







汉语拼音:tuō kǒu







  1. 率意出口。

    《水浒传》第二八回:“村僕不省得事,脱口便对兄长説知,这却如何造次説得!”《明史·徐文华传》:“言甫脱口,而祸患随之,亦可哀也。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·怀旧》:“余大惑,问题不觉脱口。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十六:“‘你管不着。’ 吴家富 脱口说出。”



  1. Besides, there is nothing to stop Ms Winfrey reviving "The Oprah Winfrey Show" , or something very like it, on her new platform.


  2. On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.


  3. Blurting out angry feelings is not the sort of truth-telling which you will feel good about.


  4. With that the tears gushed up and he blurted out: "I'd like to be home with my people. I'd like to hear English spoken. "


  5. Li Bai is unimaginable somewhat , and he comes off the rim to ask once more : " be such bulky iron strongly polish into the needle ? "


  6. It's been a topic on the sports talk shows and message boards over the last couple of days.


  7. Obama is trying to muster support for his plans to revive the US economy and reform the health and education systems.


  8. He could have hung it up right then and resigned himself to his day job, doing cancer research in a lab.


  9. But McCain was on the defensive after one of his supporters made some controversial remarks at a campaign rally Cincinnati, Ohio.


  1. 电视脱口秀

    TV talkshow.

  2. 今夜脱口秀

    Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

  3. 脱口说出的话

    an indeliberate remark

  4. 大卫深夜脱口秀

    Late Show with David Letterman

  5. 多有意思的脱口秀啊!

    How interesting the talk show is!

  6. 我差点儿脱口说出来。

    I nearly came out into the open.

  7. 脱口秀邀请我做访谈

    Talk shows are calling for interviews.

  8. 多有意思的脱口秀啊!

    How interesting the talk show is!

  9. 他脱口说了声道歉。

    He blundered out an apology

  10. 什么?凯瑟琳脱口说道。

    What?'Catherine ejaculated.

  11. 脱口说出秘密, 不慎泄密

    blunder out a secret

  12. 那脱口秀得主题是什么?

    What is the subject of that talk show ?

  13. 我喜欢她改变了脱口秀。

    I like how she's transformed talk television.

  14. 在电视脱口秀中为新书

    Authors who plug their latest books on TV talk shows

  15. 上奥普拉的脱口秀了。

    with his big discovery.

  16. 我喜欢智力竞赛和脱口秀。

    I love quiz shows and talk shows.

  17. 对, 我想上他的脱口秀。

    Yes, I would love to do his talk show.

  18. 你还能跟脱口秀对口型

    You could lip synch to the talk shows

  19. 嘲笑脱口秀主持人和喜剧演员。

    Ridicule from talk show hosts and comedians.

  20. 你上过法国的脱口秀节目?

    You used to go on a French talk show?

  21. 能上他的脱口秀十分荣幸。

    It's a great honor to be on his talk show.

  22. 美国电视脱口秀主持人特征分析

    Characters of American television talk show anchors

  23. 相对于肥皂剧, 我更喜欢脱口秀。

    I prefer talk show to soap operas.

  24. 脱口说出罪犯的藏身之地

    to blurt out the hiding place of the criminal

  25. 有些长单词很容易脱口说出。

    Some long words are easy to roll of you tongue.

  26. 他是一个电视脱口秀 的主持人

    He was the host for a TV talk show.

  27. 崔永元是著名的脱口秀主持人。

    Cui Yongyuan is a famous talk show host.

  28. 那个女人在每个脱口秀上撒谎。

    With that woman lying on every talk show.

  29. 你在自己的脱口秀上用自己的杯子。

    You have made it on your talk show when you have your own mug.

  30. 电视频道正在播放讨厌的脱口秀节目。

    The TV channel was broadcasting a boring talk show.


  1. 问:脱口拼音怎么拼?脱口的读音是什么?脱口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱口的读音是tuōkǒu,脱口翻译成英文是 To blurt out; to say something.; Without thin...

  2. 问:脱口而出拼音怎么拼?脱口而出的读音是什么?脱口而出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱口而出的读音是tuōkǒu'érchū,脱口而出翻译成英文是 the words roll off one’s tongue

  3. 问:脱口秀拼音怎么拼?脱口秀的读音是什么?脱口秀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱口秀的读音是tuōkǒuxiù,脱口秀翻译成英文是 Talk show: a TV program where a host facilitates c...


脱口,汉语词汇。注音:tuō kǒu释义:率意出口