


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……




1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò lái guò qù






  1. 指事情的来龙去脉。

    赵树理 《锻炼锻炼》:“‘老嫂!你且回去吧!没有到不了底的事!我们现在要布置明天的生产工作,等过两天再给你们解释解释!’‘什么解释解释?一定得说个过来过去!’”



  1. When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.


  2. Luke 11: 24 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he wallet through dry places, seeking rest;


  1. 它所做的无非是拖着物品过来过去。

    All he does is drag stuff around.

  2. 它所做的无非是拖着东西过来过去。

    All he does is drag things around.

  3. 猫追着球跑过来跑过去。

    The cat made little rushes to and fro after the ball.

  4. 那你就得跑过来跑过去了。

    Then you'd be going back and forth all the time.

  5. 但是我们去老是摔过来摔过去的?

    But we all kept falling down over and over again?

  6. 把我翻过来转过去,随便你们怎样

    Flip me, spin me. whatever you want.

  7. 它跳过来跳过去,试着去够到它们。

    He jumped and jumped, trying to reach them.

  8. 军队就有这个传统, 经常调过来调过去。

    It is a tradition of the army to have its leaders transferred frequently.

  9. 到处都有男人们打招呼, 跑过来走过去。

    Everywhere men were calling out to one another, or orossing to meet one another.

  10. 它们在竹子旁边不停地走过来走过去。

    They were walking to and fro by the bamboo.

  11. 打开,翻过来掉过去的看,然后递给我。

    She turned it on, turned it over, then handed it back.

  12. 她坐在自己的经理座椅上转过来转过去。

    She swivels back and forth in her executive chair.

  13. 父亲把信翻过来掉过去端详了好多遍。

    The father turned the letter round about in his hands many times, examining it.

  14. 她在镜子前转过来转过去看衣服是否合身。

    She turned from side to side to see if the dress fitted her.

  15. 邻居得小孩子们做游戏得时候总是跑过来跑过去。

    The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do during play.

  16. 邻居的小孩子们做游戏的时候总是跑过来跑过去。

    The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do during play.

  17. 那个男孩在灌木丛里跟着他姐姐追过来追过去。

    The boy chased his sister in and out among the bushes.

  18. 我在地毯上跳过来跳过去, 扭动身子, 摆出各种别扭的姿势。

    After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions.

  19. 这行字转过了一座喷泉 这幅画正过来倒过去都行。

    Here that same line of text wraps around a fountain in an illustration that can be turned upside down and read both ways.

  20. 在给汽车加油的时候, 我们俩搓着手, 蹦过来跳过去地取暖。

    While pumping the gas, we clapped our hands and jumped around to stay warm.

  21. 有的过来, 有的过去,

    A lot of people coming and going

  22. 他对着镜子跳过来又跳过去。

    He danced this way and that way before the mirror.

  23. 她在镜台前转过来又转过去打量自己。

    She turned first one way, then the other, looking at herself in the bureau mirror.

  24. 有得过来, 有得过去,

    A lot of people coming and going

  25. 有的过去打冤家, 你打过来, 我打过去。

    In the past some minority nationalities entangled themselves in bitter feud, with one nationality attacking another, followed by retaliating attacks.

  26. 过去有些少数民族之间有世仇,你打过来,我打过去。

    In the past some minority nationalities entangled themselves in bitter feud,with one nationality attacking another,followed by retaliating attacks.

  27. 看到这群黑色大狗朝我扑过来,我昏了过去。

    I fainted when see the big black dogs charging at me.

  28. 看到这群黑色大狗朝我扑过来,我昏了过去。

    I fainted when see the big black dogs charging at me.

  29. 我过去常常骑单车过来

    I used to ride my bike over.

  30. 我过去常常骑单车过来。

    I used to ride my bike over.