


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……





汉语拼音:tuī pán






  1. 旧时称商人将自己商店中全部财产折价让与他人经营。



  1. 网络
  2. left press plate;right press plate;push plate

  1. 自动推盘, 灵活转动, 定位准确。

    Automatic push plate, flexible rotation, accurate positioning.

  2. 拿过来一个冲洗推盘,把这洗干净

    Let's get an irrigation tray and start cleaning this up.

  3. 基金买盘推升原油期货的远期价格, 增加了曲线的上升斜率。

    Funds buying oil futures push up forward prices, steepening the curve's upward slope.

  4. 空气压缩机止推盘松动故障诊断与处理

    Failure Diagnosis and Treatment of Loosening of Air Compressor Thrust Disc

  5. 他把水果盘推过来,并请我吃苹果。

    He pushed the plate towards me and asked me to have an apple.

  6. 推拿治疗腰推间盘突出症的体会

    Massage Therapy for Prolapse of Lumber Intervertebral Disc

  7. 推料式离心机布料盘脱落原因分析与改进

    Analysis of The Cause of Falling of Feed Pushing Distributors and Its Improvement

  8. 目的探讨腰推骨盆结构与腰推间盘突出的关系。

    Objective To inquire into the correlation between the lumbrosacral vertebra pelvis configuration arid lumbar disc prolapse.

  9. 推式单盘离合器


  10. 平面止推轴承盘

    plane obstructed push bearings dish

  11. 卷起推纹盘棒或杠杆

    To push at a capstan bar or lever.

  12. 下一个目标是和盘和推运。

    My next project is Synastry and Transit.

  13. 我把托盘推向他, 回到我的桌子边。

    I shoved the tray at him and went back to my table.

  14. 温斯顿跟赛姆便把托盘推到铁栅下。

    Winston and Syme pushed their trays beneath the grille.

  15. 架边带有可移动托盘支架得后推架。可指定尺寸。

    Push back rack with moveable pallet holder along the rack. Dimensions can be specified.

  16. 架边带有可移动托盘支架的后推架。可指定尺寸。

    Push back rack with moveable pallet holder along the rack. Dimensions can be specified.

  17. 底盘上装有轮子和刹车装置, 既可停住, 又可推走。

    The chassis is provided with wheels and a braking device, and is stopped or pushed away.

  18. 经脐静脉推注催产素防止胎盘嵌顿的临床探讨

    Clinical probe of injecting oxytocin through umbilical vein to prevent incarcerated placenta

  19. 牵引下推拿合中药外敷治疗腰椎间盘突出症59例

    59 Cases of Lumbar Herniated Disk Treated by Massage under Traction and Apply with Chinese Drugs

  20. 安置承运人托盘推车上也可以轻易地进行后码垛进程。

    The placement of dollies on carrier pallets can also easily be carried out after the palletizing process.

  21. 摆杆盘形凸轮机构基本尺寸对推程压力角影响的初探

    A Study on Relations between Basic Sizes of Disk Cam with Oscillating Follower and Pressure Angles of Lift Travel.

  22. 推铲一端带有凹头的长棒,用于在打圆盘游戏中推动圆盘

    A long stick with a concave attachment at one end for shoving disks in shuffleboard.

  23. 推程压力角为零的偏置直动从动件盘形凸轮轮廓设计

    Contour design of plate cam with an offset translating follower of zero degreed pressure angle

  24. 最明显的推力来自于手臂的向后推水,就像圆盘明轮那样。

    The most obvious production of thrust comes from pushing back on the water a paddle wheel.

  25. 直动滚子推杆盘形凸轮机构基本尺寸的诺模拟合及诺模图

    The normalised fittings and nomogram of fundamental dimensions of disc cams with translating roller followers

  26. 在底盘内部, 推杆与扭力杆和减震器的连接点现在高了很多。

    The connecting point for the push rod link to the torsion bars and dampers inside the chassis is now much higher.