




圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……



汉语拼音:yī zhōu









  1. 循回一遍。

    《管子·弟子职》:“受业之纪,必由长始,一周则然,其餘则否。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·种槐柳楸梓梧柞》引《陶朱公术》:“种柳千树则足柴。十年之后,髠一树,得一载,岁髠二百树,五年一周。” 宋 洪迈 《容斋五笔·人生五计》:“六十以往,甲子一周。”

  2. 一圈。

    巴金 《不能忘却的记忆》:“我一个人绕着灵柩走了一周,以后又站了片刻。”

  3. 一星期。

    苏曼殊 《碎簪记》:“余一周之内,须同 四川 友人重赴 西湖 ,愧未能如子意也。”

  4. 指一周年。

    《宋书·刘康祖传》:“ 太祖 欲大举北伐, 康祖 以岁月已晚,请待明年,上以 河北 义徒并起,若顿兵一周,沮向义之志,不许。”



  1. His health condition will permit him to return to his work after a week's home recovery is normal.


  2. Serbia's government might have had a bad week.


  3. This week is a time to be mindful of this common bond which is at the heart of all the world's great religions.


  4. I've also made some tweaks to my website, so it's serving up pages more efficiently than it was a week ago.


  5. The survey also showed that soda and other sugar-based drinks are the choice of 80% of junior high school students at least twice a week.


  6. Ballack has had just over a week of training and it doesn't surprise me that players in this situation become injured.


  7. In a follow-up Tweet, he said he expected the app to be approved within a week.


  8. Ken it's an important match. If you let me watch the football you can watch whatever you want for a week.


  9. For a week, these pilot whales, mostly mothers and calves, had been spotted swimming together.


  1. 至少有一周

    at least a week.

  2. 多事的一周

    an eventful week.

  3. 也许一天,也许一周

    Could be a day. Could be a week.

  4. 大约在一周之前。

    About a week age.

  5. 后内结环一周

    Salchow jump

  6. 职场人的一周

    Weekend of working people

  7. 我一周都在这里

    I'll be here all week!

  8. 华尔街展望平静一周

    Wall Street looks ahead to quiet week

  9. 向前翻腾转体一周

    forward somersault l twit

  10. 沿旧城墙绕行一周

    the circuit of the old city walls

  11. 浸泡在马桶中一周

    all marinating in a toilet for a week.

  12. 一周之后即准备妥当。

    It will be ready in a week.

  13. 记忆里最糟的一周!

    One of the worst I can remember!

  14. 一周之内她就会怀孕。

    She'd be pregnant.

  15. 不管好坏, 一周已经开始。

    For better or for worse, the weekend had started.

  16. 不管好坏,一周已经开始。

    For better or for worse, the weekend had started.

  17. 一周之后, 合资公司成立了。

    A week later the joint venture is set up.

  18. 一周之中哪天最郁闷?

    Which days are the most depressed in a week?

  19. 我爸妈让我禁足一周

    So my parents grounded me for a week.

  20. 地球绕太阳一周是一年。

    It makes a year when the earth finishes a circuit around the sun.

  21. 感觉整个一周都要下雨。

    Well it looks like it’s going to rain the entire week.

  22. 大吟游诗人光彩的一周

    Big Week for the Bard.

  23. 据传会议将延期一周召开。

    It was noised about that the meeting would be postponed for a week.

  24. 好紧张的一周,简直如坐针毡。

    What a week! I was in pins and needles the entier time.

  25. 货物将在一周以内运到。

    The freight was to be delivered in less than a week.

  26. 货物将在一周以内运到。

    The freight was to be delivered in less than a week.

  27. 这是我社会服务最后一周

    It's my last week of community service.

  28. 她因为大家被延后了一周

    She got suspended for a week for getting in a fight.

  29. 值得注意的是拖沓的一周又一周。

    It's the dragging weeks to watch for.

  30. 去赢取你最美好的一周!

    Go have your best week ever!


  1. 问:一周拼音怎么拼?一周的读音是什么?一周翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周的读音是yīzhōu,一周翻译成英文是 a week

  2. 问:一周拼音怎么拼?一周的读音是什么?一周翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周的读音是yìzhōu,一周翻译成英文是 one week

  3. 问:一周两次拼音怎么拼?一周两次的读音是什么?一周两次翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周两次的读音是Yìzhōu liǎngcì,一周两次翻译成英文是 twice a week

  4. 问:一周的拼音怎么拼?一周的的读音是什么?一周的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周的的读音是,一周的翻译成英文是 hebdomadal

  5. 问:一周之半拼音怎么拼?一周之半的读音是什么?一周之半翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周之半的读音是,一周之半翻译成英文是 midweek

  6. 问:一周半跳拼音怎么拼?一周半跳的读音是什么?一周半跳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周半跳的读音是,一周半跳翻译成英文是 Axel jump

  7. 问:一周之半的拼音怎么拼?一周之半的的读音是什么?一周之半的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周之半的的读音是,一周之半的翻译成英文是 midweek

  8. 问:一周情报报告拼音怎么拼?一周情报报告的读音是什么?一周情报报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周情报报告的读音是yì zhōu qíng bào bào gào,一周情报报告翻译成英文是 Weekly Intelligence Report

  9. 问:一周情报评述拼音怎么拼?一周情报评述的读音是什么?一周情报评述翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一周情报评述的读音是yì zhōu qíng bào píng shù,一周情报评述翻译成英文是 Weekly Intelligence Review