




1. 都 [dū]2. 都 [dōu]都 [dū]大都市:~市。~会。通~大邑。一国的最高行政机关所在的地方,京城:首~。国~。京~。建~。美好:“雍容闲雅,甚~”。~丽。~雅。总:~为一集。居:“~卿相之位”。古代称头目、首领。姓。都 [……





汉语拼音:yì dū hù






  1. 突厥语音译。我国古代 高昌回鹘 等突厥语诸部首领的称号,意为“幸福之主”或“神圣陛下”。一说,借用汉语官名“都护”加词首元音“亦”而成。

    《元史·巴而朮阿而忒的斤传》:“亦都护者, 高昌 国主号也。”



  1. 网络
  2. Iduq-qut;iduqut;idi-qut

  1. 刃较短而阔, 护手亦都包上了护胶。

    With shorter but wider blades. The hooks and knuckle bars are also padded.

  2. 都护暗沙。

    North viper Shoal or Seahorse.

  3. 都护将军的职责应与统领若干军队的护军相同。

    The duty of douhu general should be like that of the Hujun commanding several troops.

  4. 而负载量亦都稍高, 有可能是为方便轮椅运送。

    And the capacity is slightly higher, possibly to cater for wheelchair transportation.

  5. 出身农民,贞观时从军兼安东都护,封平阳郡公。

    Peasant origin, when the military and Anton Zhenguan are conservation, Pingyangjun gong closure.

  6. 一切都亦非常人所能承受, 所以不是每个人都能成为英雄。

    All these people are also very affordable, so not everyone can become a hero.

  7. 每只雄帝企鹅都要护着它的蛋度过56月间南极严酷的寒冬。

    Each male emperor penguin holds his egg throughout the brutal, Antarctic winter months of May and June.

  8. 口红和护发素都是化妆品。

    Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics.

  9. 政府改革历来都是亦得亦失。

    Attempts to reform government have always had a mixed record.

  10. 大多数政府将不得不削减开支或加税,亦或两者都要实施。

    Most will have to slash spending, or increase taxes, or do both.

  11. 凡是有美国带头的地方,别国都会亦步亦趋。

    Where the United States leads, others are following.

  12. 不论你是油性或干性发质, 都不要让护发素接触头皮。

    Whether you have oily or dry hair, never apply your hair conditioner to the scalp.

  13. 西域都护府

    safeguard city in the western region.

  14. 公元前60年,设置西域都护府。

    In 60 B.C., the Western Regions Frontier Command was established.

  15. 作为安全保护,它们都得戴着护膝。

    For protection, they WILL wear kneepads.

  16. 有关安南都护府的几个问题

    Some Issues About Annan Supervision Office

  17. 即使是国王,亦或流浪汉,都会坚信爱情常在。

    Its enough to make kings and vagabonds, believe the very best.

  18. 安西四镇的称谓,自安西都护府迁到龟兹后,就已出现。

    The name four garrison commands of Anxi appeared after the Anxi Frontier Command was moved to Kuche.

  19. 整个上午她都在辛苦地清洗护具。

    She slaved away the whole morning cleaning the cooker.

  20. 两人都戴着安全帽和护耳垫。

    Both men were wearing hard hats and protective ear pads.

  21. 明代各个重刻本都出自浙本,亦无出自蜀刻之书。

    All the editions of Ming Dynasty originate from the Zhe edition.

  22. 把握好自己得人生, 一切都会很平静, 亦美好。

    Life, all cities finishing grasping myself very calm, also fine.

  23. 把握好自己的人生,一切都会很平静,亦美好。

    Life, all cities finishing grasping myself very calm, also fine.

  24. 但是, 一切都会有尽头, 罗马亦复如是。

    But everything has to end eventually, and so did the glory of Rome.

  25. 而他们亦可这样对你 双方都不用动手术

    and they can attempt to do the same to you, without either of you having to perform surgery.

  26. 没有安全感的孩子都喜欢拚命的怀疑。我亦是这样。

    Insecure kids like desperate doubt. I also like this.

  27. 每张刮刮彩票都是奖金, 若不为你亦为他人。

    Every scratch card is prized. If not for you, for someone else.

  28. 怪不得都说要凡事贵在坚持, 写文字亦是如此。

    No wonder that to everything, is also the case with written text.

  29. 无论是运动前亦或是运动后,您都可以在这里小憩。

    No matter before exercise or after, you can always take a break here!

  30. 所有得事物都按着神天父般得眷护而发生。

    All things happen to God's fatherly providence.