变了面皮。”《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“ 吴八公子 见了,放下面皮,气忿忿的像 关云长 单刀赴会。”

  3. 面子;情面。

    宋 文天祥 《<纪事>诗序》:“汝叔姪皆降北,不族灭汝,是本朝之失刑也,更敢有面皮来做朝士?” 元 关汉卿 《玉镜台》第一折:“只看你下世姑夫的面皮,教训女孩儿则个。”《三国演义》第四六回:“若不看众官面皮,决须斩首!”《儿女英雄传》第十八回:“这其间因碍着 十三妹 姑娘面皮,却把 纪大将军 代子求婚一层,不曾提着一字。” 茅盾 《子夜》十四:“但求太平无事,大家面皮上都有光。”

  4. 比喻假相,伪装。

    茅盾 《子夜》十三:“难道你们不好在工人面前剥下 周二姐 的面皮,让大家认识个明白么?”

  5. 指羞耻的心理。易害羞叫面皮薄,不易害羞叫面皮厚。



  1. And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him.


  2. With the fingertips, ease the dough into the tin, gently pressing it smoothly over the bottom without stretching it.


  3. Back home I knock out the pastry and do a bit of hasty tidying-up.


  4. At least one layer of face side can be cemented on the upper and lower faces of the core plate.


  5. Lightly roll over the top with a rolling pin to ensure the edges of the ravioli are firmly pressed together.


  6. Only chef in a flat pan to double , yellow dough abuse, become spherical, the huge meat pie filling without a leak of the leak.


  7. they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord .


  8. Friendship seems to be a sheet of paper, a tear on the break, such as skinned.


  9. pizza products without tomato sauce , cheese or bread crust can still be sold as pizza under new government regulations , the u . s.


  1. 牛及小牛之面皮

    Upper leather of cattle and calf

  2. 以胆大面皮厚而奏功

    brace it through

  3. 用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。

    Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.

  4. 面皮是用面粉制作而成的。

    The production of flour dough is formed.

  5. 将面团擀成大的圆形面皮。

    Roll out the dough into one large circle.

  6. 知道面皮下你将会看到什么?

    You know what we'll see underneath?

  7. 继续, 直到面皮全折叠, 包裹住馅。

    Continue folding, like a flag, until you come to the endstrip.

  8. 我真的有酒窝在面皮上,我的屁屁上。

    I do have dimples in my cheeks, my butt cheeks.

  9. 家具革面皮精整的挠性试验

    Standard Test Method for Flex Testing of Finish on Upholstery Leather

  10. 要是弗兰克的面皮不那么嫩就好了。

    If only Frank was n't so thin skinned.

  11. 唇裂的鼻小柱侧面皮瓣修复法

    Cleft lip repair using a lateral columellar flap.

  12. 黑胡椒鹿柳配野蘑菇和芹菜烤面皮

    Venison Filet with Black Pepper Coated with Mushrooms and Celery

  13. 友情似乎是张纸, 一撕就破, 如面皮。

    Friendship seems to be sheet of paper, a tear on the break, such as skinned.

  14. 戳破面皮, 滑溜溜的汁水一下子流出来。

    Prick dough, slippery juice flow out all at once.

  15. 人手指掌侧面皮神经分布和微血管的关系

    The Relationship Between the Nerve Innervation and the Microvessels in the Human Finger Skin

  16. 这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用。

    The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.

  17. 茯苓饼的面皮是用茯苓粉和精致面粉做成的。

    The crust of Tuckahoe Pie is made of Tuckahoe powders and refined flour.

  18. 撒上点糖,再烤30分钟,直到面皮呈金黄色。

    Sprinkle with a little sugar,and bake in the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown.

  19. 在馅料上再放一片面皮, 把两片面皮压在一起。

    Lay a second sheet of pasta over the top and press the sheets together.

  20. 雪白的面皮, 透亮的汁液, 粉嫩的肉馅, 诱人到极致。

    The skin is white, translucent juice, matte finish to the meat, attractive to the extreme.

  21. 舀满满一汤匙的馅倒在面皮的右下角处。

    Place a rounded tablespoonful of filling in lower right corner of strip.

  22. 在桌上撒些面粉并把面皮弄得薄一点。

    Spread some flour on the table and roll the pastry out very thin.

  23. 猪肉或禽肉夹在面皮里或覆盖在面皮上的馅饼。

    pie made with meat or fowl enclosed in pastry or covered with pastry or biscuit dough.

  24. 结果就成为后来得雷默军鼓共鸣面皮鼓面。

    The result was the Remo WeatherKing drum head.

  25. 结果就成为后来的雷默军鼓共鸣面皮鼓面。

    The result was the Remo WeatherKing drum head.

  26. 压薄的面皮便可以用来制作面条和云吞皮。

    The thin flour can be made into noodles or wanton skin that have special elasticity.

  27. 在腹鳍嵌入点之间的发光器的前面皮窗。

    Anterior dermal window of light organ between insertions of pelvic fins.

  28. 我试着使用全谷物的面皮, 这样使它更加有益健康。

    I try to make it healthier with a whole grain crust.

  29. 用油酥面皮盖住边缘,每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。

    Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter.

  30. 乔布斯有充分的理由去羞臊迈克尔?戴尔的面皮。

    Steve Jobs has had plenty of reasons to gloat since then, but even just a decade ago, Apple was a footnote in the story of modern computing.


  1. 问:面皮拼音怎么拼?面皮的读音是什么?面皮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面皮的读音是miànpí,面皮翻译成英文是 face; wrapper

  2. 问:面皮肌拼音怎么拼?面皮肌的读音是什么?面皮肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面皮肌的读音是miàn pí jī,面皮肌翻译成英文是 musculus cutaneus faciei


