


改正,修改:~正。考~。校(jiào )~。修~。约定,立(契约):~立。~购。~约。用线、铁丝、书钉把书页、纸张连在一起:装~。制定:~计划。评议:“两刃相割,利钝乃知;二论相~,是非乃见”。……





汉语拼音:dìng huò








  1. 预订产品或货物。




  1. If our order is in a large amount, how much will you bring your price down?


  2. How often should you order, and how much, to minimize the total of your ordering and storage costs?


  3. To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you.


  4. When I fixed the price with you last time . I told you repeatedly that it was for the trial order only, Just to help you to get a start.


  5. I'm ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Finland.


  6. The order No. 105 is so urgently required that we have to ask you to speed up shipment.


  7. Robinson, but we had a call a few moments ago from Mr. Black. He said he was talking with Duke about the order.


  8. will have to know how much you can guarantee first.


  9. Attention If the packing list is not the same as you had ordered or the product has any question , please contact our company immediately .


  1. 订货通知单

    an order slip.

  2. 确认订货。

    This is to confirm mytelephone ord.

  3. 订货付现款

    cash with order.

  4. 订货承诺书

    confirmation of order.

  5. 不接受订货

    Cannot accept new order

  6. 采购订货量

    purchase order quantity

  7. 备件订货点

    Ordering point of spare parts.

  8. 缺货与订货

    Being out of Stock and Ordering.

  9. 向某人订货

    to indent upon somebody for goods.

  10. 被迫取洮订货

    be compelled to cancel the order

  11. 客户大量订货。

    The client places a large order.

  12. 最低订货量

    minimum quantity per order.

  13. 逾期未到订货

    past due order

  14. 她取消了订货。

    She cancelled her order.

  15. 备件订货点法

    Ordering point method of spare parts.

  16. 完成订货, 已交货

    To complete an order

  17. 交付积压的订货

    to fill orders backlogged

  18. 集装箱订货单

    container despatch order

  19. 完成订货,已交货。

    To complete an order.

  20. 标准经济订货量

    standard economic ordering quantity

  21. 外商看样订货

    Foreign businessman will order goods after inspecing samples

  22. 按需订货法

    Lot for Lot.

  23. 最优订货量

    optimum order quantity.

  24. 我们正在考虑订货。

    We are thinking of placing an order.

  25. 耐用品新订货量

    new orders for durable goods

  26. 追查逾期得订货单。

    chase up a delayed order

  27. 追查逾期的订货单。

    chase up a delayed order

  28. 本店承接预约订货。

    Our shop accepts advance orders.

  29. 我们得从国外订货。

    We have to order it from overseas.

  30. 备件定期订货法

    Periodic ordering method of spare parts


  1. 问:订货拼音怎么拼?订货的读音是什么?订货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货的读音是dìnghuò,订货翻译成英文是 order goods

  2. 问:订货拼音怎么拼?订货的读音是什么?订货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货的读音是dìnghuò,订货翻译成英文是 book an order

  3. 问:订货拼音怎么拼?订货的读音是什么?订货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货的读音是dìnghuò,订货翻译成英文是 Order

  4. 问:订货书拼音怎么拼?订货书的读音是什么?订货书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货书的读音是dìng huò shū,订货书翻译成英文是 order of goods

  5. 问:订货信拼音怎么拼?订货信的读音是什么?订货信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货信的读音是dìng huò xìn,订货信翻译成英文是 letter orders

  6. 问:订货单拼音怎么拼?订货单的读音是什么?订货单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货单的读音是dìnghuòdān,订货单翻译成英文是 order for goods

  7. 问:订货量拼音怎么拼?订货量的读音是什么?订货量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货量的读音是dìng huò liàng,订货量翻译成英文是 volume of order

  8. 问:订货交易拼音怎么拼?订货交易的读音是什么?订货交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货交易的读音是dìng huò jiāo yì,订货交易翻译成英文是 forward contract

  9. 问:订货付款拼音怎么拼?订货付款的读音是什么?订货付款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货付款的读音是dìng huò fù kuǎn,订货付款翻译成英文是 cash in order

  10. 问:订货付现拼音怎么拼?订货付现的读音是什么?订货付现翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货付现的读音是dìng huò fù xiàn,订货付现翻译成英文是 cash in order

  11. 问:订货发票拼音怎么拼?订货发票的读音是什么?订货发票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货发票的读音是dìng huò fā piào,订货发票翻译成英文是 copy order

  12. 问:订货合同拼音怎么拼?订货合同的读音是什么?订货合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货合同的读音是dìng huò hé tóng,订货合同翻译成英文是 contract for goods

  13. 问:订货周期拼音怎么拼?订货周期的读音是什么?订货周期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货周期的读音是dìng huò zhōu qī,订货周期翻译成英文是 order cycle

  14. 问:订货商品拼音怎么拼?订货商品的读音是什么?订货商品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货商品的读音是dìng huò shāng pǐn,订货商品翻译成英文是 ordered goods

  15. 问:订货图纸拼音怎么拼?订货图纸的读音是什么?订货图纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货图纸的读音是dìng huò tú zhǐ,订货图纸翻译成英文是 drawing for order

  16. 问:订货增加拼音怎么拼?订货增加的读音是什么?订货增加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货增加的读音是dìng huò zēng jiā,订货增加翻译成英文是 increase in orders

  17. 问:订货时间拼音怎么拼?订货时间的读音是什么?订货时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货时间的读音是dìng huò shí jiān,订货时间翻译成英文是 Order Time

  18. 问:订货生产拼音怎么拼?订货生产的读音是什么?订货生产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货生产的读音是dìng huò shēng chǎn,订货生产翻译成英文是 production to order

  19. 问:订货确认拼音怎么拼?订货确认的读音是什么?订货确认翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货确认的读音是dìng huò què rèn,订货确认翻译成英文是 book confirmation

  20. 问:订货单编号拼音怎么拼?订货单编号的读音是什么?订货单编号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:订货单编号的读音是dìng huò dān biān hào,订货单编号翻译成英文是 Demand Order Number



订货dìng huò一般是在付订金后卖家才向买家发货的购销方法订就是预订所以订金一般在交易取消时需要退还作为合法的合约都应该违约责任即使是没有事先申明也有法律意义上基于公平原则的默认兜底违约责任订涉及的违约责任都是非常宽松或者直接免于惩罚