


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:zhǔ bīn








  1. 犹主次。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·辞义》:“故八音形器异而钟律同,黼黻文物殊而五色均,徒闲涩有主宾,妍蚩有步骤。”

  2. 主人和宾客。

    宋 洪咨夔 《满江红·老人游东山追和俞贰卿词谨用韵》词:“把酒西风,浑莫问,主宾谁恶。”《镜花缘》第八三回:“鸡黍殷勤款洽,主宾情意堪嘉。”

  3. 正宾。

    宋 王禹偁 《射宫选士赋》:“其中也得为主宾,其争也是谓君子。”



  1. The one who approach bottoms up, can be to wishing the host, main guest of alcoholic verba, can be the body of any other present alcohol.


  2. Even some of the guests to dinner in position, identity, and older than the guest, but in the guest host is still the center of attention.


  3. South Korea's first lady was a guest of honor at a G-20 formal style gala, a show of evening wear and a Creative Floral Performance.


  4. Next year's guest of honour is China, and I'm hoping for something akin to the grandeur of the Olympics opening ceremony in Frankfurt.


  5. Chapter One is an overview of the subject-object reversible sentence of which predicate is verb-complement structure.


  6. This year's Frankfurt book fair, the Chinese as a collective, digital publishing is one of the primary key.


  7. Compelling Chinese collective House and finally unraveled the mystery of it.


  8. The next most honored guest, like your girlfriend, will be seated to the left of the guest of honor.


  9. Turkey, you see, was the guest of honour this year.


  1. 大会主宾致词

    Speech by Guest of Honour, Mr. Foo Jong Peng, President of Hainan Hwee Kuan.

  2. 约兹医生是主宾。

    Dr. Yoetz was the guest of honor.

  3. 坐在主宾的下手

    sit on the right hand of the chief guest

  4. 这就主宾颠倒了。

    That would be reversal of the order of host and guest.

  5. 主宾同形结构探析

    Approach to the structure of subject and object with the same form

  6. 主宾在女主人右上方。

    The guest of honour is seated on the right side of the hostess.

  7. 汉语主宾位的语意研究

    A semantic study of transitivity relations in Chinese

  8. 约翰在这次聚会上是主宾。

    John figured as chief guest at the party.

  9. 主宾11点才到, 这时晚会已结束。

    The chief guest appeared at 11 oclock, when the party was over.

  10. 正式场合列队欢迎客人的主人或主宾

    receiving line

  11. 要知道,土耳其是今年的主宾国。

    Turkey, you see, was the guest of honour this year.

  12. 罗杰以主宾的身份出现在聚会上。

    Roger figured as chief guest at the party.

  13. 罗杰以主宾得身份出现在聚会上。

    Roger figured as chief guest at the party.

  14. 即使她是主宾, 她的打扮仍然很不招眼。

    she was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor.

  15. 虽然她是主宾,但她得打扮仍然很朴素。

    She was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor.

  16. 虽然她是主宾,但她的打扮仍然很朴素。

    She was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor.

  17. 虽然她是主宾,但她的打扮仍然很朴素。

    She was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor.

  18. 斟酒的顺序是先主人,次主宾,然后才是其他客人。

    Wine is the order of the first host, times, and then is the guest of other guests.

  19. 客人饮完后,也同样做,以示主宾之间的友谊和亲密。

    After the guests drink, but also do the same to show the guest of honor and the intimate friendship between.

  20. 反之,则应按传统方式来坐,主宾坐上首,其他客人坐在下首。

    Otherwise, then should sit according to the traditional way, master sits the head, other visitors sit in the right hand seat.


  1. 问:主宾动语序拼音怎么拼?主宾动语序的读音是什么?主宾动语序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主宾动语序的读音是,主宾动语序翻译成英文是 Subject–object–verb