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It's effective, but Ms. Riley Bowles said her studieshave found that it tends to leave a more negative impression on women.
赖利·鲍尔斯女士说,虽然这么做有效果,但是她的研究发现,这样做往往会给女性留下负面影响。"We do think the Budget Control Act was a pretty substantive commitment, " said David Riley of Fitch Ratings in London.
“我们确实认为,预算控制法(BudgetControlAct)是一个颇具实质意义的承诺,”惠誉常驻伦敦的戴维•赖利(DavidRiley)说。With all of his trademark action, Matthew Reilly continues to establish himself as one of the top thriller writers of today.
随着他的商标所有行动,马修赖利继续建立作为当今顶级惊悚作家之一自己。David Reiley was one of the first economists to realise that the internet was generating vast amounts of researchable data.
戴维·赖利是最早发现互联网正在生成大量可研究数据的经济学家之一。"Elite Hollywood culture is protecting one of its own, " said Alexander Riley, a professor of sociology at Bucknell University.
“好莱坞的精英文化保护着自己人。”巴克奈尔大学社会学教授亚历山大·赖利如是说。with him will go the current police chief, Warren Riley, who got a battlefield promotion after Katrina.
市长雷纳金即将卸任,同时要卸任的还有现在的警察局长沃伦赖利,他在飓风后被升职。If squatting does provide a health benefit, just as Michael Freilich stated in Time, it comes in the form of hemorrhoid prevention.
如果蹲着确实如迈克尔·弗赖利克在时代杂志里说的那样对健康有益,那就表现为能预防痔疮。Riley Poole: [seeing several police pulling up to the building] Oh look. My tax dollars at work, coming to arrest me.
赖利·普尔(看到几名警察):哦,看看,他们用纳税人的钱,来抓纳税人。In a case that Ripley's did recently, a woman with M. S. named Mary Lancer was accustomed to living her life in a wheel chair.