







汉语拼音:jiǎn bàn







  1. 减少一半。

    晋 潘岳 《西征赋》:“忍生民之减半,勒东岳以虚美。”《晋书·邓粲传》:“ 尚公 等无以难之,然 粲 亦於此名誉减半矣。”《南史·何点传》:“兄 求 亦隐 吴郡 武丘山 。 求 卒, 点 菜食不饮酒,讫于三年,衣带减半。”《宋史·河渠志一》:“併为一则劳费自倍,分二流则劳费减半。”



  1. "Say we wanted to know how much we'd need to reduce human-derived emissions of methane to cut its climate influence by half, " Montzka said.


  2. Equities nearly halved their losses after the Fed stuck with its ultra-loose monetary policy and said the economy was gaining traction.


  3. Another worker, leaving in a thick black coat, said he had been employed in the same GAZ factory for 35 years and also seen his pay halved.


  4. He said his lenders have also clamped down on his spending and cut his salary in half.


  5. In the same statement in which he unveiled the infrastructure plan, the British chancellor halved the tolls for crossing the Humber bridge.


  6. "You're seeing senior VPs . . . eliminated at these companies, " replaced by junior people with less savvy but half the salary, he said.


  7. But a magnesium atom would carry two electrons, so a battery storing a given amount of energy could be nearly halved in size and weight.


  8. In work at his lab, mice given access to running wheels had about 50 percent less BMP-related brain activity within a week.


  9. But the square root does not transform an exponential time into a polynomial time; it just produces a smaller exponential.


  1. 已经被减半。

    has been cut in half.

  2. 冰冻时间减半

    Of Warmth Half Freeze Duration.

  3. 出差津贴减半。

    Halve the allowance evection.

  4. 耗能量减半了。

    It's fallen by half.

  5. 价格将减半的商品

    the commodities to be halved their prices

  6. 特技加成再次减半。

    The Trait bonus is halved yet again.

  7. 两人分担, 困难减半。

    A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

  8. 两人分担,困难减半。

    A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

  9. 愚蠢周战斗经验减半。

    Week of Folly Experience gained from attle halved.

  10. 立即付款的话, 运费减半。

    Freight can be halved if payment can be made immediately.

  11. 立即付款的话,运费减半。

    Freight can be halved if payment can be made immediately.

  12. 锻造周生物升级费用减半。

    Week of Forgery Cost of creature upgrade halved.

  13. 结婚是权力减半, 责任加倍。

    To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties.

  14. 孤独使忧伤加倍,使欢乐减半。

    Solitary redoubles griefs, and cuts joys in halves.

  15. 二人同难同心苦恼减半。

    Two in distress make trouble less.

  16. 我们将通过立法将赤字减半。

    Legislation will be brought forward to halve the deficit.

  17. 法师指环魔法值消耗减半。

    Ring of magi Reduces the mana cost of all hero's spells by half.

  18. 煮20分钟,直到液体体积减半。

    Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.

  19. 他们准备把我的薪水减半。

    They are going to halve my salary.

  20. 友谊使快乐成双, 痛苦减半。

    Friengships multiply joys and divide griefs.

  21. 这个数字在生命后期会减半。

    This number can halve later in life.

  22. 结果,好几天我们食欲减半。

    As a result, we'd had several days of eating half rations.

  23. 他们把人员减半以减少支出。

    They retrenched by eliminating half the workers.

  24. 接受减重手术心脏病风险减半

    Weight Loss Surgery Halves Heart Risk

  25. 到2004年4月,这一数量已经减半。

    By April2004 that number had been halved.

  26. 大拍卖期间这家店价格减半。

    The store halved its prices during the big sale.

  27. 那次撞击导致了恐龙数量减半。

    That collision caused the demise of the dinosaurs.

  28. 产量提高,同时你的投入可以减半。

    Yields increase, and you halve the input costs.

  29. 友情倍增我们的喜悦,减半我们的悲伤。

    Friendship redoubles joys, and cuts grieves in halves.

  30. 大拍卖期间这家店的价格减半。

    The store halved its prices during the big sale.


  1. 问:减半拼音怎么拼?减半的读音是什么?减半翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减半的读音是jiǎnbàn,减半翻译成英文是 reduce by half; halve

  2. 问:减半法拼音怎么拼?减半法的读音是什么?减半法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减半法的读音是jiǎn bàn fǎ,减半法翻译成英文是 split – half method

  3. 问:减半作用拼音怎么拼?减半作用的读音是什么?减半作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减半作用的读音是jiǎn bàn zuò yòng,减半作用翻译成英文是 haplosis

  4. 问:减半加倍法拼音怎么拼?减半加倍法的读音是什么?减半加倍法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:减半加倍法的读音是jiǎn bàn jiā bèi fǎ,减半加倍法翻译成英文是 halving and doubling method