


1. 北 [běi]2. 北 [bèi]北 [běi]方向,早晨面对太阳,左手的一边,与“南”相对:~方。~辰(古书指北极星)。~上(古代以北为上,后指去本地以北的某地,与“南下”相对)。~极星(出现在天空北部的一颗亮星,人常靠它辨别方向)……





汉语拼音:běi wèi






  1. 指 秦 汉 之际 魏豹 建立的政权。

    《史记·郦生陆贾列传》:“ 汉 王发 蜀汉 ,定 三秦 ;涉 西河 之外,援 上党 之兵;下 井陘 ,诛 成安君 ;破 北魏 。” 司马贞 索隐:“谓 魏豹 也。 豹 在 河 北故也。亦谓 西魏 ,以 大梁 在 河 南故也。”

  2. 朝代名。亦称 后魏 (386-534)。

    北朝 诸国之一。 鲜卑 人 拓跋珪 所建。后来分裂为 东魏 和 西魏 。《陈书·何之元传》:“ 獫狁 孔炽,鯁我中原,始自一君,终为二主,事有相涉,言成混漫。今以未分之前为 北魏 ,既分之后 高氏 所辅为 东魏 , 宇文 所挟为 西魏 ,所以相分别也。”

  3. 指魏碑体。

    《冷眼观》第七回:“右首是 陶濬旦 的北魏‘避月阁十八岁小影’八个大字。”



  1. By the mid-carved caves, an ornate , said the world shows that the complex and ever-changing, magnificent style of the Northern Wei period.

  2. According to County records: "Sinceer zhu rong captaincy general of the Northern Wei to the general Tianzhu, or this. "

  3. In the minority, established the Northern Wei Xianbei ethnic music and cultural development has made a greater contribution.

  4. And under the background of mutual moving, the Northern Wey created the system to elect officials by their suspension years at last.

  5. It is a relic of the Northern Wei Dynasty, double-hexagonal, is next on the air, brick cord cut, India's Lin Shu-chu.

  6. In this process, the old traditions, the old habit profoundly affected the direction and development of the Northern Wei regime approach.

  7. Han Ping to the county spines, as Jin Zhao, home of the Northern Wei Zhao Jun, who rule Zhaozhou, Sui Zhaozhou changed.

  8. CUT Hao's thoughts of leadership was characterized by time which greatly influenced the feudalization of Northern Wei Dynasty.

  9. Maijishan Grottoes in Gansu Dunhuang and the Northern Wei Dynasty relief murals. we can see that the modeling and Ruan now shapes similar.


  1. 北魏墓志词语

    words in Inscriptions of Northern Wei Dynasty.

  2. 北魏货币使用研究

    Research in the use of currencies in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  3. 北魏墓志铭用韵研究

    The Research on Rhyme of Beiwei Epitaph

  4. 固原北魏漆棺画

    Guyuan Northern Wei Dynasty coffin painting

  5. 北魏后期的中正制新论

    The Zhong Zheng System in Late Bei Wei Era

  6. 试谈北魏墓志的等级制度

    On the Hierarchy of Epitaphs in Northern Wei Period

  7. 关于北魏的太子监国制度

    About the System of Crown Prince Contemporarily govern the Nation in Beiwei Dynasty

  8. 小议柔然与北魏的关系

    The Small ArgumentIs the Rou Ran with the Relation of the North Wei

  9. 北魏前期农牧关系的演变

    Evolution of the relation between farming and animal husbandry in the early period of the Northern Wei Dynasty

  10. 北魏时期洛阳寺院的几个问题

    Questions Concerning Monasteries of Luoyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  11. 大同智家堡北魏墓棺板画

    Excavation of a Northern Wei Tomb with a Painted Coffin

  12. 北魏后期禁卫武官制度考论

    An Examination of Imperial Guard Officer System in the Latter Half of the Northern Wei

  13. 巫筮图谶与北魏前期的政治斗争

    Divination and Prophecy and the Political Conflicts in the Early Days of the Northern Wei Dynasty

  14. 军镇与州郡构成了北魏的疆域。

    Jun Zhen and State County constituted the territory in Northern Wei.

  15. 北魏以来均田令的演变与修订

    On the Development and Revision of the Equally Distributed Farmland Law since the Northern Wei Dynasty

  16. 北魏后期官僚管理制度的两个特点

    The Two Traits of the System For Managing Bureaucrat during the Later Period of The Northern Wey Dynasty

  17. 吐谷浑与北魏, 隋朝和唐朝的关系。

    Tuyguhun with the Northern Wei, Sui and Tang Dynasty relationship.

  18. 北魏时期的贫富分化及其影响探析

    The Polarization Between the Rich and the Poor during the Northern Wei Period and Its Influence

  19. 北魏前期军事斗争各有其阶段性特点。

    The military struggle of early Beiwei can be divided into several stages.

  20. 北魏后期南来吴裴与河东裴氏之比较

    A comparison between Pei of the Kingdom of Wu from the South and Pei in Hedong in the late Northern Wei Dynasty

  21. 广元石窟最迟在北魏晚期已有开凿。

    GuangYuan grottoes has already been cut in the later period of Northern Wei Dynasty at the latest.

  22. 魏收一生经历了北魏,东魏和北齐三个王朝。

    She received a lifetime experience of the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei and Northerndynasty of the three.

  23. 北魏以来的浑善达克沙地和科尔沁沙地

    Onqin Daga Desert and Korqin Desert Since the North Wei Dynasty

  24. 略论北魏前期皇帝对宗王的限制和打击

    Discussion on the Emperor's Limition and Attack on the Royal Clansman in the Prophase of the Northern Wei Dynasty

  25. 论凉州士人在北魏的文化学术活动及其影响

    Cultural and Academic Activities of Liangzhou Scholars in Northern Wei and Their Influence

  26. 大同,是北魏的都城,到孝文帝时才迁都洛阳。

    Datong is the capital of Beiwei Dynasty. And Xiaowendi Emperor move the capital to Luoyang.

  27. 从国史之狱看北魏时期民族融合中的文化冲突

    The Cultural Conflict in the Course of National Amalgamation from the Perspective of Literary Inquisition in the Northern Wei Dynasty

  28. 十六国北魏军队冬装保障及其对战争之影响

    The guarantee of winter clothes of the armies of the Sixteen States and the Northern Wei Dynasty and its influence on wars

  29. 近年来,洛阳出土北魏墓志又出现了一些新的材料。

    In recent years, there are some new materials about Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang.

  30. 北魏祭天礼中的夷礼内容主要源于拓跋鲜卑的原始祭天。

    Yi Rite of heaven worshiping in Northern Wei stemmed from primitive heaven worshiping of Tuoba Xianbi.


  1. 问:北魏拼音怎么拼?北魏的读音是什么?北魏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北魏的读音是,北魏翻译成英文是 Northern Wei







