







汉语拼音:kāi táng






  1. 剖开胸腹腔。

    华山 《鸡毛信·老绵羊》:“可是鬼子们呀,比狼还要凶暴,比狼还要残忍,当着羊群就鲜血淋漓地开膛破肚啦!” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第十二章:“ 袁宗第 也愤怒地说:‘光宰了他还不够,给他个大开膛,看他的心是不是黑的!’”



  1. The assumption has long been that Jack must have had anatomical knowledge because of the skill with which his victims' organs were removed.


  2. every chicken nearly have no wool just as one which have opened up the stomach pulled out the wool a chicken type.


  3. A non-surgical autopsy technique which could remove the need to open up the body to determine a cause of death has been developed.


  4. When you think of Jack the Ripper, you think of a psychopathic serial killer right?


  5. You just can't drop Dickens, Tarzan, Jack the Ripper, Goethe, or the Beatles into a conversation and always expect to be understood.


  6. They are the civilised world, and know themselves to be such by virtue of righteously disembowelling the odd barbarian now and again.


  7. Although Predators and Reapers get most of the attention, they are only part of a large, diverse fleet of unmanned vehicles.


  8. Saga CD Ripper is also a fine audio CD player.


  9. One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper.


  1. 绞死后开膛或肢解。

    To disembowel and dismember after hanging.

  2. 开膛剥皮刀用于户外狩猎。

    Guttingskinning blade For field dressing game.

  3. 他们把鹿屠宰开膛收拾干净。

    They dressed out the deer.

  4. 开膛手杰克向我展示过了

    Jack the Ripper showed me.

  5. 开膛手杰克,是大写的吗?

    Jack the Ripper. Is that capitalized?

  6. 我们好像抓到开膛手杰克了。

    We think we got our Jack the Ripper.

  7. 所以我们不会去专访开膛手。杰克。

    So that we will not interview JACK. the Ripper.

  8. 大概是最有名的密码破解是约翰开膛手。

    Probably the most well known password cracker is John The Ripper.

  9. 他很虚弱,而开膛手杰克的罪行

    He's very weak, and the killings of Jack the Ripper.

  10. 找不到弱小的动物让你开膛破肚了?

    Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?

  11. 这头猪放血开膛后得重量是原来重量得百分之七十。

    The pig dressed out to 70 percent of its weight.

  12. 这头猪放血开膛后的重量是原来重量的百分之七十。

    The pig dressed out to 70 percent of its weight.

  13. 我可以通过打开缝与缝开膛侧面的接缝的所有的补丁。

    I was able to sew all of the patches on by opening the seams on the side with a seam ripper.

  14. 他的律师也怀疑费根鲍姆就是开膛手杰克。

    His lawyer suspected him of the Ripper murders too.

  15. 开膛手杰克是记录在案的一个早期系列杀手。

    One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper.

  16. 开膛手杰克成为史上著名的连续杀人犯之一。

    Jack the Ripper has been one of the most famous serial killers of all time.

  17. 开膛手杰克寄了一封信给报社,生成其为凶手。

    The name Jack the Ripper was taken from a letter sent to a newspaper at the time by someone claiming to be the killer.

  18. 不要把窗沿想象成一把滚烫钝刀子在为你开膛破肚。

    Dont picture the windowsill as a dull hot knife slitting open your belly.

  19. 雷干掉了这架战机,从裆部一直到扫描器开膛破肚。

    Rem saw to it that the ship didnt get up, lancing it open from crotch to scanner.

  20. 另一方面,成为一个开膛手让游戏变得更简单又如何呢?

    On the other hand, what if becoming a torturer made the game easier to play

  21. 为什么马里奥特会认为费恩鲍姆就是开膛手杰克呢?

    Why does Marriott think Feigenbaum is Jack the Ripper


  1. 问:开膛拼音怎么拼?开膛的读音是什么?开膛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开膛的读音是kāitáng,开膛翻译成英文是 to cut open the chest

  2. 问:开膛手杰克拼音怎么拼?开膛手杰克的读音是什么?开膛手杰克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开膛手杰克的读音是,开膛手杰克翻译成英文是 Jack the Ripper